Just in case it ever comes up again and with sufficient photoshopping to keep privacy:
look, look!
i'm an attorney too!
Which is why that wasn't necessary for town to post, anyone who wants to sink low enough to claim things like people dont really do what they say they do for a living, or have children that have died, or have a disease or whatever personal issue or tragedy in their life - that they share with others, called into question, would believe no amount of evidence you give them anyway, or rather they would still "claim" not to believe you.
To town : You owe no one anything as far as proof of your life. I think anyone who demands it to begin with is showing their own insecurity and issues and acting wicked.
Matthew 5:37 "But let your statement be, 'Yes, yes ' or 'No, no'; anything beyond these is of evil.
You do not owe anyone anything beyond your word on it.
To resurrected: