toldailytopic: What do you think of Mitt Romney?


New member
Romney is boring. He is not a good leader. No matter how moderate he was in Massachussetts, he will buckle under to the national right wing on almost everything. He will do whatever he thinks will get him votes or approval. There is very little there there. He has a dignified persona. He is also the best chance Republicans now have of beating Obama and keeping the nation from progressing another 4 or 8 years. And there is no other candidate who can possibly beat Obama. I think Perry will not wear well except in Texas. But I may be wrong; I guess I'll need to look at his "stars."


New member
Romney is boring. He is not a good leader. No matter how moderate he was in Massachussetts, he will buckle under to the national right wing on almost everything. He will do whatever he thinks will get him votes or approval. There is very little there there. He has a dignified persona. He is also the best chance Republicans now have of beating Obama and keeping the nation from progressing another 4 or 8 years. And there is no other candidate who can possibly beat Obama. I think Perry will not wear well except in Texas. But I may be wrong; I guess I'll need to look at his "stars."

You're out of touch with reality. Any Republican can beat President that has made such a mess of the economy and whose approval rating is under 40%.

He is Jimmy Carter Jr.


New member
I think at the end, his Mormonism will cause him to lose his votes and all his money that could have been donated to the poor.

Mormons are not Christians because they do not belive what Jesus taught - well, everyone believes SOME of what Jesus taught but they dont believe enough of what he taught to be called Christian. The Catholic Church does not recognize Mormon baptisms or marriages, just as the Church does not recognize JW ones either, though the RCC does recognize the marriages & baptisms of other faiths (Baptist, Methodist, Presb...etc)

That being said, i can't think of anything worse than BHO being pres

except a Nazi maybe :doh:


New member
Romney will say, or do, whatever it takes to get elected, as a previous poster has said.

He is a RINO, and almost as liberal as Obama.

Now ask me what I really think of him.:D

i have heard he supported all those things as well

you may have given me the one thing to respect about BHO:

at least he doesn't pretend to belong to a religion that is against abortion while on the other hand promoting it

Geez... whoever said Scum rises to the top....

Ronald Reagan seems to be the only exception

of course even he wasn't as pro-life as... well, as i am (?)

But they dont get any better than Reagan.. it seems


New member
You're out of touch with reality. Any Republican can beat (a) President that has made such a mess of the economy and whose approval rating is under 40%.

He is Jimmy Carter Jr.

And you, sir, are a right-wing zealot. In other words, how the bleep would you know anything?


New member
And you, sir, are a right-wing zealot. In other words, how the bleep would you know anything?

Name any President with an approval rating under 40% that has gotten reelected. Name one that has been reelected since FDR with an unemployment over nine percent.

BTW, people like me are the majority. Conservative outnumber liberals 2-1 and 60% of the nation is conservative or somewhat conservative.

It doesn't sound like know much about politics.


Well-known member
You're out of touch with reality. Any Republican can beat President that has made such a mess of the economy and whose approval rating is under 40%.

He is Jimmy Carter Jr.

I don't think Palin could beat Obama no matter how bad it gets for him. She will open her mouth without a teleprompter and lose.


Any candidate that has attended Planned Parenthood fundraiser, implemented a state version of Obamacare and nominated homosexual activist lawyers to courts is no better than Obama and no conservative or Christian should consider voting for him.

Sadly, however, faux conservative and GOProud advisory board member, Ann Coulter, apparently is supporting him once again.

I heard an interview with AnnCoulter yesterday. While she stated in her opinion that he is the frontrunner for the GOP, she caveated with the fact that she does not support him. She appears more leaned towards Rick Perry.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I don't even have to run a sample of his views. I already don't like Mitt. He's king of the flip flop.
Here is a sampling anyways just so that you know how the man thinks.

Firmly pro-life; including Court nominations. (Jun 2011) :up: Recently claims to be prolife but his actions speak louder than words.
No punishment for women who have partial birth abortions. (Dec 2007) :down:
Outlaw embryo farming, but allow using surplus embryos. (Dec 2007):down:
Firmly in the “legal but rare” camp. (Aug 2007) :down:
Defining mistake: supported abortion law despite opposing it. (Aug 2007) :down:
Bailout program wasted money; let companies go bankrupt. (Jun 2011) :up:
Apply Reaganomics to current recession: cut taxes & grow. (Jan 2008) :up:
2003: Battled legislatively against legalizing gay marriage. (Mar 2010) :up:
GovWatch: 1994: Favored gays serving openly in military. (Feb 2008) :down:
1994: Gays ok in Boy Scouts. (Aug 2007):down:
Sexual orientation should not preclude being a Scout. (Oct 1994) :down:
Supports death penalty in heinous murders. (Sep 2002):up:
Would be better if it were all murders and rape.
Supports death penalty and “three strikes” sentencing. (Oct 1994) :up:
Opposes legalization of recreational or medical marijuana. (Apr 2011) :up:
Will support assault weapons bill and Brady Bill. (Aug 1994) :down:
Mandating citizens to buy health insurance is conservative. (Jan 2008) :down:
Romney plan virtually identical to Obama plan. (Jun 2007)

He's not much of an improvement over Obama. He has a nearly identical health care package. He's an Obama in Republican clothing.
Source----> Mitt Romney on the Issues


Well-known member
Romney has a great name. When he eventually and inevitably follows in the footsteps of Obama and his predecessors and destroys the U.S. further, we can call him "Mittwit" or "Mitthead" for fun, provided U.S. citizens still have any right to free speech at all by then. :plain:


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Mitt will sink the US if he gets his grimy mitts on Health Care. "Grimy Mitt care, one sure way to die of political infection".


Hall of Fame
Romney has a great name. When he eventually and inevitably follows in the footsteps of Obama and his predecessors and destroys the U.S. further, we can call him "Mittwit" or "Mitthead" for fun, provided U.S. citizens still have any right to free speech at all by then. :plain:



New member
Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney

Oh, yeah! He is the guy who showed the Democrats how to get Obama's federal health program get going. Oh, yeah! Ain't that yankee somethin' else! Anybody else ready to cast a vote for a socialistic health program? Anybody who wants to get in that line, just line up with the democrats. You will stand a better chance if you admit you are a democrat along with catcher's mitt!