I meant that's why you are the laughing cow. It was a joke. I didn't say it had a deeper meaning. There is a reason for everything we do, including choice of avatars. There are many to choose from on the web and so there had to be a conscious decision why you picked that particular web page and that particular picture, unless you just happened to be surfing one day and told yourself " hey! that looks cool! I think I will use it on TOL".
Fair enough.
I guess I like it. It looks like it's happy. It's strange, too. Cows can't laugh, silly!
So she's an intelligent cow, maybe? That's funny.
And then there's the whole can of worms that's opened up when I start to wonder... what
is the cow laughing at? What would make a cow laugh?
If she lives in a world where cows can laugh, maybe she's laughing at a picture of a laughing human. Because in her world, humans can't laugh, silly!
But then, in the intelligent cow world, do they eat little cheeses made from human milk? Now it's getting inappropriate. Stop it.
And those little cheeses taste good.