toldailytopic: Prediction time: Which Republican candidate will be running against Ob


New member
I think this is the first time I've seen you comment on a political thread. :)
I drop in occasionally. Like a lot of people, I find myself frustrated and somewhat disgusted with the extremely low "quality" of GOP candidates over the past decade or more. It seems to have come to a head with the selection under consideration at present. To paraphrase a line from a popular film: "I wouldn't trust these guys with a potato gun." Very sad.

(Hey, there's always Raph Nader, right?)

Gaudium de veritate,



like marbles on glass
I drop in occasionally. Like a lot of people, I find myself frustrated and somewhat disgusted with the extremely low "quality" of GOP candidates over the past decade or more. It seems to have come to a head with the selection under consideration at present. To paraphrase a line from a popular film: "I wouldn't trust these guys with a potato gun." Very sad.

(Hey, there's always Raph Nader, right?)

Gaudium de veritate,


Hey, welcome to the club!

BTW, I can shoot a potato gun. Maybe I should run for office. :)


New member
toldailytopic: Prediction time: Which Republican candidate will be running against Obama in the 2012 election?

I think it is a safe bet to predict that the GOP will put forth a socialist left-leaning candidate.
If that candidate has enough sheep's clothing on, he will fool the tea-party and the christian conservatives into thinking he is against abortion and for the constitution.

In the end, it will just be the same.
The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again


Well-known member
I think in the end it'll likely be Romney, and I think he'll probably end up losing to Obama.

King cobra

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for December 16th, 2011 10:16 AM

toldailytopic: Prediction time: Which Republican candidate will be running against Obama in the 2012 election?

If the Broncos win the Super Bowl.........Tebow.

Not old enough? Just fake the birth certificate! :chuckle:

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Because there's no convincing alternative.

Yet you know I am as serious as a heart attack that I will pencil in Bob Enyart and Adam Briggs (or anybody), as will many others on the "religous right". Just like when we didn't vote for McCain.


New member
Dream on, this will just not happen...just sayin.

Dont be so sure,Paul will win the Iowa caucas,make a strong second or maybe even win in NH.hes been the star of every single debate despite what the controlled media says,just the fact that the media continues on and on to ignore him just shows hes a very strong candidate and they fear him.All these candidates ate typical puppets,supporting the war,having stupid ideologies on foreign policy,plain and simple Ron Paul is our man.


New member
Libertarians are not in favor of anyone doing what they darn well please. With liberty comes responsibility for behavior. Libertarianism is more aligned with the constitution than any other point of view except
for the strict constitutional constructionist. I believe that libertarianism and the constitutional constructionist must have a virtuous people to survive.

I do not believe the religious fascist, the neocon conservative or the liberal socialist are people of virtue. The only civil rights that these three groups support are the ones they chose. You will act according to their mandate or be punished. This is why they fight so hard for power.

The libertarian and constitutionalist seek to liberate and the religious fascist, the neo-con and the liberal socialist seek to dominate So the question is, Do you as an individual wont to be free to live your life and worship freely or be dominated by war mongers, fascist and socialist?

It was said by one of our founding fathers concerning our constitution and I paraphrase this, "The constitution is enforceable only among a good and virtuous people."