Rom. 10:9-10; Jn. 3:16, etc. is true whether you think I believe it or not.
Why did Jesus die, William?
Rom. 10:9-10; Jn. 3:16, etc. is true whether you think I believe it or not.
I don't like anybody when they're new.
Then I stop not liking them once I know them.
Then I start to like some because they're entertaining.
I cannot abide The Horn. His musings are pure folly.
I don't like the Horn either, but I guess that belongs in the "posters you didn't like and still don't like" thread.
Why did Jesus die, William?
He was crucified?
Who's William?
Is it your belief (today) that His death took away the sins of the world? When Paul said that Jesus died for our sins, how long after His death did Paul say this, and what sins was he speaking of?To save smucks like you and me from sin (Jn. 1:29)
About which part? Because he said plenty more about people that pervert the gospel.
graceandpeace and I got off to a bad start (I pejoratively called her sozo's twin sister?!). The Holy Spirit spoke to both of us and we are now respectful and civil despite still disagreeing on some things.
There will be a blue moon and hell will freeze over when sozo/ghost and I are warm and fuzzy (or the rapture happens, which ever comes first).
Those in darkness (Calvinists, Pentecostals, Charismatics, Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, Baptists, Mormons, Muslims, Scientologists, Trinitarians, Presbyterians, Christians, Messianic Jews, Seventh Day Adventists, Christian Scientists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jews, Nonismatists, some Open Theists ... heck, anyone but me.) have it as their agenda to keep others in the dark. Those of us in the light (read here me), are here to expose them.
Is it your belief (today) that His death took away the sins of the world? When Paul said that Jesus died for our sins, how long after His death did Paul say this, and what sins was he speaking of?
Why did Jesus die, William?
:mock: Men in "skirts" with big hammers.
Thank you for admitting that you reject the Gospel outright.His death is a substitute for the penalty of sin. It is a perfect provision for all men and all sins. However, universalism is not true, so there is a condition for subjectively appropriating His objective provision.
How many sins were in the future from Jesus death when Paul said that "Jesus died for our sins"I deny that future sins exist
Yes, we know you worship and serve a goat god.but I do not deny that there is provision for them if they are actualized.
"Run away thread, never comin' ba-ack.." :guitar:
"The long and winding thread......duh duh, duh duh...."
"Thread on the run . . . ."