this is a great thread ! ! !
A better question is whether or not the kids should be in a safe and stable environment.
Of course it means something. A woman staying home for the kids should be entitled to child support from the father if he leaves her no matter what gender that new partner is. I am not sure I see your distinction here. If a man leaves his wife for another woman or man the situation remains the same for the kids. That was my original point which you glossed right over. Are you saying the state should not allow divorce?
the question was
who should get his social security?
the answer that you are avoiding
she should get his social security
she stayed home to take care of the kids
Is Social Security the only form of income people get? Is it even a substantial amount compared to other forms? Will you even have it when you retire?
Your myopic question might sooth your ego, but it is of no avail to a person with a broader view of reality.
How old are you?
it would be better
you just answered the question
the answer is yes
it is a good thing for the mother to stay home with the kids
society should encourage this
I am not avoiding your *narrow* question, but rather expanding on it. In your little world, you pretend that that is ALWAYS an option. It isn't.
Society should encourage MUTUAL RESPECT. Apparently you do not understand that "The Stepford Wives" was only a movie.
He is being purposely stubborn now. He usually does this when back into a corner with clear logic. It is typical behavior for immature individuals.
This is know ... he likes to pretend that the *other gender* is responsible for everything that is wrong with the world.
He makes the leap that the only reason to marry is to have children and that every couple will have children.
It does not even matter if children are involved. Anyone who is even partially aware of fiscal reality knows that social security is not the only, nor a sufficient, or even a future possibility for income to live and raise children. As soon as he admits this his argument is a moot point. So he has now become entrenched on this point, entrenched to the point of absurdity.
Indeed. A mother with young children could not support a herself and her child/children on social security. She is no different than any other single parent.
Perhaps he is referring to a woman that is at retirement age and no longer has to support children. That might be the point he is making. But remedying that by not allowing divorce seems to be an inept and unworkable solution in a pluralistic free society. And a woman who chooses to not have a profession other than raising children ought to be aware of the risks involved. To make sweeping generalized law prohibiting divorce to accommodate such a narrow scenario is absurd on its face.
my favorite example is a real example
the mother stays home to take care of the kids
the father goes off to work at making lots of money
the mother would get his social security when he dies
in this case the father divorces the mother of his kids and marries a guy
who now gets his social security when he dies?
just wanted to capture this before you changed it
this is a real example
the question they could not, would not answer
this is a real example
the question they could not, would not answer
Sage first to protect myself
I had to rely on the ignore list
at one time I had over 70 on it
no one is on it
I have learned to ignore without the ignore list
mainly because
some cannot be put on the ignore list
Ah, a rookie. Well, time will edit that one out for you.Sage advice.
Was a content specific comment.Ah, a rookie. Well, time will edit that one out for you.