toldailytopic: The Pope. Who is he to you?

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what an exemplary Christian attitude

You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?

hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness.


New member
You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?

hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness.

A boondocks bard! :)


Hall of Fame
Well known Christian dude (in a leadership role) associated with the Catholic church ...

Dark Radiance

New member
You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?

And this was followed in Matthew with:

Therefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes; and some of them ye will kill and crucify, and some of them ye will scourge in your synagogues, and will persecute from city to city.

Given all of the anti-Catholic tripe which this thread and others represent, it would appear that this is coming to fruition as well.


New member
And this was followed in Matthew with:

Therefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes; and some of them ye will kill and crucify, and some of them ye will scourge in your synagogues, and will persecute from city to city.

Like the Roman Catholic Inquisitions!


Dark Radiance

New member
Well worth a read:

Holy Week 2010: Suffering With the Lord
Holy Week is time when Catholics worldwide feel the pain of dying in Christ.

It comes this year as media reports bring up heartrending, often previously published, stories with a new twist – how the Vatican handled the cases. Efforts to link stories to culpable inaction by Pope Benedict XVI cause reasonable people anguish given all that the pope has tried to do to address this crisis.

Since 2002, the church in the United States has had a policy of zero tolerance, which means a priest or deacon who has admitted to or been found guilty of sexually abusing a minor can no longer engage in public ministry. Likewise, the church has developed screenings and processes to ensure that the children in its schools and religious formation programs today are not subject to abusive behavior, whether by a cleric or lay person. This has solved one problem by excising child abusers from parishes and dioceses.

Yet another problem has emerged. Society is finally seeing that sexual abuse of a child is a sin, a crime and often a sickness. Now we ask with hindsight why those in authority did not act more quickly in addressing the problem, more stringently in dealing with offenders, and more compassionately when hearing the victims. It is little comfort that many in charge acted with woefully inadequate knowledge, the same inadequate knowledge that has bedeviled psychology, law enforcement, even families for half a century or more. It is not an excuse – some things, such as not harming the weak, you should know instinctively. However, it is a fact that all of us now know more now than we did 50, 40, 30, 20, and even 10 years ago. We treat physical and mental illness today in ways different from how we did in the sixties. The police who once for the sake of peace in the precinct took a “Get out of Dodge” approach to many crimes no longer practice such expeditious law enforcement. And while we still believe in the power of prayer, no one in the church thinks a 30-day retreat and a firm purpose of amendment can cure a sexual abuser.

New knowledge means new obligations for church leaders, of course. Not knowing is no longer acceptable. Inaction will no longer be tolerated by law enforcement, fellow clerics and the Catholic community. Signs of such realization have been shown, for example, by Pope John Paul II who declared “there is no place in the priesthood or religious life for those who would harm the young” and Pope Benedict who said bluntly: “I am ashamed and will do everything possible to ensure that this doesn’t happen in the future.”

For many, the emphasis of Holy Week is on Good Friday, a day that’s good not because Jesus died a terrible death that day, but because the death led to His subsequent resurrection. It holds deep meaning for Catholics now who seek meaning from the tragedy of pedophilia.

Pedophilia has had terrible effect on many and reminds us of sinful humanity than is around us and within us. It has made a long Good Friday for many, especially those victimized by this sin and crime. But as the church has learned while dealing with these wounds, as it did with the crucifixion of Jesus, the pain can lead to a church purified of sin.

With the current spate of news stories about inaction in the face of pedophilia, Catholics rightly feel numbness like that of Holy Saturday when the Apostles and followers of Jesus were stunned by the events around them. The message, however, is that Jesus’ death led to new life. The Church is still learning through its pain. The comfort of Christ awaits, which is something victims/survivors need and deserve and something the entire Church, from Pope Benedict to the newest baptized child, can take hope in.



The pope is a false religious leader, who leads a Satanically influenced religion that has and is taking millions of people to hell.
That's correct (Rev. 3:14–22).

"Roman Catholicism vs. historical, biblical Christianity: "We have different authorities, we believe different gospels, we worship different Christs, we are led by different spirits and we are on different paths to eternity. Compare this with the unity the apostle Paul described with those who are in one body and one ......Spirit, with one hope; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, on God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all (Eph 4:4-6)...

...According to many Reformers, Satan's crown jewel is the Roman Catholic religion. It is his most seductive and deceptive form of counterfeit Christianity in the world. Granted, there are many other apostate churches, but none compare in the size, power, influence and wealth to the apostate church headquartered in Rome. The problem most Catholics have is they have been indoctrinated from birth with the lie that they belong to the one true Church. By believing this lie, they have no incentive to read God's word and therefore they cannot discern truth from error. I pray you will ask God to reveal His truth to you as you abide in His Word (Proclaiming the Gospel, Vol 18 no. 4)."


New member
The Catholic Church has not taught us how to hate

"She [the Roman Catholic Church] worked hard at it night and day during nine centuries and imprisoned, tortured, hanged, and burned whole hordes and armies of witches, and washed the Christian world clean with their foul blood. Then it was discovered that there was no such thing as witches, and never had been. One doesn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. Who discovered that there was no such thing as a witch - the priest, the parson? No, these never discover anything. . . ."

Mark Twain

"J. M. Robertson has estimated that from the first crusade launched by Pope Urban II in 1095 to the fall of Acre . . . in 1291, nine million lives were lost. This may be an overestimation, but the number is certainly in the millions and represents only the beginning of the carnage which places the Catholic Church in the same league with the Third Reich and the purges of Stalin or Mao. Before the crusades against the 'heathens' were concluded, the popes began an internal crusade against heretics within Christendom. The resulting Inquisition lasted officially almost 600 years and resulted in the loss of additional millions of lives."

Joseph Daleiden

Chrysostom and his/her lame 'one liners' = :loser:


New member
More Mark Twain quotes:

"Faith is believing what you know ain't so"

"If Christ were here now there is one thing he would not be – a Christian"


Well-known member
That's correct (Rev. 3:14–22).

"Roman Catholicism vs. historical, biblical Christianity: "We have different authorities, we believe different gospels, we worship different Christs, we are led by different spirits and we are on different paths to eternity. Compare this with the unity the apostle Paul described with those who are in one body and one ......Spirit, with one hope; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, on God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all (Eph 4:4-6)...

...According to many Reformers, Satan's crown jewel is the Roman Catholic religion. It is his most seductive and deceptive form of counterfeit Christianity in the world. Granted, there are many other apostate churches, but none compare in the size, power, influence and wealth to the apostate church headquartered in Rome. The problem most Catholics have is they have been indoctrinated from birth with the lie that they belong to the one true Church. By believing this lie, they have no incentive to read God's word and therefore they cannot discern truth from error. I pray you will ask God to reveal His truth to you as you abide in His Word (Proclaiming the Gospel, Vol 18 no. 4)."

Not only is there no incentive to read God's word but for those who do there is not incentive to compare what they have been taught with what they read in the bible because they have bought into the lie that what their church teaches is an infallable interpreter of God's word.

Only those who follow their heart, their conscience, the Holy Spirit, or a combination of the three, and divorce themselves from that system will ever be set free to enjoy all that the Holy Spirit has for them.


"Not only is there no incentive to read God's word but for those who do there is not incentive to compare what they have been taught with what they read in the bible because they have bought into the lie that what their church teaches is an infallible interpreter of God's word."
Fat and happy, I guess. :chew: They must know that they are: poor, wretched, and blind (Re 3:17). They've been lied to. Until a person sees their true state, there is no hope for them.

When you are born again, you crave the word of God like a baby craves milk. J. Vernon McGee said, "You don't need to teach a baby to eat and drink." Roman Catholics are stillborn in need of nothing (1 Pe 2:2, Mt 8:22).

"Only those who follow their heart, their conscience, the Holy Spirit, or a combination of the three, and divorce themselves from that system will ever be set free to enjoy all that the Holy Spirit has for them."
The deception is overwhelming (2 Ti 3:13). Only the Holy Spirit can take the word of God and make it real to us (2 Tim. 3:15–17).
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the pope is the successor of Peter
is the rock Jesus built His Church on
the pope has the keys along with the power to bind and loose


New member
Who he is to me?

- Pope is an old guy, elected by some other old guys to be boss

- Wear's a dress.

- Does not believe in the use of condoms (lets just be real kids all over the world are having sex)

- My catholic accountant is driven mad and living with guilt because she is divorced and therefore very wrong but a catholic murderer can be saved.

- Represents one of the most powerful banks in the world the Vatican bank.

- Has his own secret service

- Oh yeah and he covers up for child molesters

All in the Name of God?
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