ECT Trinity talk 2...

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Scripture does not say Mary was impregnated with anything.

So you are saying that God the Father begat God the son through Mary.

So God the Son did not exist before He was born.


You desperately need to read/study the ENTIRE Bible word for word, name by name, cover to cover. You also need to pray to God the Father in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ that He will give you wisdom and knowledge for what you're about to read every time you open up the Bible.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Can't you read...!!!

You know there are no scriptures that say what you say... thus stop preaching opinions you hear from your pastor!!!

Try Again...

What church, denomination or cult are you affiliated with? Correct me if I'm wrong, but, didn't you used to admit to being some form of Atheist/Agnostic or something like that? Way back when you used to have Cary Grant as your avatar? If I'm wrong straighten me out? I noticed recently that one of the Mods said you were not supposed to be in the "Exclusive Christian Area."


New member
How do you get that, from what I stated?

You said, "The Trinity has no beginning or end." A trinity is three and if one died the trinity ended.

Are you denying that Christ was made flesh or are you claiming that a dead man was part of the so-called trinity?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You said, "The Trinity has no beginning or end." A trinity is three and if one died the trinity ended.

Are you denying that Christ was made flesh or are you claiming that a dead man was part of the so-called trinity?

Christ's "Physical" body died. He lived beyond the physical realm, so do we. He has no beginning or end. He is Diety. He created ALL that is. Read the first chapter of Genesis, it will explain it to you.


New member
Christ's "Physical" body died. He lived beyond the physical realm, so do we. He has no beginning or end. He is Diety. He created ALL that is. Read the first chapter of Genesis, it will explain it to you.

The law is spiritual so sin is spiritual. Jesus died to pay the price for us regarding spiritual death, the second death. Anyone's physical body can die, that's no big deal. Jesus said not to fear those who can kill the body, rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in gehenna.

Lazy afternoon

Just what does the Old Testament teach us about who and what God is?

Shema Yisrael! Hear, O Israel!

Deu 6:4 "Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!

This is one of the very first Bible verse that most Jewish boys and girls learn. It binds the
Jewish life and community together. Every devout Jew recited it daily and even utter the Shema
when dying. This is the one belief that distinguished Israel from all the surrounding nations
that had multiple gods. “The Lord is one Lord” is thus Israel's classic statement of monotheism, Judaism's highest confession of Faith. It speaks of Yahweh's uniqueness and exclusiveness, that he is one single integral person, not divisible.

The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible tells us that there are two valid ways of interpreting the Shema of Deuteronomy 6:4. It is possible to translate, "Yahweh, our God, is one Yahweh"- in which case the Shema affirms that Yahweh can not be divided into several Yahweh manifestations (poly-Yahwism), like the Baals of different sanctuaries [or we might add the Trinity of later Nicene Christianity]. Or we may translate: "Yahweh is our God, Yahweh alone" -in which case the Shema affirms that Yahweh is the only and the unique God we will soon see that Jesus affirmed this creed and [John 17:3]. Both of these nuances are given in other Old Testament passages. The person of God is indivisible and he has no other in His class for He is alone and unique. He is a single divine individual.

Deu 4:35 "To you it was shown that you might know that the LORD, He is God; there is
no other besides Him….39 "Know therefore today, and take it to your heart, that the
LORD, He is God in heaven above and on the earth below; there is no other.

Deu 32:39 'See now that I, I am He, And there is no god besides Me; It is I who put to
death and give life. I have wounded and it is I who heal, And there is no one who can
deliver from My hand.

Isa 44:6 "Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: 'I am
the first and I am the last, And there is no God besides Me.

The New Testament clearly states Jesus has a God and Father, both before and after his resurrection. We know the Bible does not contradict.




New member
What church, denomination or cult are you affiliated with? Correct me if I'm wrong, but, didn't you used to admit to being some form of Atheist/Agnostic or something like that? Way back when you used to have Cary Grant as your avatar? If I'm wrong straighten me out? I noticed recently that one of the Mods said you were not supposed to be in the "Exclusive Christian Area."[/I]

328 AD - Athanasius becomes bishop of Alexandria.
328 AD - Constantine recalls Arius from Illyria.
335 AD - Constantine now sides with Arius and exiles Athanasius to Trier.
337 AD - A new emperor, Contantius, orders the return of Athanasius to Alexandria.
339 AD - Athanasius flees Alexandria in anticipation of being expelled.
341 AD - Two councils are held in Antioch this year. During this council, the First, Second, and Third Arian Confessions are written, thereby beginning the attempt to produce a formal doctrine of faith to oppose the Nicene Creed.
343 AD - At the Council of Sardica, Eastern Bishops demand the removal of Athanasius.
346 AD - Athanasius is restored to Alexandria.
351 AD - A second anti - Nicene council is held in Sirmium.
353 AD - A council is held at Aries during Autumn that is directed against Athanasius.
355 AD - A council is held in Milan. Athanasius is again condemned.
356 AD - Athanasius is deposed on February 8th, beginning his third exile.
357 AD - Third Council of Sirmium is convened. Both homoousios and homoiousios are avoided as unbiblical, and it is agreed that the Father is greater than His subordinate Son.
359 AD - The Synod of Seleucia is held which affirms that Christ is "like the Father," It does not however, specify how the Son is like the Father. 361 AD - A council is held in Antioch to affirm Arius’ positions.
380 AD - Emperor Theodosius the Great declares Christianity the official state religion of the empire.
381 AD - The First Council of Constantinople is held to review the controversy since Nicaea. Emperor Theodosius the Great establishes the creed of Nicaea as the standard for his realm. The Nicene Creed is re-evaluated and accepted with the addition of clauses on the Holy Spirit and other matters. (History of Arian Controversy)

If you believe that Nicaea just formalized the prevalent teaching of the church, then there really should not have been any conflicts. Why should there be? If it were the established teaching of the church, then you would expect people to either accept it, or not be Christians. It would be like me being a member of the Communist Party. I would join it knowing that they do not believe in the ownership of private property, no conflict. But now, say after I have been a member of the party for a few years, someone decides to introduce a proposal that we allow the ownership of private property, not everyone in the party is going to agree, the result is conflict. This is similar to what happened in the church. It was not the established teaching, and when some faction of the church tried to make it official, the result was major conflict.
It was mainly a theological power grab by certain factions of the church. The major complication throughout all this was that the emperors were involved. At Nicaea it was Constantine that decided the outcome. Then as you can see, we have the flip-flopping of opinion with the result that Athanasius is exiled and recalled depending on who is in power. We even have in 357 AD the declaration that homoousios and homoiousios are unbiblical, and that the Father is greater than His subordinate Son. This is 180 degrees from Nicaea. It is definitely not the Trinitarian formula.

In 380 AD Emperor Thedosius declares Christianity the state religion. One can come to the conclusion that whichever way Theodosius favors, is the way in which it is going to end. This is exactly what happened next. In 381 AD the struggle was finally ended by the current emperor, Theodosius the Great, who favored the Nicene position. Just like at Nicaea, the EMPEROR again decided it. The emperors were dictating the theology of the church. The big difference now was that there was not going to be any more changing sides. It was now the state religion. You cannot make Christianity the state religion and then change its beliefs every few years, it would undermine its credibility as the true faith. The Trinity was now the orthodox position, and the state was willing to back it up. Debates however, would continue for years to come.

Pay attention to the tread!!! I said to what post with ACTUAL HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS do you disagree... idiot!

So what date does the actual "trinity" become truth?

Pay attention to the tread!!! I said to what date with the ACTUAL HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS do you disagree? idiot! So again... what date does the actual "trinity" become truth?

Spiritual child... please attempt to reply...
I'm just getting started..