Friends, before you comment further I'm going to ask you to put your hands against your PC or Mac monitor screen....just putt'em on up there, don't be shy....now then, friends, can you feel the warmth I have for you radiating against the palm of your hands? Can I get a "hey man!?" (*cue=HEY MAN!) Now some will try to tell you that feeling your havin now is in the natural world, friends, that it's a worldly, man made bit of nonsense and bio darn chemical even--but don't you believe it! Don't you lett'em fool you again! Nossir, not again. It's your turn now! (*)
Can you feel the tingle of excitement and joy all across that outstretched surface? Give me a hey man (*) and keep'em there, friends, pressed against the glass or plastic or whatever God given compound you have and ask yourself this question, friends, ask yourself "What have I done to deserve this? What in the world have I ever done to him to deserve this, this, this," I can only call it an outpouring friends, an overflowing of love, an abundant need to embrace you, to reach down into your despair...(*)...into your doubts and back pockets and give you relief! (*) Relief from the raging worry! (*) Relief from the fear of failure! (*) Relief from the pull of unkind misfortune (*) because you've felt it, friends, you've all felt it, seen it, been wounded by it and you said to yourself, you said to yourself, "If only I had spoken up or kept my dad blamed mouth shut!" (*) If only I had listened or turned away! (*) If only I'd have done what I should have (*) or stopped doing that other thing all together, well, none of this would have happened to me!...(*) Then friends let me tell you what I'm here to help you! (*) I'm here to uplift you! (*) I'm here to take that burden form you friend! No more self recrimination and doubt and fear and loathing and chasing after every step to find out where you missed your mark! (*) I'm here to tell you what to do! (*) I'm here to help you see it through! (*) Just give me the keys and let me drive you into the promised land! (*) And if you don't mind friends we'll stop off by the bank on the way in cause these tires don't pay for themselves, nossir!