toldailytopic: What opinion do you hold that would surprise others?

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Well-known member
I believe seeking God means seeking Jesus Christ. We know God through his word, we can only come to the Father through Jesus Christ, for He is the door. Seek Christ and receive the Holy Spirit. We my pray in the name of the Father because Christ taught us how to pray. Mainly I do not say repetitive prayer, as it loses meaning and becomes a chant; I pray to Jesus, not the Father. I have received Grace, therefore anyone who believes me must contend that I have done right.
No surprise there. :nono:


My opinion that would surprise others? :think:

I am of the opinion that companies should observe what type of car a prospective employee drove to the interview, and give hiring preference to those who drive American cars. Not American-made foreign cars, but cars made by American car companies. We consume about 40% of the car market, and if we bought strictly American cars, our economy would be stronger than it has ever been.

If you ARE in the market for a car, at least TEST-DRIVE and American car before you buy, you just might be pleasantly surprised.

Not really surprising, but are you aware that most Toyotas and Hondas sold in America have more American made parts and labour than cars from the Big 3? There's a lot of "American cars" that are made in foreign factories.

I'd really hate to have it held against me at a job interview that I own a 66 VW Beetle.


Well-known member
Unlike the vast majority of those in my theological circle, I personally believe that there is a small degree of real, supernatural occurrence in the world, and that it is strictly demonic in origin. I certainly believe that 98% of alleged "magic" and "ghosts" etc. are faked and/or imaginary. But, as a former witch, myself, I have witnessed things and done things I can not explain any other way.

Including the time I personally healed someone else's burn on their in a matter of moments. Or the time someone told me in great detail the mental image picture that I had just envisioned moments before during meditation. (It was highly unusual and very specific imagery.) There are other examples I don't need to get into.

Could I be wrong? Sure. Anything is possible, and if I were proven wrong, it certainly wouldn't refute any important theology I have. It's not dogma on my part, but I hold that these things do occur sometimes, and that they are used by demonic forces to manipulate and corrupt human beings who will then want another "taste" of it, like dangling a carrot before them.
Make no mistake: we are in one of the last battles of the great war between the forces of good an evil. Personally, I'm not prepared to allow the enemy to steal from me what God has prepared for me. Jesus said that signs would follow them that believe, and I'm definitely a believer. I expect to heal the sick, cleanse lepers, raise the dead and cast out demons. I know that many believe that God's Gifts have passed away, but I don't. Yes, the enemy uses counterfeits, of everything that he can counterfeit, to try to keep The Sons and Daughters of God from manifesting His Presence. I heard someone say one time: "New level: new devil." We don't wrestle against flesh-and-blood, but against powers, principalities and rulers of the darkness of this world. We're in a wrestling match because they want to suppress the testimony of Jesus, which is The Spirit of Prophecy. We want to promote Him, and prophecy will do just that. The love of God is shared with others when God is able to manifest His Word to those in need. Today, The Word of God is more precious than when Israel went for decades without hearing from God. We have His Spirit living within us, and should be doing the works that Jesus did. In point of fact: we should be going GREATER works than He did. I have yet to hear of anyone actually walking on water in the last 2,000 years or so, much less doing something greater than that.


Well-known member
Not really surprising, but are you aware that most Toyotas and Hondas sold in America have more American made parts and labour than cars from the Big 3? There's a lot of "American cars" that are made in foreign factories.

I'd really hate to have it held against me at a job interview that I own a 66 VW Beetle.
Well aware, being in the trade. I spent more than 25 years as an automechanic and am currently in the business of supplying powder compaction presses to auto parts manufacturers, which make many parts too complex to mass-produce by machining, due to the speed at which our press can make a part (about four seconds) compared to how long the machining process would take (several hours). All of our customers are picking up business, slowly.

I believe that the US would have held market dominance forever, had the US Congress stepped in and defended our manufacturing plants with fees on foreign import cars, or at least a numeric quota per year. The error was made long ago, but thank God that the bearing industry is protected, as well as the technology industries. :thumb:


Well aware, being in the trade. I spent more than 25 years as an automechanic and am currently in the business of supplying powder compaction presses to auto parts manufacturers, which make many parts too complex to mass-produce by machining, due to the speed at which our press can make a part (about four seconds) compared to how long the machining process would take (several hours). All of our customers are picking up business, slowly.

I believe that the US would have held market dominance forever, had the US Congress stepped in and defended our manufacturing plants with fees on foreign import cars, or at least a numeric quota per year. The error was made long ago, but thank God that the bearing industry is protected, as well as the technology industries. :thumb:

Spent quite a few years as a mechanic myself. I agree with you, though.

Which is probly one of the shocking things about me is how much I agree with conservatives.


Well-known member
Which is probly one of the shocking things about me is how much I agree with conservatives.
Not to me... I've always thought of you as a sister in Christ... I have no doubt that you'll one day become a believer in The Lord Jesus. :thumb:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Many might be surprised to know that I think Sozo needs anger management.

I don't think that anything you do in the privacy of your own home, insofar as it directly harms nobody else, should be illegal. That is, the following shouldn't be able to land you in jail:

1. Viewing pornography of any sort
2. Having gay sex
3. Fornicating
4. Masturbation

No one is surprised by this.

That dresses like a lady.
But dude don't look like a lady.:nono:


New member
Hall of Fame
I believe that if you truly are seeking the creator God and wish to be with Him eternally He will accept you with open arms, no matter what other bizarre theology you might hold.

In other words... I don't think people will be sent to hell on technicalities.

That being said.... if in your heart you are NOT truly seeking the creator God, He is a gentleman and will not force to live with Him eternally if you were actually seeking some other non-existent god.

By "bizarre theology" and "technicalities", does that include other religions? Or what exactly do you include in that?

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
I believe that if you truly are seeking the creator God and wish to be with Him eternally He will accept you with open arms, no matter what other bizarre theology you might hold.

Even though the Bible explicitly says otherwise? Romans 10:9 and 1 Corinthians 15 says that he was resurected for your justification, which goes with Romans 10:9, and that plus nothing. And that any other version or that tries to add is a false gospel. So like Kmo said, I am curious what you think is something bizzare.

I believe it is impossible to believe the gospel, have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and mind of Christ, and say nonsense like Jesus is not God, nor is the Holy Spirit, they are not one, you must confess, you must be water baptised, etc.


Ok, ok. Here's an opinion that may surprise some of you:

I hate black metal and death metal. I think they sound horrible. :nono:
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