You should've just admitted you were wrong in that reply :idunno:
No, I've suggested that I was hoping for Chrys to respond. I didn't agree with anything you posted.
My point is that we've shown precisely why that isn't the case. It only holds "all things being equal." Our argument is that they are not. You are simply knowingly begging the question by completely ignoring the opposing argument, it is disappointing and far below you.
Ok, then lets get that straight. It is not enough, under the laws and precedents of our courts, to point to a difference and say that that justifies limiting rights under the Fourteenth Amendment. Else we would never have abandoned racial discrimination in marriage rights. The courts apply a number of formal standards to decide if a limitation is justified. The standard applied in Loving v. Virginia, which is something of a template case here, is Rational Basis review, which ask if the state had a rational basis for the limitation that isn't prohibited. So far, the only reasons you've presented have been based upon unjustifiable generalizations and simple false assertions, and slightly hidden religious preferences, which do not come close to meeting this standard.
It convinced you just above, when you admitted you weren't saying otherwise. :idunno:
When I said I wasn't saying otherwise, I was correcting your mistaken understanding of my point, not conceding anything to you. I really don't see how you can honestly believe that this is any kind of concession.
You gave no reasoning why the government should support a random couple, you merely said that the government should support every couple equally.
I've never said that they should support a "random couple", just that they may not arbitrarily prohibit a couple from marrying. There is a burden to meet and a rational basis for your side to establish.
That is merely implicit irrationality on your part in being unable to produce a satisfactory reason why the government has such an obligation to couples in general.
Why don't you focus on what I've explicitly said rather than concocting "implicit irrationality". You seem to be running out of straw.
At best your answer was "I don't know why they should support couples in general, but they support heterosexuals so they should support homosexuals." Our very point yields the answer that you are unable to give and your bias seems unable to accept.
If that's what you think I've said, I can see why you'd be befuddled. I've given several reasons, bulleted even, that the state supports marriage. But that question is not on the table here. The state supports marriage in any number of ways, both fundamental and peripheral to the institution itself, and that isn't going to change in the gay marriage debate. What I have argued is that per the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, the government cannot discriminate in offering a benefit or protection without a rational basis. You've given a reason, which was easily defeated, and rather than try to fix the deficiencies in your own argument, you've spent most of the thread trying to confuse the issue.
I did point out your error. It was a small one, albeit annoying.
You've done no such thing.
Man up and admit it before you end up trying to run faster than your legs can carry you.

lain: It was a completely dishonest begging of the question at hand; I'm tired of it and unwilling to continue unless it is replaced by a somewhat honest attempt at rationality.
I haven't begged the question in any way that you've been able to demonstrate.
You are really the only one here from your side who hasn't fallen into question-begging assertions in lieu of argument, I'd prefer you continue in that.
I've seen you level that accusation against any number of people here, including me, and in each case, I've been unable to locate the circular reasoning in question, nor have you been able to lay it out for us. So I tend to think it's just the charge you resort to when you sense that you've backed yourself into a corner and can't admit it. If you'd like, you could try to actually demonstrate the question-begging, complete with quotes from actual material that has been posted, in support of the accusation. Otherwise, no dice.