toldailytopic: Same-sex marriage: for it, or against it?

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New member
Isn't marriage a monogamous relationship? Why do gay people want to get involved in a contract where they will be limited to one partner only? Why don't they petition the government for a whole new institution? Call it same sex unity or something.....? The pedaphiles and the beastialists can follow their suit and work together for a partnership of new laws.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Isn't marriage a monogamous relationship?
That's the general idea.

Why do gay people want to get involved in a contract where they will be limited to one partner only?
For the same reason heterosexual couples frequently do, I'd imagine.

Why don't they petition the government for a whole new institution?
Because the laws establishing right and privilege (including an important one involving legal testimony) are already in place. It's simpler to join and there's no reason not to given the secular nature of our compact.

The pedaphiles and the beastialists can follow their suit and work together for a partnership of new laws.
That you're equating consensual adult contract with what could not be described in those terms is telling. You need to think more seriously and emote less on this point.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Isn't marriage a monogamous relationship? Why do gay people want to get involved in a contract where they will be limited to one partner only?
. . . why would ANYONE want to do that?

. . . you've probably never heard of an "open" marriage . . . have you?

Why don't they petition the government for a whole new institution? Call it same sex unity or something.....?
. . . for what reason . . . exactly?

The pedaphiles and the beastialists can follow their suit and work together for a partnership of new laws.


Hall of Fame
Isn't marriage a monogamous relationship?

Apparently not ... considering many partners of heterosexual marriage cheat.

Why do gay people want to get involved in a contract where they will be limited to one partner only?

Marriage does not limit anyone to one partner ... just ask any heterosexual who has cheated on their spouse.

Why don't they petition the government for a whole new institution? Call it same sex unity or something.....? The pedaphiles and the beastialists can follow their suit and work together for a partnership of new laws.

Someone needs a troll biscuit and a nap ...


New member
Apparently not ... considering many partners of heterosexual marriage cheat.

Marriage does not limit anyone to one partner ... just ask any heterosexual who has cheated on their spouse.

Someone needs a troll biscuit and a nap ...

The troll biscuit and a nap statement made me laugh, lol, your funny! :loser:

I am defending the institution as set up by God long before America came. If we start redifining everything you all are gonna make a mess of the langauge. Set up your own institutions dont do away with our culture. Why is it Christians always have to bend to your fancies. Make your own laws don't come riding on our coat-tails. :mario:

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
The troll biscuit and a nap statement made me laugh, lol, your funny!
:loser: . . . fixed it.

I am defending the institution as set up by God long before America came.
. . . marriage was around LONG before Judaism and christianity . . . by people who never heard of YOUR deity.

If we start redifining everything you all are gonna make a mess of the langauge.
. . . how so?

Set up your own institutions dont do away with our culture.
. . . how so?

Why is it Christians always have to bend to your fancies.
. . . actually, it's the other way around . . . such as . . . adding to the Pledge of Allegiance" (written 1892 by a baptist minister, adopted 1942, changed 1954) and on coinage (1938).

Make your own laws don't come riding on our coat-tails.
. . . if that is what you think is happening you need to get out more.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
that is not true
. . . yes . . . it is.

I believe any discussion about marriage should include how it applies to children
they won't even talk about the child
. . . what you "believe" is relevant . . . facts are in evidence you completely ignore . . . such as TH's posts to you.

. . . please show me (us) where anything about children is mentioned in traditional christian wedding vows.


New member
:loser: . . . fixed it.

. . . marriage was around LONG before Judaism and christianity . . . by people who never heard of YOUR deity.

. . . how so?

. . . how so?

. . . actually, it's the other way around . . . such as . . . adding to the Pledge of Allegiance" (written 1892 by a baptist minister, adopted 1942, changed 1954) and on coinage (1938).

. . . if that is what you think is happening you need to get out more.

You atheists all spout the same thing. The Nation was a place to practice freedom but we all know it was founded upon Christianity. The liberty bell is inscribed with a verse from Leviticus....

Marriage goes back to Eden before your other cultures and religions came along. The first man and woman, in the garden, remember that?:duh:

Ok fire back with your parroted answers and canned criticisms, o' great treasure troll, troll of the trolls. the first universal troll, lol, :shocked:

Yeah I really do believe in Adam and Eve, wow, huh?

Better than a bunch of numbskull monkey people making your ancestors :yoshi:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
. . . yes . . . it is.

. . . what you "believe" is relevant . . . facts are in evidence you completely ignore . . . such as TH's posts to you.

. . . please show me (us) where anything about children is mentioned in traditional christian wedding vows.

it is assumed
a man and woman get married
they have sex
she gets pregnant

didn't you know that?

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
You atheists all spout the same thing.
. . . echo.

The Nation was a place to practice freedom . . .
. . . freedoms which include marrying the person of your choice.

. . . but we all know it was founded upon Christianity.
. . . no . . . it wasn't

The liberty bell is inscribed with a verse from Leviticus....
. . . So?

Marriage goes back to Eden before your other cultures and religions came along. The first man and woman, in the garden, remember that?
. . . so says your favorite book written by MEN . . . no evidence else.

Ok fire back with your parroted answers and canned criticisms, o' great treasure troll, troll of the trolls. the first universal troll, lol,
. . . echo.

Yeah I really do believe in Adam and Eve, wow, huh?
. . . your belief and $1 will get you a cup of coffee in most restaurants.

Better than a bunch of numbskull monkey people making your ancestors
. . . we all know you have nothing relevant to offer when your whole argument consists of sticks and stones.


Hall of Fame
. . . please show me (us) where anything about children is mentioned in traditional christian wedding vows.

it is assumed
a man and woman get married
they have sex
she gets pregnant

didn't you know that?

Traditional Wedding Vows:

I, (name), take you (name), to be my (wife/husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.

It isn't *assumed* or even implied. Next ....................................

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
it is assumed
a man and woman get married
they have sex . . .
. . . married people have sex . . . yes, that much is assumed.
she gets pregnant
. . . it is NOT assumed, however, that the female in a relationship is going to become pregnant . . . more often that not its expected (hoped) she won't.

. . . didn't you know that?
. . . would Abraham's wife Sarah have become pregnant without divine intervention?

. . . please show me (us) where anything about children is mentioned in traditional christian wedding vows.
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