Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Tuesday Afternoon Gazette

Had a word or two in the writing thread about perspective...
...[Tolkien] mentioned in a paper (I can't recall which one) that the reason that most literature wasn't very good is because it isn't escapist enough, its too realistic. He used the analogy of a prisoner who suddenly realizes for the first time that he's in a prison. Tolkien says of that man, wouldn't it be odd if he never thought of escaping from such a place. Do you agree with his thinking?
No, though I can appreciate it. Or maybe it's relative. Say you're an office worker in the heart of a city and you're reading The Old Man and the Sea. Maybe that's as alien and fantastic in relation to your life as would be a dragon reading along over your shoulder.

So zoo went at my poor offering like it was a plate of croissants at a French film festival...
Or maybe you're an office worker in the heart of the city and reading about an office worker in the heart of the city is as alien and fantastic as would be a dragon reading along over your shoulder. :plain:

Did my best not to take chyrs literarily...
so what's the deal with don quixote

did you know it was a classic?
Everyone knows that...

I think so
You thought Cervantes took dictation.

do you know what it is about?

I think town should be given a chance to explain it

he may not know what it is about
One thing is undeniably true: I know what you're about. :D

... my credibility has been challenged
No, I think your credibility is firmly established. :plain:

Greeted the Pneu guy...
It happens.
I'm introducing myself.
That explains it.
:cool: (PneumaPsucheSoma = SpiritSoulBody). For short, PPS will do. :)
Ah, I'm an Xbox guy, but welcome aboard anyway. :e4e:

I'm a reconciliationist and non-dichotomist regarding the vast plethora of sectarian divisions of doctrine.
I'm confused. This should be fun. :D

Don't blame yourself. It happens a lot.

There is only one central truth on any/all doctrinal topics. Only objective truth is relevant; subjective opinion is only relevant to the extent it is in accord with objective truth. That will be reflected in my posting, especially in reference to Theology Proper. My style is "heavy" with vocab and lexical Greek in conversation. I don't despise simplicity unless it's an excuse for a lack of stewardship or scholarship.;;
Do you believe Christ picked fishermen for their scholarship or their stewardship potential? That is to say, interesting, but I suspect we're going to differ a little, after (I hope and suspect) a good natured fashion.

Tried to answer Q's hypothetical at break...
Imagine if you will, a chinese rice farmer by the name of Wang...Wang never learned of Christ....He never repented for whatever sins he may have committed....]Now consider Jeffrey Dahmer....Dahmer became a born again Christian. The preacher who baptized him was convinced of Dahmer's sincerity.

Maybe, just maybe, Wang grew to great proportions and size of heart and soul throughout his life which lead him to commune with the essence of what Christ truly is behind the false cognizant idols? The essence of Love, compassion, honor and most importantly, forgiveness?
We cannot forgive ourselves because our offense is not to ourselves but to the truth and it is to that truth that we must turn and to that which we must be reconciled. Else our forgiveness, absent complete and utter abstention from the conduct, which will never come, becomes nothing more or less than permission steeped in regret.

I know that God is both loving and just, so I don't worry after Chang or place my judgement between God and Jeffery. It is just that any man be separated by his own willful action from the perfect and good. It is by love, in and through the sacrifice and call of Christ, that we escape that judgment and are reconciled to God in mercy.

Then Eeset showed up with an elaborate reason why she knew something...
Hi sky. I had dinner with 2 friends along the shore at an old restaurant behind a coastal island. Just got back. Thanks again for keeping me up to date on the ignored's rants. I had 2 glasses of Cabernet with dinner but I was not the driver so that was OK.

My impression is that your dossier keeper is entering the self destruct phase. I have seen such things before and it is not pretty. Oh well.

Eeset, how deleteful to see you. :plain:

This message is hidden
She said, unbidden.

Ending the day on an up note...
I know there is a posting
She's just that perceptive. :plain: Literally.

Town Bulletin Board:

Here's a thread on American Movie Icons you might like.

Here's a thread where you can pray for me.

Here's one where you're encouraged to fling poo and support fool's efforts at a first rate ration. :thumb:


New member
Here's the part where you prove that attorneys can be helpful. What do you know about real estate law? My question is general, Town. I'm not trying to get something for nothing.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Here's the part where you prove that attorneys can be helpful. What do you know about real estate law? My question is general, Town. I'm not trying to get something for nothing.
I do, though it wasn't my concentration in practice. Send me a PM.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Wednesday Evening Gazette

So sky decided to drop in the numbers thread to tell everyone how indifferent she was about it. :D
How embarrassing! HOW will I ever go on? :allsmile:
Irrelevantly--if your numbers are any indicator. As are a good many of the sour pusses. :D

...that makes me feel...better about the state of things.

Do you want me to cry harder?
Do you think that's really possible? :chuckle:

Picked at spritefire...
You need help.
:chuckle: That could be the new TOL motto.

Now back to your thread about curing cancer or solving world hunger. :plain: Well, when you get through with that "I just saw The Hobbit" thread then. :p :D

Then Sod saw omens in the cloud (and the thread) so fool said...
And I see a design in your seeing a design in his OP.
People see all sorts of things. I once heard of a man who saw an elephant shot in his pajamas. :plain:

How bout this; I'll go start a Bash TownHeritic thread and we can bash him there. Sound good? One spot to get it all out?
Sweet. :D

Had an epiphany...
this poor man desperately needs our prayers
:think: Everyone could use this and all of us are paupers.

I objected to this sort of thing from you at first because it was so obviously an angry, condescending attempt at the whole "he's outside of the Body" business and I don't believe you use the Holy as an extension of personal dislike.

But then it came to me that my feeling that way about it just empowers the worst part of you, the part I'd rather see grow into something else. So my problem was adding to your problem.

Considering that: pray for me. Pray for me daily. Hourly if it helps. Pray for me without ceasing. If I'm right it can only help you. If you're right it can only help me. If we're both wrong and right it can only help both of us.

While over in the bashing thread a few problems were being hashed the ever popular last word having...
this really is the problem
I've never met a soul who said it during a disagreement who wasn't dead set on having it.

Who here is itching for the next to the last word?

As for talking a bit, sure. Look at my post average. It's darn near twelve a day. I mean that kind of average is just absurdly gabby.

Glad you guys pointed that out. If you didn't, who knows where it might end. It could be up to thirty, forty, maybe fifty posts a day before you know it.

That's just plain crazy territory. :plain:

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
This Just In

not if you put him on ignore

then all you see is a flurry of

Town Heretic is on your ignore list.

like leaves in the autumn wind, quietly rustling on their way to pile up against a fence to rot in the winter snows

Today, 12:06 PM
resurrected has reported a post.

trolling aCW
Post: Hoping the Boston Marathon Bomber is White
Forum: Politics
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: Town Heretic
Original Content:

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Surprise, surprise...
Yes. Everyone is terrifically stay close to that breaking Fox News outlet and let us know if anything else that's earth shatteringly surprising takes an airplane taking off or landing. Then be sure to post it with a link so everyone can marvel at your technological wizardry and cutting edge news gathering skill.

:plain: :eek:


Hall of Fame
Townie, Townie ... he's our man,
If he can't do it, no one can!

T O W N I E! Gooo Town!


Pssstttt ... I am not just doing this so I will receive a promotion in our "Town Minion Fan Club"

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Townie, Townie ... he's our man,
If he can't do it, no one can!

T O W N I E! Gooo Town!


Pssstttt ... I am not just doing this so I will receive a promotion in our "Town Minion Fan Club"
Well, anna hasn't exactly been pushing the talking points lately and zoo's snacks (shudders). So you never know.


Hall of Fame
Well, anna hasn't exactly been pushing the talking points lately and zoo's snacks (shudders). So you never know.

In that case, elect me. I just looovvvveee to talk and have no problem with supplying pudding pops.