Trump 2024? 'The Five' makes bold prediction for the future

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
God forbid.

Let us recap, shall we? Why do Democrats happily lie about Cheating in the election: This is very simple:

Democrats are people who burn down cities, murder cops, terrorize neighborhoods, have roving Nazi brownshirts (BLM and Antifa), shut down churches, impose Nazi curfews, and so much more. Do any of you think for a moment that a little thing like election fraud bothers them? Lying about an election is peanuts compared to the crimes against humanity they happily commit.

I have said it before:

Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.

Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.

A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats offer, and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs is what Trump offers.

NOW: Do I understand that you prefer the violent extremist mobs to traditional American values?

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Newsmax/McLaughlin Poll: Big Majority Wants Trump to Run in 2024; Don Jr. Emerges
A super-majority -- 68% of Republicans and GOP primary voting independents -- would love to see President Donald Trump run again in 2024 if he ultimately fails to prevail against Joe Biden in this year’s election, according to a new Newsmax/McLaughlin Associates poll.

The president continues to hold a strong job approval rating, with 48%.

And to a majority of Americans, 52%, major media outlets in the U.S. have been biased and unfair in their coverage of Trump, who is in the midst of a fierce legal battle on several fronts to challenge the results of the recent presidential election.

Here are more highlights from the Newsmax/McLaughlin poll:

  • In all, 53% of Republican primary voters say they would favor Trump in a field of 13 potential challengers, including Vice President Mike Pence, Sen. Ted Cruz, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Pence finished second with 9%. None of the other potential candidates finished with more than 4%. “In a crowded field of 14 possible candidates for the 2024 Republican primary, no one comes close to President Trump,” pollster John McLaughlin said.
  • If Trump does not run again in 2024, Pence and Donald Trump Jr. then appear tied for the lead with 20% each.
Don Jr., the president’s eldest son and the most politically active of Trump’s children, has apparently enjoyed the talk of a 2024 bid.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
God forbid.
Well, firstly it's "Fox News" so not exactly something to take seriously although seeing Tucker Carlson give Sidney Powell short thrift a few days ago was interesting. Then again, he did say that Fox reports on UFO sightings and the like so maybe not that much...

After this election I'd be amazed if Trump even had a chance to run for re-election in 2024. Still, that he got in to begin with was nuts enough...

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
'The Five' react to Trump's potential 2024 announcement on Biden's inauguration day

"It's been an amazing four years. We are trying to do another four years. Otherwise, I'll see you in four years," the president told supporters on Tuesday night at a White House holiday party for members of the Republican National Committee. Two GOP sources who attended the function confirmed the president's comments to Fox News.

Until now, Trump has remained quiet about the possibility of running to reclaim the White House in 2024. "I don't want to talk to 2024 yet," the president told reporters on Thanksgiving.

But behind closed doors, Trump has told advisers that he wants to run again in four years, and could potentially announce his bid before or even during Biden's inauguration on Jan. 20, according to reporting on Monday from Fox News’ chief White House correspondent John Roberts.