artie ignores evidence he doesn't like
That's why Trump isn't popular, you sapSometimes doing the right thing isn't popular.........
That's why Trump isn't popular, you sap
spose they let him get close enough to grab her by the :shut: ?
This was one of the UK protest signs:
Well, you remain a pig
You want to start talking about hairdos?
Did she borrow that from the local judge? LOL. Why do those homo Limey judges wear wigs by the way.
You Limeys have no place to talk about hair.
Um, she's in her 90's......
....and Trump is in his 70's you hypocrite lowlife.
Speaking of protests in England, here's one from the BBC, some of your wonderful British subjects. Apparently the English don't like England either
ooooh, I like this one:
BRITAIN: In Birmingham, placards were seen all over saying ‘Trump is right’, ‘We will not stay silent as women are raped’ and ‘Nazism = Islamism.’
Protests in England (remember they're our allies, despite the fact that Trump's doing his best to alienate them).