Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So say all the hypocrites. I was not in the least offended.... BECAUSE I hear worse every single day everywhere I go. Housewives, kids, liberals, rednecks, gas station attendants......

Typical libs living in La La Land pretending like they are cleaner rats than others that walk this planet.

It's not the word so much that offends, heard every cuss word in the book. It's just yet another example of a highly unprofessional president 'at work'. To put it in context, it's generally policy not to use 'foul language' in the workplace and certainly not if clients or visitors are about. You can get fired for it.


Well-known member
I'd still like to hear audio of Trump actually saying it, or the name of the person reporting it, so his/her story can be verified against others in attendance. I really don't think that's asking a lot.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'd still like to hear audio of Trump actually saying it, or the name of the person reporting it, so his/her story can be verified against others in attendance. I really don't think that's asking a lot.

To be fair I'd like it to be verified completely as well, although I have no difficulty in believing it's more likely than not to have occurred...


Well-known member
It's not the word so much that offends, heard every cuss word in the book. It's just yet another example of a highly unprofessional president 'at work'. To put it in context, it's generally policy not to use 'foul language' in the workplace and certainly not if clients or visitors are about. You can get fired for it.

The closed meeting they were in is common, and that kind of language in those meetings is not uncommon.

If you think it is, then you haven't been paying attention.



I'd still like to hear audio of Trump actually saying it, or the name of the person reporting it, so his/her story can be verified against others in attendance. I really don't think that's asking a lot.

What makes you think that Presidents record conversations in the Oval Office - given that it was the audio tapes that put the "nails" in Nixon's "coffin" during the Watergate Hearings?

Well, AB, that's because you HATE Trump so much, you WANT it to be TRUE.

Of the 4 Senators in the Oval Office, 1 reported Trump's comments, 1 Republican says he dealt with the President in private and 2 Republicans say they can't recall the comment - but failed to assert that Trump was misquoted!

When asked to confirm the comment Thursday night, the White House dodged the question, but never issued an outright denial!
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User Name

Greatest poster ever
Nunes was cleared and the Mueller investigation is falling apart, imploding and eating itself. All they can do is point to Trump's hair and his dirty mouth.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if this is how it turns out. Remember that the Repukelicans spent $100 million investigating Clinton's many scandals, and all they managed to come up with was a semen-stained dress, while people lower on the totem pole took the fall for Billery. The Repukelicans and the Demonrats are a duopoly. They may talk up a good game, but ultimately, one hand washes the other.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The closed meeting they were in is common, and that kind of language in those meetings is not uncommon.

If you think it is, then you haven't been paying attention.

It's not the language that's in question here really, although I've yet to be in a business meeting where f bombs or the like etc were dropped and believe it or not I've been in a few. It's a complete lack of professionalism and ill thought out at best if Trump said what he's accused of. Naive as well.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if this is how it turns out. Remember that the Repukelicans spent $100 million investigating Clinton's many scandals, and all they managed to come up with was a semen-stained dress, while people lower on the totem pole took the fall for Billery. The Repukelicans and the Demonrats are a duopoly. They may talk up a good game, but ultimately, one hand washes the other.

Pretty much like the conservative and labour parties in the UK. No appreciable difference.



Nunes was cleared and the Mueller investigation is falling apart, imploding and eating itself. All they can do is point to Trump's hair and his dirty mouth.

Nunes has no credibility and should have been replaced!

Mueller has Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos and Trump's financial records -we're about to find out the real reason as to why "The Donald" won't make his tax returns public!


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame

Once again conservative Christians are bending over backwards trying to "defend" the "indefensible!"

With every incident they not only compromise their personal integrity, but undermine the very message of the religion that they claim to profess!
Who is saying it was not a naughty word?????

And you need to stop posting sacrilegious images related to our Crucified Lord Jesus Christ.
No man should be imaged as our crucified Lord.
Joking pics of Trump are expected from the leftists, but pics like that are going too far.
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Well-known member
And you need to stop posting sacrilegious images related to our Crucified Lord Jesus Christ.
No man should be imaged as our crucified Lord.
Joking pics of Trump are expected from the leftists, but pics like that are going too far.



President Bill Clinton ----------------------------------------- President Donald Trump

Who is saying it was not a naughty word?????

And you need to stop posting sacrilegious images related to our Crucified Lord Jesus Christ.
No man should be imaged as our crucified Lord.
Joking pics of Trump are expected from the leftists, but pics like that are going too far.

What Trump said isn't "naughty" - it was a "racist" slur pure and simple and if that wasn't his intention, why hasn't he addressed the nation from the Oval Office to correct that impression?

What is truly sacrilegious is not only Trump's arrogance that his life is so exemplary that he has no need to seek God's forgiveness from sin, but reinforced by the decision by many conservative Christians to wilfully ignore those verses of Scripture rebuking those who follow that route!

"I try to lead a life where I don't have to ask God for forgiveness ... Why do I have to repent? Why do I have to ask forgiveness if you're not making mistakes?"
- Donald Trump

1 John 1:8-10
8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
10 If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.
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Gary K

New member
This is another case where I think Trump is hurt by his past. With him it's easier to look at this as driven by racism. But you're correct that it need not be based in that. It could simply stem from his belief that immigration should be merit-based. But even then he appears to be broad-brushing entire countries as not having anyone worth coming here. In the system he wants people would be judged based on what they can do for us so what does a country's overall education, safety, wealth, stability, etc. have to do with it? You can argue for merit-based immigration without denigrating entire nations.

Paul Ryan called the comments unfortunate and unhelpful. At the very least I think that's true, whether or not racism lies beneath as well.

That is not Trump's point. And he has made his point over and over again while the media and the leftists have ignored it. He has said that because verifying who the people are that come out of the countries is so difficult that it is next to impossible to know who they are. Thus we are wide open to importing terrorists. He has a very valid point that every one of his political opponents have ignored, and that includes the media.

This is another one of Trump's policies that are based upon common sense and respect and caring for the US citizen. Importing people that are impossible to identify is something no nation on earth should do. To do so is to open your doors to those who hate you the most. it is nothing more than self-destructive and self-defeating behavior.



That is not Trump's point. And he has made his point over and over again while the media and the leftists have ignored it. He has said that because verifying who the people are that come out of the countries is so difficult that it is next to impossible to know who they are. Thus we are wide open to importing terrorists. He has a very valid point that every one of his political opponents have ignored, and that includes the media.

This is another one of Trump's policies that are based upon common sense and respect and caring for the US citizen. Importing people that are impossible to identify is something no nation on earth should do. To do so is to open your doors to those who hate you the most. it is nothing more than self-destructive and self-defeating behavior.
The majority of terrorists involved in 9/11, and other incidents in the US, come from Saudi Arabia, so why hasn't the Trump Administration, in its infinite wisdom, placed that country on its travel ban?

In fact, not one citizen from any of the countries listed on the proposed travel ban (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen) has been responsible for a terrorist act in the US!

As part of their election promises, the Liberal government in Canada brought in 25000 Syrian refugees at the end of 2016/early 2017 - a nation listed on the US travel ban!

A year later, not one of those 25000 refugees has been arrested for committing a terrorist act!
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Gary K

New member
I was referring to big business, conglomerates, corporations, banks etc, not small businesses. Government/big business are practically one and the same although I should have clarified that. Obviously that doesn't apply to small businesses as they aren't the ones with the power and suffer through all sorts of regulations imposed by government although that's often dictated by economic climate as much as anything. I'm sorry for your wife's business as I've seen the impact on several over here over the years but whatever administration was in power it would have been the same.

What exact regulations are you referring to here? Please expound or link.

It depends on what you mean by 'openly taught'. As far as I'm aware, schools aren't supposed to be proselytizing on any faith although teaching that there's more than one is simply fact. The notion that Christianity is being 'suppressed' only holds if you think it's the only religion that should be mentioned in education. Else, no.

Funny, certain far right zealots on here want to impose their particular brand of 'righteous regulation' as part of civic government to the point of executing homosexuals and adulterers along with other laws that impose on people's freedoms. Would you call them socialists too? Don't get me wrong, I'm fed up with plenty of government regulations that impact on life but it's not like we live in a totalitarian state that would make you disappear just for a dissenting voice either.

Back in 2013 it was estimated that the business regs then in place, and Obama laid them on even thicker during the last couple of years of his administration, required 772,000 full-time employees a year to comply with the paperwork. Now, here we have 3/4 of a million people being paid for producing nothing. Those are wages and benefits paid to produce no income for the businesses that have to hire them. That means that those businesses, without all that regulation, could have produced more product, higher profit, and thus paid higher wages, or created more jobs. Regulation is nothing but a serious drain on an economy.

Take a look at the following link. Look at all the money that flows into doing nothing but satisfying paper work. All of that labor produces no wealth for it produces absolutely zip. A company making widgets makes no more widgets because of everything they spend on paperwork. It's just an expense that has to be paid for which ends up in higher costs to the consumer to buy the widgets the company makes. Take a look at the costs per employee to comply with regs. This is for large corporations and for small businesses.

Think about some company that employes 30,000 people and has to pay that $8000+ cost every year. Figured at an even $8 grand per employee that's an expense of $240 million a year. Now what company couldn't use that kind of cash to upgrade production equipment, build a new building, invest in training programs for their employees, pay higher wages, etc..... Is that what you call no big deal for big business?

How about the small businessman who gets hit with $10,000+ per employee. A business with 4 employees could hire another employee at $35K a year and produce more product or sell greater services. You think that isn't a major drain on the economy? Small businesses are the major job creators in the US.

This is the sure result of socialism. it is a massive drain on every economy. Europe wonders why it is such a slow-growth economy and why their economies stagnate. Well, the answer is Brussels. Once Obama got elected and his policies slowed the US economy down to almost nothing that business environment was called "the new normal". Can you even wonder why when you look at all the regulation he forced on business?

Oh, and the legislation passed that gives government bureacrats the ability to take over a business and throw an owner in jail if he squawks publicly? Dodd-Frank. And don't think that, at least in the US, that a person can't be made to disappear without due process. Obama signed two separate EOs that did this. One said all he had to do was accuse a person of terrorism and without any due process they were in jail until he decided to let them go. And he signed another EO that let him kill anyone he accused of terrorism with no due process. I don't know if they are still effective now, but under Obama's administration at least the government could disappear anyone they wanted on nothing more than an accusation.

Pure totalitarianism and blatantly unconstitutional.