Hi, here I am, don't know where John is...
Romeo Romeo, errr John, where art thou? Great Scriptures, wowie.
Door and others,
I have just been enjoying all the comments - stimulating and thought provoking..
Not wanting to be like the Scripture Nazi, I still have to ask everyone who is not considering this "my" way to please try again.
I am asking y'all to consider this is like an impromptu combo of a Kangaroo Court and Drumhead Court-martial.
Stop for a minute:
Remember when the woman came and washed His feet?
But what was the woman doing?
Now I ask you is this the act of a contrite heart? Is it faith and an appeal and love?
The Lord said:
Is this the same woman? I do not know.
But I have to ask if this is not a very different situation than the woman getting set up with a guy somewhere, tricked to be used by a group of men, then dragged out to a public place in broad daylight and then suddenly scared to death she was about to be stoned.
Please notice the woman at the dinner was not in danger of being stoned to death even though they all knew she was a "sinner" - so the men who who drug out the woman to Jesus had to catch her in the act to get that court situation of being "guilty of a punishable crime"
Aren't these two different situations?
One is in regards to life or death right now - and the other about her soul?
If so then "sin no more" would have to mean, I think, "don't commit adultery any more" since that was the charge she gets to walk away from.
You are bringing up some good ideas.
The difference I see in this woman and the woman caught in adultery is that perhaps she was not married. Adultery is a sin committed by a married person. I've often wondered why they didn't bring the man, who was caught in the act as well, to Jesus. I figure that perhaps he wasn't a married man ... or they killed him on the spot????
Regarding the behaviors of the woman, who washed his feet, I believe her actions may have demonstrated five things.
* a contrite heart,
* her faith in him as her savior who could forgive sins
* an appeal to him as her Lord for forgiveness and salvation
* a show of her love for him
* and an appeal for his love
Yet, I have to ask: Is being forgiven of our sins our "free pass" to our eternal salvation or is there more to it?
Wasn't faith part of the deal as well?
Abraham sinned, David sinned, but it was their faith that played a key role to their secure position of salvation.
In fact (Luke 7:50), Jesus said to the woman, who washed his feet:
"Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace."
Therefore Jesus did not condemn her of her sins ... but acknowledge that is was her
faith in him that had brought salvation.
Another time there is an example (Acts 1:1-7), when some of the disciples were spreading the gospel and baptizing, they ran across a group of followers of John. When they questioned them about their faith, they found that these followers had only received the "Baptism of John," which was "repent and be forgiven of sins."
Help me here: Didn't John's baptism include both
"repentance" and
"forgiveness" of sins?
Anyway, after informing these people of the reality of the Holy Ghost sent by Christ into the world they immediately baptized them again with the baptism of repentance saying:
"Believe on Him (the Lord Jesus) which should come after him (John)." Therefore they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Ghost came upon them and they spake in tongues and prophesied.
The woman washing Jesus's feet demonstrated her acknowledgement of who Jesus was and Jesus saw her heartfelt faith.
The woman caught in Adultery did neither of these things. Nor did Jesus reveal that she had the "salvation faith" in her.
I still say that Jesus did not condemn her for her adultery ... because he did not come into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world.
Actually, what human being knows when another person is saved? Can we know this about a person without any doubt?
We can look at the behaviors of people and give our opinion, but isn't God the only one who fully knows the heart of a person?
Yet, there was an outward sign given at the baptism of the men in Acts 19. They spake in tongues and prophesied.
I think that an individual can know if he or she is saved ... because I believe that a saved person then has contact with the LORD ... and if his faith allows he hears from the Lord through the Holy Spirit in him and sees him at work in his life.
Tell, me what you think about this.