they are Christians who are supposed to go to church
where is His Church?
Actually, the bible says nothing about "going to church." It says to not forsake the gathering together of the brethren, but in your church (and 99% of churches), there is no real "together" because you all sit and stare at the backs of people's heads. There is no "together" in terms of ministry to each other, being a part of each other's lives, praying for one another, edifying one another, teaching one another, admonishing one another, rebuking one another, iron sharpening iron, each one excercising the gift of the Spirit God has given for each to edify the rest (most have no idea what their spiritual gift is). No, quite to the contrary, you hire professionaly trained people to do those things for you so you all face forward and listen to him or you get an appointment to see him privately. You are not "gathering together," just occupying the same room. Anything that could be considered "gathering together" happens AFTER church, like at the mid-week bible studies or after church potlucks or the social hour in the fellowship hall. I don't know how many times I'm having good fellowship with someone before church and we keep talking while church starts and someone says "Hey, church has started," and I say, "I'm having church right here but if I go in there (the sanctuary) I won't be having church. I'll just be singing songs and listening to one dude teach."
Chrys, you keep asking "where is the church" and think you have found it but you really should be asking, "Does this even qualify as "a church."
It doesn't.