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WATCH: Trump Campaign Drops New 'Ad' of Kamala, Reaches Troll Factor Eight​

By Ward Clark | 2:02 PM on September 14, 2024

If you've been reading my work for a while, you know I'm fond of Sun Tzu's famous work, "The Art of War." There are many nuggets of wisdom from Sun Tzu that apply to conflict of all sorts, including this one:

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
Donald Trump certainly knows himself, just as well as we all know him - "what you see is what you get" certainly applies to the former president. With a new "ad" drop on X, the Trump War Room account has shown that they understand Kamala Harris, as well, and that the best thing the Trump campaign and its supporters can do is to simply let her speak:

In case you can't bear to listen to Kamala Harris speaking for 11 minutes - and I can scarcely blame you for that, dear reader - what is presented is the uncut, unedited, full 10-plus minutes (yes, that's all it was, really) of the vice president's "interview" with a local ABC News affiliate in Philadelphia.
Bear in mind that this was a recorded, scripted interview, for which Kamala Harris almost certainly knew the questions in advance, in which she was tossed the softest softballs that ever softballed, and she still screwed it up. The Queen of Word Salads struck again, and her answers are precisely as nonsensical as we've come to expect. It would be embarrassing if it weren't so pathetic. The woman is just plain no good at this, and it shows.
