toldailytopic: What does it take to survive on TOL, and can you predict those who wil


New member
Roman Catholics teach: a false Jesus (1 Ki 8:27), a false gospel (Mt 15:9, Ga 1:6-8) and a false way of salvation (Jude 11).
serpent is a known public liar (Prov. 19:5) who willfully misrepresents (bears false witness against) the Catholic faith at every opportunity, just as he has here. Note that he's made two major anti-Catholic claims in his post ("false gospel" and "false way of salvation" are synonymous, and so amount to a single claim), yet has provided no substantive proof whatsoever for those long-refuted assertions. Thus, he has offered nothing more than subjective human opinion---nothing but bluster and posturing, all of it completely irrelevant. Moving on... :yawn:

(Incidentally, every one of the biblical texts he quoted as if they somehow applied to the Catholic faith can just as well be applied to serpent himself. Nice try, though.)

Gaudium de veritate,


