toldailytopic: WWJD. Jesus was Jewish, so why wouldn't He want all of us to become Je


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Also I'm not talking about worshipping a man.

And with Melchisedec (remember the translation of his name) we don't know who his father or mother is... but that doesn't mean he didn't have parents. We are all descended from Adam and Eve and Noah.

Actually scripture reveals to us that he had no mother or father... plus the fact that Christ would look like him as well as have the title of high priest after the same order as Melchisedec.

Hebrews 7:1-3
1 For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;
2 To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is King of peace;
3 (Melchisedec) Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.

Melchisedec is an eternal being, who still exists, and who had no beginning. Even though his manifested appearance looked like a Son (male) of God, he was not a natural man, but was a super-natural being.

Other sons of God have been the angels, Adam while in the garden, and finally our divine Lord Jesus)... all having no earthly father or mother ... and even with Jesus it is questionable whether Mary was a literal mother of our Lord ... or was just the natural doorway for him to enter the natural world.

Our Lord Jesus was raised and glorified, and scripture reveals to us that he favored TWO super-natural beings when he arose.

He was after the similitude of Melchisedec and the Father ... and this includes looking like them!

Hebrew 7:15, 21 KJV (to look like Melchisedec)
15 And it is yet far more evident: for that after the similitude of Melchisedec there ariseth another priest,
21 ... but this (new high priest was ordained) with an oath by Him (God) that said unto him (our Lord Jesus), "The LORD sware and will not repent, 'Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec:' "

If you do a study of the use of the word 'similitude' you will find that this means being like another ... including appearance. A 'similitude' is something one sees. This means that not only would our risen Lord Jesus hold the order of High Priest, but would appear after the similitude of Melchisedec as well.

John 17:4,5 KJV (to look like the Father)
I (Jesus) have glorified YOU (Father) on the earth: I have finished the work which YOU gave me to do.
5 And now, O Father, glorify YOU me with YOUR own self with the glory which I had with YOU before the world was.

The Father did fulfill that request ... and our Lord received the glory he had once shared with the Father before the world was. Now My Risen Lord sits enthroned next to his Father in heaven having equal glory. Two glorious LORDS representing the ONE God as Creator and Savior. ONE of them has also received the title of eternal high priest after the order of Melchisedec from his Father.

Hebrews 7:15-21 KJV

All this information ties together the image/similitude of God, the similitude of Melchisedec, and the similitude of our risen Lord Jesus to being ONE and the same.

Is it any wonder that our Lord Jesus told us that when we had SEEN him (his bodily similitude), then we had also SEEN the Father?

Since the WORD of God had shared the same glory with the Father before the world was ... they were literally ONE in appearance. So actually, in the OT when one had seen the presence of the super-natural Father ... they had seen the ONE presence which had been shared by the Father and the WORD (our future Lord Jesus).

Jesus was able to say the same sort of thing in his NT day ... for when people looked upon his mortal physical form, people had also looked upon the ONE image of our ONE God (aka the Father and the WORD). They were the ONE God manifested as visible Emmanuel (God among us) on earth. Colossians 1:15 KJV The image of God was the first of all created creatures.

John 1:18 KJV tells us that no one had ever before seen God, the Son manifested on earth in flesh, but this truth does not mean that no one had ever seen God, the Father manifested as a super-natural presence.

Since God was not called Father ... or LORD ... or God of Israel in the days of Abraham ... Exodus 6:3 KJV it makes perfect sense that Abraham would give God Almighty some sort of name that would reveal that he understood the plan of salvation. A name that meant King of righteousness, King of Peace, an eternal High Priest of God.
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Well-known member
Sorry ... my post above seems to have wandered from the original topic of our being Jews ... but it has interesting points about our risen Lord Jesus.


Jesus was Jewish but Christ is universal

Jesus was Jewish but Christ is universal

Once you understand why God cannot be owned by any one group of people on earth if you're Jewish you have make a choice of who you are serving, God or Cult. Judaism teaches serving Cult over God which is why modern Jews can accept atheist members as fully Jewish while Christian Jews will not be accepted in normative Judaism. You can't serve two masters at the same time so who are you gonna serve? God or Cult. Jesus teaches us to serve God which is serving all of humanity, no one excluded. I am Jewish by law but Christian in my beliefs so my commitment is to serve God and to serve humanity as equals, as Children of God.


Well-known member
Once you understand why God cannot be owned by any one group of people on earth if you're Jewish you have make a choice of who you are serving, God or Cult. Judaism teaches serving Cult over God which is why modern Jews can accept atheist members as fully Jewish while Christian Jews will not be accepted in normative Judaism. You can't serve two masters at the same time so who are you gonna serve? God or Cult. Jesus teaches us to serve God which is serving all of humanity, no one excluded. I am Jewish by law but Christian in my beliefs so my commitment is to serve God and to serve humanity as equals, as Children of God.

Interesting points.
Doesn't being Jewish mean a nationality ... like being Italian?

If you consider them this nationally, then it makes sense for them to have all sorts of religious faiths or lack there of and still be of Jewish descendant nationally. Even Messianic Jews are Jews nationally. Right?

Yet, like Jewish refers to a nationality ... so Judaism refers to a religion where members worship the LORD. How can their religion accept anyone as member in their synagogues who does not worship in the LORD?

So are you saying that all and any atheists are accepted in their synagogues while national Jews, who believe in Christ are not?

How do you become a member of a synagogue?


New member
Because we weren’t supposed to put the new wine into the old wine skins.

But we still had "wine skins" and thus the last supper meal being a precursor to the Eucharistic Feast.

I know UA doesn't think this is so.

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You have to be Jewish first off, although token Jewish converts are accepted with limited rights to access and no right to preach. Judaism hates Christ and Christianity. Really hates it with a passion. The Talmud is the only "holy" book in the world containing hate messages aimed specifically to slander Christ and defame Christianity. The Talmud is the only "holy" book in the world to promote racial selection and racial hatred of the majority of humankind. Because it's blanket racism, like white supremacy is blanket racism, Jewish racism has been overlooked because it targets all non-Jews. And since Israel Jews have gone to great lengths to hide the racial selection basis of Judaism, e.g. telling the world that being Jewish is not being member of any race but that's not in the core Jewish belief system which promoted racial selection to such an extent that the Cohen gene for example can still be found as markers for Jewish heredity, something only severe racial selection can account for. The same goes for the diseases specific to Ashkenazim Jews due to generations of racial selection in-breeding.
Judaism claims not to be racial but in reality it is as the fundamentalist Jewish believers in Israel try their best to get rid of non-Jewish Arabs in Palestine.


Well-known member
You have to be Jewish first off, although token Jewish converts are accepted with limited rights to access and no right to preach. Judaism hates Christ and Christianity. Really hates it with a passion. The Talmud is the only "holy" book in the world containing hate messages aimed specifically to slander Christ and defame Christianity. The Talmud is the only "holy" book in the world to promote racial selection and racial hatred of the majority of humankind. Because it's blanket racism, like white supremacy is blanket racism, Jewish racism has been overlooked because it targets all non-Jews. And since Israel Jews have gone to great lengths to hide the racial selection basis of Judaism, e.g. telling the world that being Jewish is not being member of any race but that's not in the core Jewish belief system which promoted racial selection to such an extent that the Cohen gene for example can still be found as markers for Jewish heredity, something only severe racial selection can account for. The same goes for the diseases specific to Ashkenazim Jews due to generations of racial selection in-breeding.
Judaism claims not to be racial but in reality it is as the fundamentalist Jewish believers in Israel try their best to get rid of non-Jewish Arabs in Palestine.

I guess I am not surprised that they are very clannish and selective about their intermingling. That's one of the methods God used to preserve a remnant of them through the centuries, I am surprised to hear that today's Jews are so full of hate for Christians. Right now, Christians seem to be about their only friends in the world.


Actually scripture reveals to us that he had no mother or father... plus the fact that Christ would look like him as well as have the title of high priest after the same order as Melchisedec.

Hebrews 7:1-3
1 For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;
2 To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is King of peace;
3 (Melchisedec) Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.

Melchisedec is an eternal being, who still exists, and who had no beginning. Even though his manifested appearance looked like a Son (male) of God, he was not a natural man, but was a super-natural being.

Other sons of God have been the angels, Adam while in the garden, and finally our divine Lord Jesus)... all having no earthly father or mother ... and even with Jesus it is questionable whether Mary was a literal mother of our Lord ... or was just the natural doorway for him to enter the natural world.

Our Lord Jesus was raised and glorified, and scripture reveals to us that he favored TWO super-natural beings when he arose.

He was after the similitude of Melchisedec and the Father ... and this includes looking like them!

Hebrew 7:15, 21 KJV (to look like Melchisedec)
15 And it is yet far more evident: for that after the similitude of Melchisedec there ariseth another priest,
21 ... but this (new high priest was ordained) with an oath by Him (God) that said unto him (our Lord Jesus), "The LORD sware and will not repent, 'Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec:' "

If you do a study of the use of the word 'similitude' you will find that this means being like another ... including appearance. A 'similitude' is something one sees. This means that not only would our risen Lord Jesus hold the order of High Priest, but would appear after the similitude of Melchisedec as well.

John 17:4,5 KJV (to look like the Father)
I (Jesus) have glorified YOU (Father) on the earth: I have finished the work which YOU gave me to do.
5 And now, O Father, glorify YOU me with YOUR own self with the glory which I had with YOU before the world was.

The Father did fulfill that request ... and our Lord received the glory he had once shared with the Father before the world was. Now My Risen Lord sits enthroned next to his Father in heaven having equal glory. Two glorious LORDS representing the ONE God as Creator and Savior. ONE of them has also received the title of eternal high priest after the order of Melchisedec from his Father.

Hebrews 7:15-21 KJV

All this information ties together the image/similitude of God, the similitude of Melchisedec, and the similitude of our risen Lord Jesus to being ONE and the same.

Is it any wonder that our Lord Jesus told us that when we had SEEN him (his bodily similitude), then we had also SEEN the Father?

Since the WORD of God had shared the same glory with the Father before the world was ... they were literally ONE in appearance. So actually, in the OT when one had seen the presence of the super-natural Father ... they had seen the ONE presence which had been shared by the Father and the WORD (our future Lord Jesus).

Jesus was able to say the same sort of thing in his NT day ... for when people looked upon his mortal physical form, people had also looked upon the ONE image of our ONE God (aka the Father and the WORD). They were the ONE God manifested as visible Emmanuel (God among us) on earth. Colossians 1:15 KJV The image of God was the first of all created creatures.

John 1:18 KJV tells us that no one had ever before seen God, the Son manifested on earth in flesh, but this truth does not mean that no one had ever seen God, the Father manifested as a super-natural presence.

Since God was not called Father ... or LORD ... or God of Israel in the days of Abraham ... Exodus 6:3 KJV it makes perfect sense that Abraham would give God Almighty some sort of name that would reveal that he understood the plan of salvation. A name that meant King of righteousness, King of Peace, an eternal High Priest of God.
I don't believe as you do.


Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life;
I take this to mean that we have no geneology for Melchisedek. We don't know where he came from, and his death is not recorded.


Well-known member
I take this to mean that we have no geneology for Melchisedek. We don't know where he came from, and his death is not recorded.

You can take it that way if you wish ...there is no use to argue with you if that is all you see.

But the verse actually says:
Without father, without mother ... (no parents)
without descent ...(having no natural parents and no natural future lineage)
having neither beginning of days, nor end of life ... (eternal)


You can take it that way if you wish ...there is no use to argue with you if that is all you see.

But the verse actually says:
Without father, without mother ... (no parents)
without descent ...(having no natural parents and no natural future lineage)
having neither beginning of days, nor end of life ... (eternal)
Remember the issue of rest in Hebrews? The author speaks similarly to what I am saying here in that he looks at the available scripture/history and speaks from that.


Well-known member
Remember the issue of rest in Hebrews? The author speaks similarly to what I am saying here in that he looks at the available scripture/history and speaks from that.

Hi Untellectual,
Nice to see that you are on line ... thanks for responding to my posts.

I guess I haven't read the same book. I just read my KJV Bible... and believe that it is divinely inspired and preserved by God Almighty.


Hi Untellectual,
Nice to see that you are on line ... thanks for responding to my posts.

I guess I haven't read the same book. I just read my KJV Bible... and believe that it is divinely inspired and preserved by God Almighty.
The author of Hebrews was speaking of Joshua, but the KJV has it as Jesus.


Well-known member
The author of Hebrews was speaking of Joshua, but the KJV has it as Jesus.

Perhaps I misunderstand your point above. The things said about Melchizedek could not have been speaking of Joshua of the OT.

... He had parents and relatives. He was an Eprhraimite. I Chronicales 7:27 KJV
He was the son of Nun... Joshua 1:1 KJV
He waxed old with age. Joshua 23:2 KJV
And he died and was buried. He was buried at Timmath-serah. Joshua 24:29,30 KJV

Sorry if I misunderstood what you were saying.


Perhaps I misunderstand your point above. The things said about Melchizedek could not have been speaking of Joshua of the OT.

... He had parents and relatives. He was an Eprhraimite. I Chronicales 7:27 KJV
He was the son of Nun... Joshua 1:1 KJV
He waxed old with age. Joshua 23:2 KJV
And he died and was buried. He was buried at Timmath-serah. Joshua 24:29,30 KJV

Sorry if I misunderstood what you were saying.
The subject of rest in Hebrews, which I mentioned, includes looking back in history to Joshua. When we look back in the scriptures/history at Melchisedek, we find that he is without Father or Mother or even a day of death.


Well-known member
The subject of rest in Hebrews, which I mentioned, includes looking back in history to Joshua. When we look back in the scriptures/history at Melchisedek, we find that he is without Father or Mother or even a day of death.

Okay ... what ever ... I guess I haven't done the same study regarding "rest" as you ... so I'm just missing your point. It doesn't seem to refute the point that the Bible is clear about Melchizedek being without mother and father ... without descent ... having neither beginning of life or end of days.

Guess you'll have to move on to another point ... I'm not getting your one about 'rest'.


Okay ... what ever ... I guess I haven't done the same study regarding "rest" as you ... so I'm just missing your point. It doesn't seem to refute the point that the Bible is clear about Melchizedek being without mother and father ... without descent ... having neither beginning of life or end of days.

Guess you'll have to move on to another point ... I'm not getting your one about 'rest'.
If you don't understand my point about rest, you perhaps will not understand the author's intent with Melchisedek either. You need to understand the flow of the book of Hebrews.