Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It's your job as a loving father to nip that in the bud! We can't have dark humor mucking up everything. :nono:
I think it can be a virtue, applied correctly (see: A Modest Proposal). He'll be fine. It runs in the family and has for generations. :D

Sunday's Gazette found here (link).

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Hump Day Gazette

Tried to raise zip's opinion of the general population, or whatever sample of it differs with me...
...The fact that so many disagree is itself a testament to the lack of clarity that you present with a supposedly simple and straightforward argument.
Well, no. They might simply disagree, understanding me entirely. I'd be surprised that anyone who followed along would be confused on any of the points, agree or disagree.

In the How do you imagine an atheist day? thread...

I presume they eat and sleep. Take walks, do shopping. Go to the toilet.
Not mine they don't. :nono: I mean, maybe they don't believe in cleanliness, given...

Then the relativist came to the defense of the apostate with...
There is no substance to it. TH has created a semi-elaborate conceptual tautology that he presents as being 'self-evident'. And as with any tautology, there is no 'there', there. It's just disembodied circular logic.
You literally can't and won't demonstrate a tautology or circular logic in any argument I've made.

You, however, have exactly that problematic circle as a relativist, insisting that nothing can be known with certainty while ignoring the special pleading you have to rest that on to escape it [self negating premise]. I know, because I tried in vain to get you to address it on more than one occasion.

While elsewhere...
While I appreciate the complements, I don't see my grasp of reality as technically "excellent" because I come to it by pursuing honesty through humility...
You should pursue a bit harder.

And in the noon somewhere thread...
I know someone who says warsh, and she's from Ohio. Is it an Ohio thing? :)
I'm pretty sure it's just an alcoholic thing.

So yes. :plain: :eek:

Before Spec was back...
...If the Bible never existed, then TH's God would be mute.
If the sun was made of ice, if you were reasonable. There's no end to seemingly impossible hypotheticals. Though I was called by Christ and not by a book, I've never found anything in the accounting of his teachings and words at odds with my understanding of that experience. Rather, I've found that understanding enriched and my life with it.

Town Heretic - If you did trust the Bible and it was self-evident, you would have no problem answering any question put to you.
I never do. But your exegesis of the Bible isn't what our first discussion or this one was about. And I've been clear that I won't be goaded into what you want to do to avoid what you need to face.

...Town Heretic's argument was about the nature of trust (not faith).
Rather, it was the recognition that faith in God is predicated. Love, which is impossible without trust, is the cornerstone of that faith. Love the Lord your God with all your being, to paraphrase. And your neighbor as you would yourself.

He said he differed to me when I first became a christian because he says he trusted the Biblical God (and still does according to his definition) but said that I never trusted the Biblical God because I reserved trust to myself because I doubted.
It's still Webster's and not my definition. And that's a bit mangled. You actually brought in the personal with your declaration about being as those once in the faith were. But you demonstrably weren't. You felt that it was your place to judge God. To my context that's insane. More so given your insistence that you experienced relation with God.

Had you placed your trust in God you would have looked to reconcile your understanding to His and not demanded He be reconciled to yours.

...makes me suspicious of his entire stance.
I still can't be goaded and no one reading you prior or here could reasonably believe that what I wrote made you suspicious. Rather, what I am makes you hostile because at one time you told yourself that it was your own heart's desire. So long as one man remains in that faith a part of you will not know peace, because it hints at your own failure instead of the vanity of a triumph you've sold it to yourself as...a very great pity, because if you'd displayed this tenacity with your faith it would have gotten you somewhere worth being.

Had it out with zoo in the atheist thread...
Probably not, but on the off chance, it'd be crazy to leave a baby alone in a room with an atheist.

Basically, don't leave the baby alone in a room with an atheist, and no cats because cats will steal a sleeping baby's breath. Follow those two rules and everything ought to be fine.
All cats are atheists.

Dogs are creatures of faith...except for chihuahuas. They're close enough to cats to be agnostic. And the dissonance makes them nervous. :plain:

Just in time for Spec to say goodnight...
I don’t need to support my belief...
That sums you neatly and the rest is superfluous. So is what you wrote before it, but why quibble.

Tomorrow? More fun with Jack, so it should take longer to make the next Gazette. :D

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Oh dear! :noid: You mean...there are more?
A few. :D And larger family get togethers were better than going to a movie. Eight brothers and sisters on my father's level and their kids made for an instant mob. And most of us shared that peculiar sense of humor. My only regret with Jack is that time and distance won't give him much of that...a shame, but then he'll have our safaris.

Not sure where we're off to today. :think: Maybe the Explorium and an Imax capstone.

Today's Gazette here (link).


New member
A few. :D And larger family get togethers were better than going to a movie. Eight brothers and sisters on my father's level and their kids made for an instant mob. And most of us shared that peculiar sense of humor. My only regret with Jack is that time and distance won't give him much of that...a shame, but then he'll have our safaris.

Not sure where we're off to today. :think: Maybe the Explorium and an Imax capstone.

Today's Gazette here (link).

You have nothing to regret Town, I'm sure you're an excellent Dad! :)


a more thought-provoking exchange than town's usual self-celebrating silliness:

zippy2006 said:
I laid out an argument, and you are still free to address either my representation of your position or my response to that position. It's clear that this sort of assertive vagueness doesn't get anywhere, so I'm more interested in you actually making your premises and moves clear (which I have attempted to do for you). If you can't hammer out the real substance of your argument then I don't have time (to run in these circles).
pureX said:
There is no substance to it. TH has created a semi-elaborate conceptual tautology that he presents as being 'self-evident'. And as with any tautology, there is no 'there', there. It's just disembodied circular logic. And yet he truly believes in it. So there is no hope of discussing it with him from an observational perspective.

It's basically a wall. Bang your head against it of you must, but I'd suggest accepting and appreciating it for the strange phenomena that it is, and moving on. That's what I try to do.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You have nothing to regret Town, I'm sure you're an excellent Dad! :)
Thanks. You do your best but you always feel like you could do more. He wore me out yesterday. We spent a good deal of it in Bass Pro, looking through the boats and four wheelers and looking at fish in the giant aquarium. Then lunch ad Chick and a couple of hours of kid wrangling.

I always stay in the play room and get to know the kids there by name so I can help things go smoothly. And kids are always adult attention starved, so it's a busy time. :D But a great one.

Today's Gazette here (link).