toldailytopic: Why are there so many Christian denominations? And is that necessarily


New member
I'm too lazy to look back, frankly you aren't worth the effort you won't respond if you are wrong anyway. You sure that disn't say top 8%?
You did say top 8%, my bad. I'm still not impressed.
No I don't. And you don't have an argument to show I do. Your ignorance of what a God is, and what I explained is showing. It may make them United with God. But not equal to God. If my words are too big let me know, but they are mostly very common 5th grade at worse words.
I asked you a number of times who was one with God. After 2 or 3 times of replying that you are not Oneness, you said John and Paul were one with God. You seem to have a different understanding of what that means. Do you know where the expression comes from? It comes from something called "the law of equivalence of form" In Spirituality things are said to be near to or far from each other by the similarity or difference of their qualities (no physical thing is present in spirituality so proximity is not the issue). To say they are one means they are the same, i.e. they have exactly the same attributes. Jesus thought so too.

30 I and my Father are one.

31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.

32 Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?

33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
Did Jesus correct them and say, no it doesn't mean that? No, he affirmed their interpretation.
34Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

35If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;
I agree God is infinite. I agree nothing is equal to God, but I recognize that GOD is manifested in a few ways. You can divide infinity by 3 and you still have infinity. Think about it.

Make a number line 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ....
It runs on for infinity, just like it does here, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1
And between 1 and 2 you have an infinite set of numbers. However it is held within the infinity set, and you have many infinity sets within the infinitey set.
I don't need a math class either.

I really don't care how you look at the Trinity, or let's call it the Divinity. I don't think believing they are together and separate is a requirement to get to heaven.
If you believe anything or anyone is equal to God you are an idolator and don't need to worry about heaven or hell, you are not even in spirituality yet.
yip yip yip yip. like a 18 oz dog barking like a great dane.

Show me where I have my own laws. I think you might could make the argument, had I not given scripture for all I did/said. Since you haven't refuted that, you have nothing but an urge to, YIP YIP YIP YIP>...
Your laws are your religion (Paul's religion I assume and whatever Xian is (Daoism?)).


New member
You did say top 8%, my bad. I'm still not impressed.

@@@@@ I am impressed you admit to it. We can talk maybe.@@@@

I asked you a number of times who was one with God. After 2 or 3 times of replying that you are not Oneness, you said John and Paul were one with God. You seem to have a different understanding of what that means.

@@@@I am using john's definition. That gives me more than 19th century philosophizing to back me up. His phrase was being "in him" which is not a form of dietary law. And Ephesians 4:12-16 how much like Him we are to be. If you are going to criticize my arguments, you have to use my definitions. Or, attack the definitions, and then we can choose a word the pedantics will be happy with. Basically the logic that just occurred, in this comment was, yiu said that is red, but I see it as free. Your rd is green therefore I'm going to attack and ridicule you. More than one dropped me a note laughing at you.@@@@

Do you know where the expression comes from? It comes from something called "the law of equivalence of form" In Spirituality things are said to be near to or far from each other by the similarity or difference of their qualities (no physical thing is present in spirituality so proximity is not the issue). To say they are one means they are the same, i.e. they have exactly the same attributes. Jesus thought so too.

@@@@plus, I really don't see how your definition attacks my thoughts anyway.@@@@

Did Jesus correct them and say, no it doesn't mean that? No, he affirmed their interpretation.

@@@@are you from the bill pare school of hermeneutics? Hat verse shares no support for what yiu explain. So, please explain what you see there.@@@ii

I don't need a math class either.

@@@@no, but perhaps some Wellbutrin....@@@@

If you believe anything or anyone is equal to God you are an idolator and don't need to worry about heaven or hell, you are not even in spirituality yet.

@@@@and you put your understanding above the Bibles direct words. Now that is confidence, very rooted in self appreciation I will admit. Do you practice this speech in front of a mirror?

Explain the aforementioned eph 4 vs, what does it mean to you?

Here is what I see.
And stature
Of Christ's perfection.

Stature...if christ's maturity is measured in a glass, you will have the same size glass.
Measure here is the size part.
Fullness your glass will be just as full as His maturity. Not any way less than Christ's. That is onneness in my terms, although you introduced that word with no definitions, so forgive me having to guess at what it meant to you. At least I kept at it til I understood. You would have run off flustered with proof to yourself that "one more time the people I.speak with.are stupid and beneath me."@@@@

Your laws are your religion

@@@@what laws? Tell me my laws, and show me where you got the proof from. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?@@@@

(Paul's religion I assume and whatever Xian is (Daoism?)).

Xian, Chi from IXOYE which are the Greek letters for an anachronym, which spells fishy. Which fishy should hold some appeal for you.

I jesus
X christ
O theta God
Y. Son
E Savior.

This is the sign of The Way, the church in Acts, that the members would use tto identify themselves to each other to avoid martyrdom.

It was also on the standard of Constantine, Chi Rho. So, it has been a symbol for Christ since long before your immutable wisdom walked the earth. If you aren't careful I will not get pissed off defending this. Be warned to think before you respond.

Thank you for playing, please have the decorated boxed version of our show. !:banana:


New member
Xian, Chi from IXOYE which are the Greek letters for an anachronym, which spells fishy. Which fishy should hold some appeal for you.

I jesus
X christ
O theta God
Y. Son
E Savior.

This is the sign of The Way, the church in Acts, that the members would use tto identify themselves to each other to avoid martyrdom.

It was also on the standard of Constantine, Chi Rho. So, it has been a symbol for Christ since long before your immutable wisdom walked the earth. If you aren't careful I will not get pissed off defending this. Be warned to think before you respond.

Thank you for playing, please have the decorated boxed version of our show. !:banana:
I'm not Christian and not part of any group that came after. I only thought xian was connected to Daoism because when I goggle xian it wants to spell it Xi'an and shows me some articles about China and Dao.
I was afraid that was the oneness you spoke of.

I have no interest in continuing this, the only reason I went this far is because of your remarks about the church being "one with God", I understand that phrase just like Jesus and the religious people of that time did. "One with God" happens only after the body (all souls) is complete. It is the goal of existence, which as I said is a process. It never applies to an individual.

my assessment of why so many denominations is this...

Matthew 10
34Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

35For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

36And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

37He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

38And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

39He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.


New member
Do you goggle much? Is it better than google?

Did I have a ' in the word anywhere?.

How can you stand to drop your emminence to such a low level as talking to people that don't understand things at the level the apostles did, as you do. Do you have scars on the side of your face, stewie, from trying to walk through doors?


New member
Do you goggle much? Is it better than google?
ain't you the one to point out typos, get a computer.

Did I have a ' in the word anywhere?.
no that's why I couldn't find it. I think you are lying about your comprehension skills the evidence is in what you just wrote.

How can you stand to drop your emminence to such a low level as talking to people that don't understand things at the level the apostles did, as you do. Do you have scars on the side of your face, stewie, from trying to walk through doors?
You are right, I never should have responded to your post in the first place.
What makes you think the apostles understood? And I didn't say apostles, you did.
15Then answered Peter and said unto him, Declare unto us this parable.

16And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding? [


New member
ain't you the one to point out typos, get a computer.

@@so, thats only allowed against me.... I see. See I do it for comic relief. You guys do it, hoping to gain credility.@@@@

no that's why I couldn't find it. I think you are lying about your comprehension skills the evidence is in what you just wrote.

@@@@you couldn't find it because you are dense. That's why you attack more than rebut, I guess putting Xian with Xmas and drawing a conclusion is above, or beneath you.. one or the other. BRILLIANT!.@@@@

You are right, I never should have responded to your post in the first place.

@@@@its a coupla hours of my life I will never get back.... why don't you go back through the exchange and look at all the silly posturing comments you made and had handed back in your face. THEN look at how when wrong, you ignored and fled. See why you make me giggle.@@@@

What makes you think the apostles understood? And I didn't say apostles, you did. @@@@apostles in acts were given the spirit and everything fell into place for them.

you are a bore. Bif you can't get on tilop, you pretend you are on top. There is no honesty in your discussions. Yiu wouldn't admit to being wrong, of every witnes was sure you were.


New member
Hmm... been a while since I've been to this site, but I think I can offer some reasoning for different denominations to exist thanks to my own.

I have attended a Free Methodist church for my entire life (my parents took me my first week out of the hospital). The history of the Free Methodist church's formation is one of, simply put, corruption and excommunication.

A group of members of the Methodist church in New England (I believe New York, specifically), were forced out due to speaking up against a number of issues (slavery, selling/renting pews, twisted doctrine, secret societies - specifically free masons). Among those ostracised was B.T. Roberts, a preacher who had his credentials stripped for speaking out. Roberts and several others went on to form the Free Methodist church, keeping the Methodist name as they maintained Methodist principals as set down by John Wesley. That the Methodist church changed was the main issue, and so many of the faithful could not, in good conscience, stay with the status quo.

Likewise, one could look at the history of abuse suffered by the Methodist church at the hands of the Anglican church. John Wesley, it should be noted, maintained his status as an ordained Anglican priest, and insisted that all ministers of the Methodist movement do so as well. But, in both cases, it was a matter of a split occuring at a time when the original denomination was at its most corrupt. Eventually, the corruption ended, and we could once again be united in ideals if not in organization.

Today, I find little difference other than typical differences in ideology (eg. Calvinism vs. Arminianism), at least among protestant denominations - I've encountered few catholics to discuss differences. These things are, over all, minor hold ups that exist, but most denominations in my city take part in interdenominational events such as concerts, camps, and services. It's quite nice to see a community so united, even if we use different names.


The Dark Knight
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This is a lot like asking why we can't have world peace. The answer is the same; people can't agree.