Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Dude, you are so brainwashed it's pitiful. You believe the world is what you see on your "telly" and on your innernets. All scripted, biased and filled with lies.

The irony meters are on overload PJ. You see the guy through rose tinted glasses and ignore anything that disrupts that cosy little hero worship you have going on. I've seen what this guy tried to do to people in Scotland, his abuse of power, his gormless tweets (not least the doozy about endorsing a nutball white supremacist outfit over here) etc. The list goes on and it's not some 'left wing conspiracy' or some such dude.

Gary K

New member
There's nothing I can do whether it's the will of God or not but hope that Trump's time is limited and someone qualified is put in office, hopefully someone who doesn't boast about how he can grope women and get away with it...

Come on, Arthur, let's get a little bit honest. It wasn't an embarrassment to the US and France when Obama and Zarkosy turned and stared at a woman's butt on the stage of an international meeting? That's fine, but anything Trump does is evil? How about Obama going in front of the media cameras and repeating the same lies over and over again, such as if you like your doctor you can keep him, and if you like your insurance plan you can keep it? Those inconsequential little lies that cost 10s of millions of people both their preferred doctors and their insurance plans are just meaningless and no embarrassment to anyone, right? What matters it if a nation's leader goes on camera and outright lies to the citizens about what he's doing to them? No embarrassment there, right? How about Obama going around and apologizing to the world for who we are? No big deal right? If that is such a great thing, why don't we see British politicians going around and apologizing for all the nastiness Britain has wreaked upon the world? Why don't we see French, Italian,, Dutch, and German's all doing the same thing? You know, those people who see Trump as such an "embarrassment". Those people who are angry that they aren't going to get the 100s of billions of giveaway dollars that Obama was going to snatch out of the average American's pockets and give to the rest of the world. Those same people who raised such as stink about Trump pulling out of the Paris accord, which is nothing more than a con game, and now have begun pulling out themselves as they don't want to put out the money required. No hypocrisy and embarrassment there. No. Nada. Zip. They all feign outrage over Trump actually looking out for the best interests of US citizens. Something no US president has done for a long time. Angela Merkel was "so upset" over Trump, yet her own people are showing just how much they dislike what she's been doing after they see a US president stand up for his own people. I'm sure the Poles, Serbs, Hungarians, Austrians really see Trump as an embarrassment when they agree with much of what Trump wants to do here and what they have done in their own nations as per open borders and immigration. Those nations are all beginning to stand up against the overly self-important arrogant bureaucracy of Brussels and the EU. Britain left and it would be no surprise to me to see a bunch of other countries stand up and say no more to the very things Trump is fighting against and walk out of the bureaucratic nightmare called the EU.

You people all say he is a Nazi, but he's the one working to reduce the power of government, not make it all-encompassing. He is the one getting rid of the rule of bureaucrats on a regular basis. So far he has gotten rid of 22 regulations for every one his administration has created. No president in the US has done anything like it since maybe Warren G. Harding,, the so-called "do nothing" president who actually accomplished a lot for US citizens by not being so arrogant that he thought he was smarter than all of his constituents combined like Obama, the Democrats, and the RINOs all do, and he is hated and mocked by those who want government to keep on expanding its power and control.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Do you believe, you would have been a more 'Viable' candidate? I love to hear/see people describing Trump as being, retarded, insane, an Alzheimer's victim,(Dementia) and incapable of being the leader of the free world, and yet, Hillary and 16 or so other candidates were crushed by a retarded, insane, Alzheimer victim? That must be embarrassing for those people. If a so-called "Mentally Ill" person is capable of winning the election over you, that must say something about YOU; Hillary and the rest. You must accept the idea that a man you now think is retarded, etc, was able to override you. How embarrassing for Hillary and the rest.

I believe a bacon sandwich would have been a more viable candidate, and as you should know it's not just the candidate themselves who win elections but a good number of people as overall part of a campaign. Whether Trump is in the stages of dementia or not, he's not qualified to be president.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Come on, Arthur, let's get a little bit honest. It wasn't an embarrassment to the US and France when Obama and Zarkosy turned and stared at a woman's butt on the stage of an international meeting? That's fine, but anything Trump does is evil? How about Obama going in front of the media cameras and repeating the same lies over and over again, such as if you like your doctor you can keep him, and if you like your insurance plan you can keep it? Those inconsequential little lies that cost 10s of millions of people both their preferred doctors and their insurance plans are just meaningless and no embarrassment to anyone, right? What matters it if a nation's leader goes on camera and outright lies to the citizens about what he's doing to them? No embarrassment there, right? How about Obama going around and apologizing to the world for who we are? No big deal right? If that is such a great thing, why don't we see British politicians going around and apologizing for all the nastiness Britain has wreaked upon the world? Why don't we see French, Italian,, Dutch, and German's all doing the same thing? You know, those people who see Trump as such an "embarrassment". Those people who are angry that they aren't going to get the 100s of billions of giveaway dollars that Obama was going to snatch out of the average American's pockets and give to the rest of the world. Those same people who raised such as stink about Trump pulling out of the Paris accord, which is nothing more than a con game, and now have begun pulling out themselves as they don't want to put out the money required. No hypocrisy and embarrassment there. No. Nada. Zip. They all feign outrage over Trump actually looking out for the best interests of US citizens. Something no US president has done for a long time. Angela Merkel was "so upset" over Trump, yet her own people are showing just how much they dislike what she's been doing after they see a US president stand up for his own people. I'm sure the Poles, Serbs, Hungarians, Austrians really see Trump as an embarrassment when they agree with much of what Trump wants to do here and what they have done in their own nations as per open borders and immigration. Those nations are all beginning to stand up against the overly self-important arrogant bureaucracy of Brussels and the EU. Britain left and it would be no surprise to me to see a bunch of other countries stand up and say no more to the very things Trump is fighting against and walk out of the bureaucratic nightmare called the EU.

You people all say he is a Nazi, but he's the one working to reduce the power of government, not make it all-encompassing. He is the one getting rid of the rule of bureaucrats on a regular basis. So far he has gotten rid of 22 regulations for every one his administration has created. No president in the US has done anything like it since maybe Warren G. Harding,, the so-called "do nothing" president who actually accomplished a lot for US citizens by not being so arrogant that he thought he was smarter than all of his constituents combined like Obama, the Democrats, and the RINOs all do, and he is hated and mocked by those who want government to keep on expanding its power and control.

Good post.

patrick jane

The irony meters are on overload PJ. You see the guy through rose tinted glasses and ignore anything that disrupts that cosy little hero worship you have going on. I've seen what this guy tried to do to people in Scotland, his abuse of power, his gormless tweets (not least the doozy about endorsing a nutball white supremacist outfit over here) etc. The list goes on and it's not some 'left wing conspiracy' or some such dude.
Try to see the big picture Art and stop focusing on tweets and golf courses, that's what the scripted biased media wants. It works on the majority of dumb people around the world.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I believe a bacon sandwich would have been a more viable candidate, and as you should know it's not just the candidate themselves who win elections but a good number of people as overall part of a campaign. Whether Trump is in the stages of dementia or not, he's not qualified to be president.

So says a "True Englishman" with a chip on his shoulder, because "WE" decided to break away from your King many years ago and created our own little country, which happens to be the most powerful nation on the face of the earth. Another reason why you BRITS are so "enraged and jealous."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
We ought to send Obama over to England. Perhaps they'd really embrace his "far-left" ideas. Oh, wait, they already have, for the most part. Right, AB?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Come on, Arthur, let's get a little bit honest. It wasn't an embarrassment to the US and France when Obama and Zarkosy turned and stared at a woman's butt on the stage of an international meeting? That's fine, but anything Trump does is evil? How about Obama going in front of the media cameras and repeating the same lies over and over again, such as if you like your doctor you can keep him, and if you like your insurance plan you can keep it? Those inconsequential little lies that cost 10s of millions of people both their preferred doctors and their insurance plans are just meaningless and no embarrassment to anyone, right? What matters it if a nation's leader goes on camera and outright lies to the citizens about what he's doing to them? No embarrassment there, right? How about Obama going around and apologizing to the world for who we are? No big deal right? If that is such a great thing, why don't we see British politicians going around and apologizing for all the nastiness Britain has wreaked upon the world? Why don't we see French, Italian,, Dutch, and German's all doing the same thing? You know, those people who see Trump as such an "embarrassment". Those people who are angry that they aren't going to get the 100s of billions of giveaway dollars that Obama was going to snatch out of the average American's pockets and give to the rest of the world. Those same people who raised such as stink about Trump pulling out of the Paris accord, which is nothing more than a con game, and now have begun pulling out themselves as they don't want to put out the money required. No hypocrisy and embarrassment there. No. Nada. Zip. They all feign outrage over Trump actually looking out for the best interests of US citizens. Something no US president has done for a long time. Angela Merkel was "so upset" over Trump, yet her own people are showing just how much they dislike what she's been doing after they see a US president stand up for his own people. I'm sure the Poles, Serbs, Hungarians, Austrians really see Trump as an embarrassment when they agree with much of what Trump wants to do here and what they have done in their own nations as per open borders and immigration. Those nations are all beginning to stand up against the overly self-important arrogant bureaucracy of Brussels and the EU. Britain left and it would be no surprise to me to see a bunch of other countries stand up and say no more to the very things Trump is fighting against and walk out of the bureaucratic nightmare called the EU.

You people all say he is a Nazi, but he's the one working to reduce the power of government, not make it all-encompassing. He is the one getting rid of the rule of bureaucrats on a regular basis. So far he has gotten rid of 22 regulations for every one his administration has created. No president in the US has done anything like it since maybe Warren G. Harding,, the so-called "do nothing" president who actually accomplished a lot for US citizens by not being so arrogant that he thought he was smarter than all of his constituents combined like Obama, the Democrats, and the RINOs all do, and he is hated and mocked by those who want government to keep on expanding its power and control.

I've never called Trump a Nazi and nor do I think Obama's presidency was perfect or something either. Believe it or not I'm cynical where it comes to politics in general from any party, left to right. Trump's 'administration' has been a succession of embarrassments, sackings, tweets, gaffes all wrapped up in a surrounding aura of cover ups galore.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So says a "True Englishman" with a chip on his shoulder, because "WE" decided to break away from your King many years ago and created our own little country, which happens to be the most powerful nation on the face of the earth. Another reason why you BRITS are so "enraged and jealous."

Yes GM, I have sleepless nights over it because there's nothing more important in my life, seriously.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I don't want AB to think for a moment, I don't have any sympathy for him, I really am sorry for his far-left ideology and his delusionary reasoning. The problem is, I really cannot do anything about it.

I actually would want you to think for a moment. Who knows, it could escalate from there?
