toldailytopic: What type of person commits a terrorist act like the one at the Boston


New member
I have now seen two pics of possible suspects. One dude is a middle aged "dumpy" looking white guy with a beard. The other pic is clearly a darker skinned middle-eastern looking young adult.

From FOX:

The suspect, who is expected to appear in federal court in Boston later today, has not yet been named by authorities. He was seen on surveillance footage that showed a young man carrying – and perhaps dropping – a black bag at the second bombing scene at the finish line of Monday's race, where two bombs exploded, killing three and injuring 176.

Read more.


New member
The most likely candidates in my opinion…. (in order of most likely to least likely)

- Islamic terrorist.
- Occupy Wall Street wacko
- Right wing extremist
- Women's book club organizer
- Government conspiracy

Four possibilities that I can see:

1. Someone whose belief in a cause exceeds their regard for human life. I think we can agree that there are such people in the Tea Party, OWS, gun rights advocates, eco-terrorists, and all sorts of political or religious groups. Since the minimum number of people required to pull something like this off is one, I think they are all a possibility, though I doubt there's going to be a connection to a much larger group in any case.
2. A sociopath. Perhaps our mistake is seeing larger purpose where there is basically none. Perhaps this is a person who just likes to kill and to feel powerful.
3. An agent of a foreign state. We are in conflict with a number of countries to a greater or lesser degree. If North Korea or Iran had managed to get a loyal operative into the country, they would seem to have little reason to claim credit, for instance.
4. While I think if this were al Qaeda or some other religious/political/terror group, we'd have heard a claim of credit by now, else what would be the point for them, it is possible that they could be behind it.

My strongest candidate, and it really is based on very little, is a gun rights advocate, probably a militia member, with or without the blessing of the rest of the militia. The choice of a bomb, perhaps demonstrating that it is still possible to harm lots of people without guns, on the day that new background check legislation is gaining speed, seems suggestive, and the choice of doing it on tax day might align with a lot of these people politically. But this could really just be a Rorschach Test result.


New member
Someone educated in the modern-day Bail Temples that is the Govmnt Mandated Curriculum of the Godless Public School System.

Someone raised on Hollywood Media Programming values via Television.

Children born of deranged degenerates who themselves are victims of the afore mentioned.

Someone who went to Disney Land and never departed.

"Congradulations, gentlemen, your all we've come to expect from years of gvmnt training" -Agent Zed. Men In Black.


Well-known member
Sure hope it's someone from a group that we can hate!

Muslims, gays, liberals, poor minorities ...


New member
Sure hope it's someone from a group that we can hate!

Muslims, gays, liberals, poor minorities ...

That is an inflammatory and unseemly response!
I hate the deed! And I hate the doer of the deed!
And if it proves to be a white anglo-saxon protestant all of you liberals will get to hate him and by extension offer that as prove of how awful is America?


Well-known member
That is an inflammatory and unseemly response!
I hate the deed! And I hate the doer of the deed!
And if it proves to be a white anglo-saxon protestant all of you liberals will get to hate him and by extension offer that as prove of how awful is America?
America isn't "awful" because of things like this bombing. As horrible as it is, we do far worse every day.


Terrorists are invariably binars whether religious or not. Timothy McVay was an atheist binar. Binars are generally religious, however.