You posted this from your phone, didn't you. :chuckle:
I think there's the Internet is tremendously empowering. It makes information freer and more widely accessible, but it can harm our personal interactions when used incorrectly. I suspect that in short order, we're going to start recognizing a need for safe guidelines (not necessarily regulation) limiting how much of ourselves we invest in being online, much as we have for alcohol use.
Nice. But no, my phone's actually a bit of a dinosaur. The wife has one of those 4G super-fast ultra-trendy mobiles. I just don't see the need for one.
The interesting thing is that we have no issue with volunteering information (often deeply personal) on sites such as Facebook, but remain intensely offended, and even threatened, by the idea that some people might try to mine the data or even try to unearth fresh information about us without our consent. In other words, it's not the disclosure that we take issue with, but rather the disclosure's form.