Christ is not God, so he is necessarily inferior to him. Also, he is subject to God BECAUSE HE IS NOT GOD. "The Father is greater than I."
Using your logic, Jesus is inferior to the angels He created. Actually, he became lower than them, not inferior to them, as a man.
Greater is a comparison of position; better (different Gk. word) is a comparison of nature (see Jn. 14:28; Heb. 1-2). Jesus is equal with the Father by nature, but positionally lower during the incarnation than even angels (yet he is and always was superior to angels by nature).\
Jn. 8:58 and Ex. 3:14 (and other places in LXX with YHWH) is the same root word indicating Jehovahistic identity. ego eimi=present indicative...conveys self-existence and pre-existence; 'I was' would be imperfect tense and only convey preexistence; you are literally changing the objective Greek grammar to twist the text to your own view and destruction. You would make a good JW if you are willing to die over their blood transfusion issue.