toldailytopic: What are your thoughts on Planned Parenthood?

Bean Counter

New member
When you call someone else a fool because they don't appreciate your fuzzy logic, you take yourself out of contention as someone to be taken seriously. I suggest you work on that "self control" thing, and think before you hit "submit reply".

My desire is not for you to appreciate fuzzy logic. My desire is for you to respect the life of innocent children.

How about this. I apologize for calling you a fool. But it is foolish for you to say that you see nothing that proves PP desires the murder of unborn children. It's their business. Their money maker.


Hall of Fame
As I already stated in post #42 (which you conveniently did not respond to), I did not jump to any conclusions, I was able to infer that from your onw words. My offer still stands for you to edit your post #7 which caused me to infer an inner apathy in you for child killing.

Don't blame me for what you *inferred*.

Would you like to edit your post?

No ... I will not. I gave a detailed answer in response to your assumption.

Being that you are new to this forum, here is a suggestion: Ask questions rather than assuming what I am speaking of.

I already agreed that abortion should be banned. If that were the case, would you still want to tear down a building that provided women and unborn babies with health care?


New member
My desire is not for you to appreciate fuzzy logic. My desire is for you to respect the life of innocent children.

How about this. I apologize for calling you a fool. But it is foolish for you to say that you see nothing that proves PP desires the murder of unborn children. It's their business. Their money maker.

According to them, abortion is 3% of their business. Now I am sure you can find all sorts of RTL sights which will purport to prove otherwise, but who is to say who has the correct figures? I am not in favor of abortion - but I am in favor of women with low incomes having the proper gynecological care. PP provides that. Few other places do.

Bean Counter

New member
If that were the case, would you still want to tear down a building that provided women and unborn babies with health care?

No. If they were not providing abortions I would not want to destroy the buildings. But as long as they are...

It makes me sick that you want to talk about the good they do.


Hall of Fame
Or you could just agree that what Hitler and the Nazis did was evil, and that what Planned Parenthood is doing is evil.

Do you have a specific post where anyone other than Horn has stated that abortion is not evil?

Then we wouldn't be having this back and forth.

As long as you make assumptions about others rather than actually know or asking questions, the back and forth will continue.

I can see how tearing down buildings would be your preference to outlawing abortion though. :plain:


New member
Do you have a specific post where anyone other than Horn has stated that abortion is not evil?

As long as you make assumptions about others rather than actually know or asking questions, the back and forth will continue.

I can see how tearing down buildings would be your preference to outlawing abortion though. :plain:

Rusha, you know very well that women don't need low cost gynecological care. PP should be torn down, and these women left to die of undetected female cancers, or in childbirth, since they received no instruction in birth control methods. You Nazi, you! Hitler would have felt the same way you did!



New member
No. If they were not providing abortions I would not want to destroy the buildings. But as long as they are...

It makes me sick that you want to talk about the good they do.

It makes me sick that you want to deny low income women the right to healthcare by destroying the very place that provides it.


Hall of Fame
No. If they were not providing abortions I would not want to destroy the buildings.

How many abortions have *buildings* committed.

But as long as they are...

If AOD were illegal, then they couldn't, could they.

It makes me sick that you want to talk about the good they do.

I can't say that the idea of making you sick doesn't amuse me ...

What's rather amusing is that you have agreed that

Rusha said:
If that were the case, would you still want to tear down a building that provided women and unborn babies with health care?

No. If they were not providing abortions I would not want to destroy the buildings.

So you agree IF they didn't provide abortions they shouldn't be torn down?

Wow ... who'd of thunk it. :think:


Hall of Fame
Rusha, you know very well that women don't need low cost gynecological care. PP should be torn down, and these women left to die of undetected female cancers, or in childbirth, since they received no instruction in birth control methods. You Nazi, you! Hitler would have felt the same way you did!


:chuckle: What is highly amusing is that Bean Counter actually agrees that if abortion was not being provided they shouldn't be torn down.

Wow ... why didn't I say that abortion should not be provided in my initial post that she attacked? Oh wait ... I did!!! :eek:

Bean Counter

New member
It makes me sick that you want to deny low income women the right to healthcare by destroying the very place that provides it.

You speak as though PP is the only place that provides health services.

I didn't know free healthcare was a right.


Hall of Fame


Hall of Fame
You speak as though PP is the only place that provides health services.

I didn't know free healthcare was a right.

Why does this matter at this point? You have already done a 180 and AGREED with me by stating:

No. If they were not providing abortions I would not want to destroy the buildings.

Abortions are BAADDDDD.

Women's health services which include prenatal care, mammograms, GYN exams are GOOODDDD.


New member
:chuckle: What is highly amusing is that Bean Counter actually agrees that if abortion was not being provided they shouldn't be torn down.

Wow ... why didn't I say that abortion should not be provided in my initial post that she attacked? Oh wait ... I did!!! :eek:

Well, you know those PP buildings are like concentration camps, and those deserved to be torn down! And those women are like the Jews,, wait....those babies are like the Jews, and PP killed them just like Hitler killed the Jews, and if you think PP is a good thing, you should be torn down. No, I mean you should be destroyed. No,

Okay. The buildings can stay, but only if you don't burn any Jews - I mean babies.

It concerns me when people advocate any kind of violence for a cause. Tearing down a building can escalate into shooting a doctor pretty easily. It also concerns me when people show so little compassion for those who have little or nothing. Poor women rarely get decent medical care. This is one place that provides it. We don't have to love everything they do to see that they do some good.


New member
You speak as though PP is the only place that provides health services.

I didn't know free healthcare was a right.

Spoken like a true denizen of the middle class.
PP is one of a very few places that provide these other women's services. Some communities have free clinics, but they are rarely supplied or staffed to handle women's health concerns. That annual pap smear can save a life. One saved mine when I was younger and poorer. Those mammograms are expensive.

What if the tables were turned, and you were one of those women?

Sorry - got to run. Commute and supper to cook. :)

Bean Counter

New member
Why does this matter at this point? You have already done a 180 and AGREED with me by stating:

Hi Rusha. I'm not sure where the disconnect is.

Because PP kills children, I want to see them go out of business.

If they stopped killing children, no need for them to go out of business.

Hopefully this solves whatever confusion you have.