The Wrap
on Sunday
An early chrys appearance promised six more years of waffling...
CS weighed in on about an ounce, ounce and a half...
Answered an excellent question...
Or two...
And it was story time again...
Set out an answer to Trump's "Where does it end?" lament relating to the CONfederate monument removal...
Then GM hit the head on the nail...or at least his own...
Then dr was back, but not mostly...
And PJ cornered the economical Mt. Rushmore with...
So sue me. I'm an optimist.
Tomorrow? Troubles and who has them, history lessons, and a whole lot of white noise...
on Sunday
An early chrys appearance promised six more years of waffling...
Smoke and mirrors.fake news -
And nearly everyone is quicker than the alt right.- the hand is quicker than the eye
Trump's promises/Trump's results.- now you see it - now you don't
Wash your hands thoroughly before leaving the restroom...or shaking hands with the president.- while you are watching the one hand - the other is doing its job -
CS weighed in on about an ounce, ounce and a half...
As the “Unite the Right” crowd was dispersing, they were forced by the police into the path of the peace-loving, rock-throwing, fire-spraying antifa...That’s when protestor James Fields sped his car into a crowd of the counter-protesters, then immediately hit reverse, injuring dozens of people, and killing one woman, Heather Heyer. This has been universally labeled “terrorism,” but we still don’t know whether Fields hit the gas accidentally, was in fear for his life, or if he rammed the group intentionally and maliciously.lain: The fellow who loved Nazis and was abusive to his own mother might be a misunderstood victim in this? That's your go-to? Great.
And to further muddy the waters you're dragging a politicized version of the deaths of American servicemen from several years ago into it, along with the president and Muslims? Nice.With any luck, we’ll unravel Fields’ motives faster than it took the Obama administration to discern the motives of a Muslim shouting “Allahu Akbar!” while gunning down soldiers at Fort Hood. (Six years.)
It's one thing to take the word of one person against a number of people with no corroboration. This wasn't that.The media think they already know all there is to know about James Fields, but they also thought they knew all about the Duke lacrosse players, “gentle giant” Michael Brown, and those alleged gang-rapists at the University of Virginia.
Answered an excellent question...
How about, instead, "Everyone who used violence except in self defense or the defense of others should be prosecuted and I condemn that conduct. That said, there is no moral equivalency between those who promote racist, separatist views and those who oppose them. Racism and the division it breeds is a cancer on the national soul and I fundamentally and without reservation condemn it."I blame all sides and the neo-nazis and KKK specifically. However the counterprotesters certainly had their hand in the violence. What else could he say at this point? He said what needed to be said in my opinion. All sides should share the blame, specifically the neo-nazis and the KKK elements that started it all.
Because the appearance of equivalence is both wrong and impactful. And that's what he did in between the more robotic reading of someone else's talking-point, cover-your-posterior boilerplate.
Or two...
Is the law a solution for crime or is it the cause? The answer is that you can't legislate the right outcome for either, but you can use the power of both to move our understanding and make a better outcome more and more likely, so long as both are just.Can politics really provide a solution to our problems, or is it the cause?
And it was story time again...
But he never did.And yet, in support of that contention you only point to one incident.Perhaps that was the case in one incident but it seems to me the vast majority of violence was started by antifa and BLM against the original protestors.
I haven't seen or read that, so you'll have to direct me to verification on the point.My point is the CNN etc.. are saying it's ok that they started the violence because they believed they were fighting fascists.
Mighty alt-right of you.It's God's will that the uk an Europe be overrun with muzzieslain:
Set out an answer to Trump's "Where does it end?" lament relating to the CONfederate monument removal...
For the president to seriously suggest an equivalence in advancing this domino theory [first Confederate monuments/later the Washington monument, etc.] is to compound his prior lapse of judgment and bring into further and serious question his ability to lead us through this dangerous period in American history, let alone unify his people.Well, we know he probably wasn't reading a history book.He was probably watching Fox News before saying that.lain:
This has to be what my grandfather felt like when he watched men land on the is it possible? If in a completely different way, of course.
Then GM hit the head on the nail...or at least his own...
Yes. That's exactly it, what you have to worry about. Americans all across this land travelling as if on pilgrimage to locate and dig up confederate generals. . . it may become more popular than soccer.I just watched a video where a group of people was standing around the grave of a Confederate General and one of the guys was starting to dig up the corpse and asking for others to help him. The scene was worthy of a Steven King story or an Edgar Allen Poe short story. Is this what America is coming to?lain:
You should start a list commemorating the scores of disinterred Confederate generals so we can all ponder it with solemnity, head shaking, and a sense of ineffable loss.Will we continue to see the destruction of monuments/statues and the desecration of graves of people, long dead?
I mean if there's ever an actual instance to report, of course..
Then dr was back, but not mostly...
Yes, dr, facts float my boat. What the men who launched that war said about why they launched it, by way of...but your creative revisionist take is fun too.LOL!!! Well I know what the civil war was can cite state declarations till the cows come home, and make excuses for Lincoln all you want. If that is what floats your boat...lain:
And PJ cornered the economical Mt. Rushmore with...
Which has the added benefit of doubling for: "Most Widely Commemorated Losers."Confederate Generals -
Robert E. Lee
Stonewall Jackson
James Longstreet
Nathan Bedford Forrest
So that's a twofer right there. :thumb:
They not only are, you noted it when you dismissed the words of the states as they withdrew.To bad facts are not on your side.
I have more than once noted the foibles and failures of our founders on the issue of slavery. I have been hard on the failures of Jefferson, Washington and others, have noted the enrichment of the North in the old molasses to rum to slave complicity.You just cant admit both sides were wrong can you for their own sins in this matter.
But at the end of all that, we have one attempt to raise an expanding state predicated on the most degrading inhumanity visited on man, set against the end of it. Whatever the many faults and regardless of the disparate motives involved, there is in that end an absolute good set against an absolute evil.
And only the ignorant or willfully errant will play the tune of moral equivalence in that dance. You don't belong on that side of things, dr. You never did.
So sue me. I'm an optimist.
Tomorrow? Troubles and who has them, history lessons, and a whole lot of white noise...