So, you see, there are a number of meanings that would not be absurd in the context of the Genesis creation story. * "Day" is not one of them.
In fact, "days" is one of very few that make any sense. So, if you were prepared to discuss this with some honesty and humility, you might indicate which meaning is the correct one and present your reasons for believing such.
In six afternoons, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six ages, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six alls, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six always, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six amounts, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six battles, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six birthdays, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six Chronicles, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six completelys, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six continually, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six courses, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six dailys, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six daily the days, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six days, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six day of the days, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six day that the periods, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six day's, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six day's every days, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six daylights, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six days on the days, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six days to days, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six days you shall dailys, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six days agos, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six days', God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six eachs, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six each days, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six entires, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six eternities, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six evenings, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six ever in your lives, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six every days, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six fates, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six firsts, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six forevers, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six forevermores, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six fulls, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six full years, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six futures, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six holidays, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six laters, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six lengths, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six lives, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six lifetimes, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six longs, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six long as i lives, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six middays, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six nows, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six olders, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six onces, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six periods, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six perpetuallys, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six presents, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six recentlys, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six reigns, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six ripes, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six short-liveds, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six so longs, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six some times, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six surviveds, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six times, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six todays, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six usuals, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six very olds, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six whens, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six when the days, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six whenevers, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six whiles, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six wholes, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six years, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six yearlys, God created the heavens and the Earth.
In six yesterdays, God created the heavens and the Earth.