Trump Makes His Way Back to the Lead in Poll

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You are definitely the king (or queen) of the Straw Man argument.
Well, no.

I said "If he has a Reagan moment", but I never said "rise to the rhetorical level of Reagan."
Now try to imagine how he would have a Reagan moment in a debate without it involving rhetoric. I'll wait. :plain:

Maybe you should start your own forum so you can talk to yourself, because that's all you do here.
Maybe you should think more before you hit the "Post" button and save all of us from what follows otherwise.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Now try to imagine how he would have a Reagan moment in a debate without it involving rhetoric. I'll wait.

you're impressed by the rhetorical level of "I paid for this microphone" "we begin bombing in five minutes" and "there you go again" ? :freak:

reagan's best moments came from his plain outspokenness, his connection to the little guy, the guy who wasn't impressed by high levels of rhetoric

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
you're impressed by the rhetorical level of "I paid for this microphone" "we begin bombing in five minutes" and "there you go again" ? :freak:
I didn't define those as great Reagan moments, so no. There you go again. That phrase worked because of what followed it and because of how he framed the rebuttal in a genial, humorous tone of dismissal, ending with the asking of a simple, but rhetorically effective question, "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?".

Trump plays to fear and paranoia and his rhetoric is comparatively sophomoric. Reagan wasn't above using some of that, but it's not his best and most of what he offered was of a different cloth.

reagan's best moments came from his plain outspokenness, his connection to the little guy, the guy who wasn't impressed by high levels of rhetoric
High levels of rhetoric? Rhetoric is simply the art of persuasive speaking. It isn't about vocabulary, but how it is used. What we remember Reagan best for was a combination of poetic rhetorical splendor (D-day speech, Challenger speech, etc.) coupled with a frequently self-deprecating, accessible humor, and his championing of America as a dream whose best days were before her. That's what rallied people across a wide spectrum.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

you got a mouse in your pocket?
It's a rhetorical "we" as in "the public at large". And the proof is in the pudding you weren't able to address.

Hope you get some ointment for that eye...or your posterior. Whatever aches worse.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's a rhetorical "we" as in "the public at large".

ah - so now you presume to speak for "the public at large"

i shall call you .....

mr pretentious :darwinsm:

mr pretentious said:
And the proof is in the pudding you weren't able to address.

Hope you get some ointment for that eye...or your posterior. Whatever aches worse.

keep waving that flag at yourself :darwinsm:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
ah - so now you presume to speak for "the public at large"
In the same sense that noting baseball was America's game before football would be speaking for Americans, the way anything broadly known and related can be said to be that. Again, I offered more, which you won't address in your...smallness would seem to be the operative word.

Ah, well. You can have the last word here as well. What you can't have (and can't seem to exist for long without) is any more of my attention today.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
In the same sense that noting baseball was America's game before football would be speaking for Americans, the way anything broadly known and related can be said to be that. Again, I offered more, which you won't address in your...smallness would seem to be the operative word.

Ah, well. You can have the last word here as well. What you can't have (and can't seem to exist for long without) is any more of my attention today.


let's run that through the "pretentious jerk to plain english" translator and see what we get:

i'm butthurt that you called me out so i'm going to slink off and sulk


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
You know what's funny about that?
Just about everything. :eek:
the fact that you have absolutely no self-control?
or self-awareness?


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Meanwhile, Clinton's lead continues to shrink, according to FiveEightThirty and the odds are now a scant 59.8 to 40.1 in favor of Clinton winning the election.

538 Projections:

Electoral votes

Hillary Clinton: 288.8

Donald Trump:

Gary Johnson:

Popular vote

Hillary Clinton:

Donald Trump: 44.3%

Gary Johnson: 7.9%


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Trump cracks the Electoral College lock

A new round of state polls shows Donald Trump suddenly has a path to 270 electoral votes.

Just six weeks ago, Hillary Clinton's advantage in the Electoral College looked insurmountable. Now, based on the latest round of public polls, it's a different story.

If the election were held today, Donald Trump would apparently win roughly as many electoral votes as Hillary Clinton — who held a commanding lead in early August and seemed to be closing off all possible Trump routes to 270 electoral votes.

But state polling averages, which can be lagging indicators, are beginning to show Trump in the lead. According to POLITICO’s Battleground States polling average, Trump is now ahead in Iowa and Ohio — and he’s tied with Clinton in vote-rich Florida.

A slightly more aggressive estimate could add Nevada, North Carolina and one electoral vote in Maine to Trump’s tally: The New York real-estate magnate is ahead in the most recent polls in Nevada and North Carolina, and in Maine’s Second Congressional District.

That, plus all the other states Mitt Romney won four years ago, would get Trump to 266 electoral votes — just four shy of the 270 needed to win. Clinton’s once-comfortable cushion has been deflated to such an extent that if Trump wins those states and the electoral vote in Maine, he only needs one more state to win — with Colorado, Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Virginia the most likely targets. And there’s recent polling evidence suggesting he is in striking distance in some of those states.

The analysis is based on the public polls — which, especially in the battleground states, have turned hard toward Trump this week, coming after a weekend of news stories about controversial Clinton comments and the furor surrounding her pneumonia diagnosis. Public polls, which usually don’t control for party identification or registration, tend to swing more violently during the course of the campaign than the campaigns’ internal data.

So far, there’s little evidence either campaign is adjusting their strategy based on their own fresh data. Trump is advertising on television in four states this week: Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Clinton’s campaign hasn’t reengaged in states where it pulled out earlier this summer. Despite closer polls, Clinton and the super PAC supporting her candidacy aren’t back on the air in Virginia, for example.

But the series of battleground-state polls that have shown Trump leading has led to a surge in GOP enthusiasm. In three live-telephone Ohio polls out this week, Trump was ahead by 5, 5 and 3 points. In Florida, Trump was ahead by 3 points in a CNN/ORC International poll. In Iowa, Trump led Clinton by an eye-popping 8-point margin in a Monmouth University poll released Thursday. Those surveys moved Iowa and Ohio into Trump’s column in POLITICO’s Battleground States polling average — and Florida is tied as of Thursday night.

If Trump were to carry those three states, it brings him to 244 electoral votes. Trump still trails in North Carolina by a 1.6-point margin in the average, but the most recent poll, from Suffolk University last week, showed him ahead. Adding North Carolina to his tally would give him 259 electoral votes.

Trump trails by 1.4 points in the Nevada average, but the most recent Monmouth poll this week showed him in the lead. If Trump won Nevada, that would be 265 electoral votes. And a SurveyUSA poll conducted for the Boston Globe and Colby College showed Trump 10 points up in Maine’s Second Congressional District — since Maine awards two of its electoral votes by congressional district, that would add another electoral vote to Trump's total even if he lost the state overall.

Putting Trump at 266 electoral votes leaves him one state away from clinching the presidency. And recent polls point to some cracks in the swing states that until recently looked like the Clinton firewall

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Much like 538, RealClearPolitics has it a slim 1.5 edge for Clinton. Meaning a strong lead has dwindled into a "anyone can win this" dogfight. At least for now. Bring on the debates. And may the best candidate...well, no. :plain:

[h=3]Polling Data[/h]
PollDateSampleMoEClinton (D)Trump (R)Spread
RCP Average8/26 - 9/16----45.744.2Clinton +1.5
LA Times/USC Tracking9/10 - 9/162565 LV4.54147Trump +6
FOX News9/11 - 9/14867 LV3.04546Trump +1
CBS News/NY Times9/9 - 9/131433 LV3.04644Clinton +2
Economist/YouGov9/10 - 9/13926 RV4.04644Clinton +2
Quinnipiac9/8 - 9/13960 LV3.24843Clinton +5
Reuters/Ipsos9/8 - 9/121127 LV3.34039Clinton +1
NBC News/SM9/5 - 9/1116220 RV1.14844Clinton +4
ABC News/Wash Post9/5 - 9/8642 LV4.55143Clinton +8
CNN/ORC9/1 - 9/4786 LV3.54849Trump +1
IBD/TIPP8/26 - 9/1861 LV3.44443Clinton +1