The TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 17th, 2013 05:00 AM
toldailytopic: You are what you eat. How do you feel about genetically modified organisms (GMO) and genetically engineered (GE) seeds and crops? |
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Seems that genetic changes to crops and other food put them out side of our own human evolved capacity to deal with, recognize, digest and use them as food.
In some cases these 'new' food just pass through our system undigested. However in other cases it seriously frustrates our digestive system and goes into our body where it wreck havoc there in many ways. These include some ways that very destructive to life and cannot yet be reversed.
Seems that genetic engineers are artificially accelerating the evolution of crops and animals. They are refining food beyond the elementary ways of simply cooking food. They are refining food into forms that our humans systems cannot even recognize and/or digest properly.
This is putting humans at serious risk for survival. Humans are lagging far back in theur evolution. They remain at their much slower and natural rate of evolution.
Under the hands of these scientist crops and animals that supported life before are becoming not supportive (poison) to human life.
Up to very recently the greatest challenge to our human digestive system was msg.
Msg was widely used to preserve the shelf life of food, by making food highly resistive to the the natural breaking down process which must and do render every thing dust to dust.
This directly challenged and frustrate our digestive system. It also challenged and frustrate and so in some cases by-passed the inherent defense system of our digestive system.
Absorption in our digestive system is anchored and relies on this natural process of nature whereby, the body of every thing that is dead goes dust to dust.
Msg is used to frustrate this natural law. Cooked food is enable by the use of msg to hold it form for a much more extend period after it is cooked.
However msg does not stop working when we start to eat the food. It continue it devoted work of preserving the food well into and after the food enters our digestive system. Our digestive system require that food be absolutely available for God's natural breaking down process. Our digestive system cannot function other wise.
Msg does not care about this need of our digestive system. Msg just goes on doing it thing of not letting the food break down. And so this food passes through our system poorly digested (poorly absorbed), if at all.
Crop and animal genetic scientists are simply using other techniques to take our food to higher, broader and deeper levels of what was and continue to be achieved by msg.
Today, in some quarters, they are being celebrated for doing their thing. The question is will they be recognized by future generations, to be 'curses' or 'curse bearers', of our present world?
This work of genetic and msg scientists may not be a bad thing. This can separate goats (left brain operators) from the sheep (right brain operators). They are themselves left brain operators or goats. It is other left brain operators who are most at risk. They are burying their own kind. (like in the dead burying their dead). I am sorry to be the one to tell you, however left brain operators are 'the dead', in Jesus' statement, 'let the dead bury their dead'.
Fact is everyone is not equally at risk. Essentially human evolution is a highly individual things. We are all as different as our dna. We are different even in how our body deals with these new challenges which are thrown to us by these modern scientists. Indeed some people can and will rise above the digestive and abortive challenges of genetic engineered food and even msg enhanced food. These people are the few. They are the one whose physical body functions are very well and intuitively informed by Omniscience (i.e. through the Spirit of Truth). However this is another post for another time.