It isn't, but I understand by now why you think so, having witnessed your struggles with inference.
No. Poor construction/grammar is the disease of more than simply American writing. I'll get to the root in a moment.
No. We're a Twitter nation, truncating spelling and garbling simplistic, poorly written reflections that speak to our a need for self-examination, effort and education.
We're a society that by and large doesn't read often or well. People who aren't exposed to much beyond the ninth grade processing of the average magazine or paper, if that, will think much of what lives outside of that stricture and beyond their reading comprehension is suspect, ostentatious, etc.
That sentence failed his standard.
Else, particular jargon, within a particular profession, is almost always readily understood by those meant to and less so by those to whom it was never intended.
Nah. Our tendency is to confuse our limitations with taste and to sneer at what exceeds it.
Who decides what constitutes that? Who gets to decide when someone isn't doing that?
It's you, isn't it.


Next time you want to come at me, bring something of mine to sustain the nonsensical, passive-aggressive approach.
Desperate insecurity noted, along to an appeal to authority you haven't actually managed to apply in any particular.
Man, you really don't handle an appearance in The Wrap very well, do you. The punctuation means it's rhetorical. :think: That means you aren't really being asked a question.