Town Heretic hands down the law


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Hall of Fame
So this really isn't about the post but about your ongoing larger nonsense. I mostly figured that was the case. I voted for Obama the first time and against the second.

Never would vote for him because he sat on the other side of the fence, and the reason is not silly chrys reasoning.

Besides the Reverend White issue told me all I needed to know.


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Temp Banned
A GREAT mistake Americans make...they fight the devil by natural means. Using the law...and the law always sides against them.

These various movements thrive because the church is many in numbers, but pitifully weak in spiritual power.
I agree with this in part. Too many Christians think putting up monuments to their religion will somehow change people's hearts and minds, which is patently absurd. All it does is waste money on useless monuments intended to puff up the egos of the "Christians" who worship them. (And annoy most everyone else.)


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Temp Banned
I do not get this part? they seem to annoy the very few
They annoy the constitution, and by extension, everyone who believes we ought to be minding it.

They annoy me, and I consider myself Christian, for that very reason.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Never would vote for him because he sat on the other side of the fence, and the reason is not silly chrys reasoning.

Besides the Reverend White issue told me all I needed to know.
With me it was about a message of optimism vs an message of pessimism, a slim chance for change against a certain disappointing standard. In the end it was business as usual, but I don't feel badly about being an optimist until I couldn't be.


Well-known member
Too many Christians think putting up monuments to their religion will somehow change people's hearts and minds, which is patently absurd. All it does is waste money on useless monuments intended to puff up the egos of the "Christians" who worship them. (And annoy most everyone else.)
Heritage is important and in the OT, monuments were set up all the time so that the next generation would not forget, and that even that generation would remember. Without a history, we have nothing. I probably agree on emphasis, but we are to be politically involved in our country that is ruled for the people and by the people. In that, Christians must take up reigns to help guide the next generation. If you had kids, that would make more sense to you. We are to be lights on a hill, not hidden, and the salt of the earth. That means visibility in the affairs of men, so politics as well. If you disagree, I have no other words but must be about God's business of trying to reach a lost and dying world, as well as ensure my children have a heritage in, but not of, the world.


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Temp Banned
Heritage is important and in the OT, monuments were set up all the time so that the next generation would not forget, and that even that generation would remember.
If that's what this were about, the Christians would be putting up their monuments in their churches. But they're not. They want to make spectacles of them, so all the world to see how religious they are. In fact, I'm quite sure they LIKE IT when their public prayers and monuments upset other people. They want to antagonize the 'unbelievers' with displays of their religiosity. It makes them feel even more self-righteous than they already are.
Without a history, we have nothing.
That's because you have no real faith in God. All you have is faith in your religion. Sorry, but it's the truth.
I probably agree on emphasis, but we are to be politically involved in our country that is ruled for the people and by the people.
Not regarding religion. That was one of the primary ideals of the nation's founding: the separation of religion and politics.
In that, Christians must take up reigns to help guide the next generation.
Only within their own families. Beyond that, they become the disrespecters of the freedoms of others. They actually become enemies within their own society.
If you had kids, that would make more sense to you.
I don't have to have kids to know that you have no right to treat me like one of yours. And no amount of religious nonsense will ever convince me otherwise.
We are to be lights on a hill, not hidden, and the salt of the earth.
Light up all you want. But stop trying to force your beliefs and morals onto everyone else.
If you disagree, I have no other words but must be about God's business of trying to reach a lost and dying world, as well as ensure my children have a heritage in, but not of, the world.
You're blinded by your own imaginary self-righteousness. As are a great many religious Christians these days. Until you humble yourself, you have no light to shine, except in your own vain minds.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
purex, tell us about what other people think and why they do things:
They want to make spectacles of them, for all the world to see how religious they are.

they LIKE IT when their silly monuments upset other people.

They want to antagonize the 'unbelievers' with displays of their religiosity.

you have no real faith in God.

now for a closer, give us a great example of clueless hypocrisy!
Until you humble yourself, you have no light to shine, except in your own minds.

we can always count on you!:thumb:

have a cookie
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If that's what this were about, the Christians would be putting up their monuments in their churches. But they're not. They want to make spectacles of them, so all the world to see how religious they are. In fact, I'm quite sure they LIKE IT when their public prayers and monuments upset other people.
Two things: 1) I am "American" AND "Christian." That means I don't agree with you that separation of church and state means this.

2) Anything that encourages a society is not offensive except to the petty and I have no time for that.

They want to antagonize the 'unbelievers' with displays of their religiosity. It makes them feel even more self-righteous than they already are.
80% of us believe in God. Who would we be offending? Do the Ten Commandments offend? Really? Read more from Town Heretic. He said people against "Thou shalt not murder" were short a few.
That's because you have no real faith in God. All you have is faith in your religion. Sorry, but it's the truth.
No. It certainly is not the truth. You way overstep your bounds. Often. I don't know what made you this incredibly duped, but you are duped and that's more true than what you just said. You over-extrapolate your personal problems and then project them wrongly. I've called you on this for reporting your 'supposed truth' regarding Christian giving as well. You make up stuff and then 'think' it is true. Well, that isn't how the real world works, even if it does in your warpings. Lies are lies and truth is truth and you often believe something instead of the truth. Do you even bother to research your frivolous conjecture, or do you just throw it out in supreme arrogance that it must be true because you think it, and say it? You need to stop coming to TOL when you are drinking and/or having a pity party, or whatever else is causing this insane mess. It is your problem!

Not regarding religion. That was one of the primary ideals of the nation's founding: the separation of religion and politics.
Only within their own families. Beyond that, they become the disrespecters of the freedoms of others. They actually become enemies within their own society.
Lets just take a moment from your 'fantasy' world and bring you down to earth and facts: Library of Congress. Basically you are a sloppy and unconscionable editorialist. You believe your own garbage. I pray you'll take a good half an hour and go through the Library of Congress concerning what statesmen believe[d] about Christianity and government.
I don't have to have kids to know that you have no right to treat me like one of yours.
Then stop acting like one. I wasn't before. Am now.

And no amount of religious nonsense will ever convince me otherwise.
I know, despite facts... :Z You miss a whole lot with your myopia.
Light up all you want. But stop trying to force your beliefs and morals onto everyone else.
Er, If I wanted to 'force' it I suppose I could, but as per your horrible thinking skills, I have no way to even start, let alone stop. "Make me" came to mind. You couldn't any more than I can 'force' you. You are wrong. I'm right. That's the end of this little tune. You make up trash as you go, and then believe your own hype.

You're blinded by your own imaginary self-righteousness. As are a great many religious Christians these days. Until you humble yourself, you have no light to shine, except in your own vain minds.
You are incredibly more 'self-righteous' mr. "I make up my own nonfactual-facts and then try to pass them off as gold." You get defensive when there was no reason to be, probably carrying grudges from another thread. You deserved to be called on your trash that isn't truth there as you do here. You make up stuff, think because you 'thought' it, it must be true, and then passed off your imagination as if it was true. You 'fabricate' PureX. "Pure eX-" comes to mind every time I read your junk mail. Look at what I wrote, then look at your overt offensive response. You are not a nice man, PureX and you make stuff up so you 'can' hate. It must be a sad sad world you live in. None of us want to see you railing against us, especially with stuff you just made up in your head 'so you could' rail aganst us.

Read Doser just above me. Do you think perhaps you bring angst on yourself? I think you have some real problems, especially with Christians and your thinking is unstable. You won't be open to that, but you obviously have some personal hang-ups that have nothing to do with me. I was nothing but nice last post. You are 'looking' for reasons to hate and shoving opinion, as Doser says, by trying to read minds and intent because "that's how you want it to be so you can be upset." That's called fiction but you are sinfully passing it off as nonfiction. Stop it. Knock it off. Quit doing it. Don't do it again. Refrain. Desist. Don't let this happen again. Don't do it no more.
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Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
I believe you were thinking of the famous "Scopes Monkey Trial".

The "Monkey Trial": An ACLU Effort for Godlessness

Regarding "the law" (i.e. civil law). God created it along with the Church and Family for the governance of man. As seen in one of my favorite articles, because people of faith neglect to get involved in the political scene, we're at the state of moral decay that we're currently in.

Civil Government: The Neglected Ministry

If there is one thing right wing evangelicals do not do it is neglect the civil government.

Spiritual warfare they neglect


If there is one thing right wing evangelicals do not do it is neglect the civil government.

It wasn't "right wing evangelicals" that brought us 8 years of Barack Hussein Obama and his pro abortion/homosexual/Marxist agenda.

Spiritual warfare they neglect

Not so. As mentioned in the article that I linked we acknowledge the importance of all 3 institutions that God ordained for the governance of man (The Church, the Family and Civil Government).

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
They annoy the constitution, and by extension, everyone who believes we ought to be minding it.

They annoy me, and I consider myself Christian, for that very reason.

to whom do you owe allegiance?

God or the united states constitution?


to whom do you owe allegiance?

God or the united states constitution?

To those who know their US history, they know that the founding documents (including the Constitution) have biblical roots.

Biblical Roots of the U.S. Constitution

And then there's this:

Kerby Anderson writes that the Bible was commonly cited by the founding fathers of America:

"The influence of the Bible on the Constitution was profound but often not appreciated by secular historians and political theorists. Two decades ago, Constitutional scholars and political historians (including one of my professors at Georgetown University) assembled 15,000 writings from the Founding Era (1760-1805). They counted 3154 citations in these writings, and found that the book most frequently cited in that literature was the Bible. The writers from the Foundering Era quoted from the Bible 34 percent of the time. Even more interesting was that about three-fourths of all references to the Bible came from reprinted sermons from that era."

patrick jane

To those who know their US history, they know that the founding documents (including the Constitution) have biblical roots.

Biblical Roots of the U.S. Constitution

And then there's this:

Kerby Anderson writes that the Bible was commonly cited by the founding fathers of America:

"The influence of the Bible on the Constitution was profound but often not appreciated by secular historians and political theorists. Two decades ago, Constitutional scholars and political historians (including one of my professors at Georgetown University) assembled 15,000 writings from the Founding Era (1760-1805). They counted 3154 citations in these writings, and found that the book most frequently cited in that literature was the Bible. The writers from the Foundering Era quoted from the Bible 34 percent of the time. Even more interesting was that about three-fourths of all references to the Bible came from reprinted sermons from that era."

Finally you've posted something useful, good job, maybe you can grow up a little now. :baby: