toldailytopic: What does God want from me?

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I don't guess you could explain how this matters existentially, eh?

It matters because that God is the ultimate exemplar of all perfection. Therefore, we should strive to conform ourselves as much as we can to Him (through virtue). Ultimately, this has to mean esteeming the created world to be valueless in itself. And giving up Regina. :p

God is the source of all being, and to God all being strives to return.

John Ladder

New member
Jesus doesn't call us to asceticism in-and-of-itself. And God is not distant.

You cannot conform to Him. It isn't about what you can do, but what God has done. You must die as a kernel of wheat, and allow Him to revive you to full life.

You cannot merely "return" to Him. To apply for citizenship in the Master's Kingdom, you must cease your striving and become a slave to His righteousness.
John 12:25-26 -- "He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal. If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him."
These are a few of the genuine spiritual basics which are missing from Romanist indoctrination.

P.S. I have found more on SK and marriage. However, it is all ironical and humorous, like much of his commentary on other topics.


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Hall of Fame
Common sense, Mary.

It is generally held as true that knowledge is better than ignorance, and that intelligence is better than idiocy. Thus, glorifying ignorance and idiocy is probably a stupid move.
I agree. I do find it interesting that common sense and what's generally held as true are your standards, though.

That said, I think you've some basic assumptions that are working against you. You responded to John's objection of Traditio's pointing to Plontius over Christ, characterizing it as "Anti-intellectualism", "the rejection of reason" and "Glorifying blind obedience and mindlessness". Did you come to this conclusion by common sense and what's generally held as true as well?

Regardless, I think you should reexamine this assumption. I think you'd have to at least take a stab at establishing those who'd seek Christ over Plontius (or whateverhaveyou) suffer for it in some way before assuming it's so. Christians generally seem as reasonable, insightful and aware as anyone else to me. If there's a difference there it doesn't seem of such import that it's even noticeable to me. Certainly nothing near the degree you characterize.

I'd suggest you're under the influence of some rather serious prejudices that might need be addressed.


New member
I'm not saying there's nothing wrong on searching christ over plotinus.

I'm saying John Ladder's specific posture of calling all the sages in the world fools, wisdom in the world worthless and all the knowledge in the world irrelevant except that of the Bible and the Lord is completely retarded.

No more, no less, Mary ;).


New member
God wants us to demonstrate our belief in Him and love of Him by following what we believe to be His laws or rules. He wants us to get along with and care for each other.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm not saying there's nothing wrong on searching christ over plotinus.

I'm saying John Ladder's specific posture of calling all the sages in the world fools, wisdom in the world worthless and all the knowledge in the world irrelevant except that of the Bible and the Lord is completely retarded.

No more, no less, Mary ;).
Way to miss the point. The point being that this isn't at all what JL was saying and you're missing the part where you assumed that it was. And why you assumed that. And still apparently assume it.

Of course, that's assumes prejudice (and possibly bigotry as well). If we're not looking at prejudice here, then we're looking at blatantly dishonesty.

All the sages of the world, fools? All wisdom in the world worthless? All knowledge in the world irrelevant? Where does he say any of that? Or anything that could reasonably be said to imply it?

You're talking JL's position, inflating it out to ridiculous extremes and dumping every bit of scorn and derision on that inflated position that you can. What do we call this? What does it typically indicate about someone who does this?

Understand I'm not trying to attack you personally, so much. I just get sick of this sort of thing and have to speak against it now and again. You're either stooping to some very dishonest tactics in the effort to undermine JL rather than arguing his position or you've got a problem with those who believe as JL does, to the point that it renders you incapable of responding rationally.

In my opinion. Take it as you like.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
you already have a relationship with the Father
He wants to know if you want to continue it
No "to" but "with."

We're born inescapably tied to a relationship with God. Having one with is a good deal different.

And he's had my answer on that point.



New member
No. John Ladder has posted condemnations of philosophy and secular knowledge. He has said that all the wisdom in the world is worthless, and I quote him textually.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No "to" but "with."

We're born inescapably tied to a relationship with God. Having one with is a good deal different.

And he's had my answer on that point.


that is a distinction only a lawyer could make while ignoring the one I made


Well-known member
Psalm 51:17
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
that is a distinction only a lawyer could make
Nah, anyone with sufficiently developed reason might offer it.

while ignoring the one I made
Where only someone applying that faculty insufficiently to the question would think that.

But in the spirit of substantive address, let me clarify. I said God wants/desires relation with man. You answered:
you already have a relationship with the Father and He wants to know if you want to continue it
Given the cryptic lack of context for your post, I responded within the context of my own. Man doesn't automatically have a relationship with God, only to Him.

The only other inference would be a rather more personal one: that you mean I have (as I do) a relationship with God and for some reason you think you're standing between me and Him with a question as to it continuing. I didn't assume you meant this because, well, it's silly, presumptive and a bit nonsensical.

So what is your complaint about omission again? :plain:


Well-known member
Romans 14:16-19
Let not then your good be evil spoken of: for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.
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