toldailytopic: What was the first job you ever had?

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for March 8th, 2010 01:06 PM

toldailytopic: What was the first job you ever had?

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New member
Good one

Good one

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for March 8th, 2010 01:06 PM

toldailytopic: What was the first job you ever had?

Corn detassling, age 13; then on to dish washing at a restaurant in town. I've been employed ever since other than a few months while in college.

I don't think I've ever had a job I've hated.

Well, there was that one.....:D

Nathon Detroit

I sold greeting cards door to door. We had to buy the greeting cards and then resell them. It was horrible.


New member
At least you were both young when you were selling.

Cold sales are brutal. Being a cute kid certainly doesn't hurt.


Well-known member
How old were you when you started your first job?

Now, you shouldn't ask a lady her age.
BUT, I started when I was 21. After that, I was either teaching from grades 1-7 or teaching and going back to school. I'm retired now. It's great.


New member
Now, you shouldn't ask a lady her age.

My apologies.

BUT, I started when I was 21. After that, I was either teaching from grades 1-7 or teaching and going back to school. I'm retired now. It's great.

That was what I was trying to find out. When you said your first job was as a teacher, I was guessing you must have been in your twenties.


New member
Around age 14/15, I folded seed germination towels (don't ask) and cleaned/reorganized attic storage at my dad's employer. Thankfully, it was just for a summer.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Washing dishes in a restaurant at age 14. $1 per hour, but a few dollars in the pocket of a 14 year old every week is an epiphany LOL.

The Berean

Well-known member
My first job was at age 13 picking strawberries for $2.50/hr plus $0.50 per box during the summer of 1982. It was often 95-100 degrees during the day. We worked six days a week, 8-12 hours per day. After that summer my dad told me I had a choice. I can be a laborer like him or I can go to college. Guess which choice I picked? :think:


Hall of Fame
My first job was at age 15, working for a Christian Daycare. It was so long ago, I really don't even remember what it paid.


New member
Hall of Fame
I wasn't going to bother answering this thread at first. The first job I could recall was fry cook at some fast food restaurant that I can't even remember the name of. Not at all interesting.

Then it occurred to, the first job of any sort I can recall, that I actually got paid to do you understand, was yard work (raking pine straw, picking up trash, etc). In a psychiatric hospital. As a patient.

I don't think I ever filled out a W4 on that though so maybe that doesn't qualify. There were forms here and there with my name on them, indicating I was a grounds-keeper. And I got paid every week. And I did if for something like six months or so.

If that doesn't qualify then we're going to have to go with the fry cook thing. But if you were to ask about my second job then I could tell you all about working at an adult video store. Much more interesting, in a humorously creepy and often disturbing kinda way.
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