Trump calls Rubio a sweaty (Hispanic).


New member
not really - they just don't get their shorts in a knot over the possibility that someone's feelings, somewhere, might be hurt

Ah, you think I'm overly polite? I think you might find some people here who disagree with that. But it wouldn't be the worst thing to be mistaken for. Lets just say I'm not going to lose much sleep worrying if TOL's leading :troll: thinks I'm being offensive enough.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
How does he get away with this garbage?

Trump is a liberal, as most billionaires today are. He is liked because the leftist Washington elitists don't like him. So middle American attaches to him. New Jersey RINO Chris Christie has endorsed him. Proof of his liberal political leanings. And as I have said before, and this includes Christie, Trump is a much better choice than Clinton or Sanders. We would have 4 years of relief/parole/furlough to work on problems.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Join in sometime on a thread on affirmative action, or Black Lives Matters, or Trayvon Martin, etc.

Believing that lieberal solutions are generally pretty asinine is not the same as believing no problems exist.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Trump is a liberal, as most billionaires today are. He is liked because the leftist Washington elitists don't like him. So middle American attaches to him. New Jersey RINO Chris Christie has endorsed him. Proof of his liberal political leanings. And as I have said before, and this includes Christie, Trump is a much better choice than Clinton or Sanders. We would have 4 years of relief/parole/furlough to work on problems.

We would have 4 years of Republicans in congress rubber stamping his lieberal agenda. No thanks.


New member
Believing that liberal solutions are generally pretty asinine is not the same as believing no problems exist.

I recognize that. I'd honestly welcome a discussion that acknowledges the seriousness of the problem and considers the efficacy of different solutions. But whenever one of these major events that highlights the ongoing racial disparity in this country, there's never a shortage of conservatives showing up to deny that race is the problem or insist that minorities are primarily to blame for the problem. There's your basic Trump voter, and there are rather a lot of them out there.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
But whenever one of these major events that highlights the ongoing racial disparity in this country...

trump saying something offensive?

, there's never a shortage of conservatives showing up to deny that that's the problem

ok, i'll bite

trump saying something offensive isn't the problem

whiny libs who get their shorts in a knot over something trump said that offended them is

or insist that minorities are primarily to blame for the problem.

asian immigrants are generally successful at integrating into american society and becoming upwardly mobile

are they primarily responsible for their success?

how about blacks who reject ghetto culture and behavior and value education and hard work and successfully move into the middle class?

are they primarily responsible for their success?


New member
trump saying something offensive?

I was thinking more along the lines of an innocent black kid getting gunned down by police.

ok, i'll bite

trump saying something offensive isn't the problem

Trump and the messaging he uses are a symptom of the malady, not the cause.

whiny libs who get their shorts in a knot over something trump said that offended them is

Oh yeah, that's probably it.

asian immigrants are generally successful at integrating into american society and becoming upwardly mobile

are they primarily responsible for their success?

how about blacks who reject ghetto culture and behavior and value education and hard work and successfully move into the middle class?

are they primarily responsible for their success?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I recognize that. I'd honestly welcome a discussion that acknowledges the seriousness of the problem and considers the efficacy of different solutions. But whenever one of these major events that highlights the ongoing racial disparity in this country, there's never a shortage of conservatives showing up to deny that race is the problem or insist that minorities are primarily to blame for the problem. There's your basic Trump voter, and there are rather a lot of them out there.

I will certainly agree that Trump voters have blinders on, of one sort or another. It is the point of this thread.


New member
oh, i know

that's why i threw in the successful black

The effort any individual puts in determines a great deal about the success of their lives. That doesn't mean, however, that there aren't larger systemic influences that also determine part of their success.