I think Jesus showed us what tolerance and diversity are about. With the adulterous woman, he spoke to her, showed her love and compassion, but also told her to "go and sin no more". With the woman at the well, he did the same. He was compassionate, exposed her sin in a loving manner, not condemning, and she was changed by her encounter with him.
In Paul's letters, we see how diversity is handled - the early church was made up of Gentiles and Jews. The question was asked, "Should the Gentiles have to be circumcised and keep the dietary laws, etc. " and the answer was "No" . The Gentiles did not have to become Jewish in their culture- the Jews were to accept their Gentile brethren. In turn, the Gentiles were to be sensitive to their Jewish brethren's sensitivities. So as a Gentile in that context, you would not openly tell the Jewish visitor to your home that you were serving meat sacrificed to false gods.
So tolerance to me is to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" .