toldailytopic: Near-Death Experiences: glimpses of the after-life?


Well-known member
I don't believe in them. I drowned when I was 16, was unresponsive and such. When they resuscitated me I had no memory of any visions. I was just ice cold and in a world of pain. I think they're just dreams that occur in a state of being unconscious. Perhaps the fear of dying and one's personal beliefs create the imagery in that moment.

My dreams are not always about dying. They have been quite varied ... and I've learned something from them.

Totton Linnet

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This was really a unique experience. You know by now that these experiences make a great impression on you. Did you tell your sister ... if so, what did she say?

I never told her, I simply was led not to. All experiences must fall into line with bible truth. I am not released to share a great many experiences. But they bless who they will bless.


Well-known member
I never told her, I simply was led not to. All experiences must fall into line with bible truth. I am not released to share a great many experiences. But they bless who they will bless.

Several of my dreams opened up scriptural truth for me... for this I am thankful.


Eclectic Theosophist
Several of my dreams opened up scriptural truth for me... for this I am thankful.

Dreams and visions are the language of the Spirit. All is a journey of consciousness. - we only change form(s) in the transition between realms and dimensions, while awareness continues, conditioned by the laws of mind.



Well-known member
Dreams and visions are the language of the Spirit. All is a journey of consciousness. - we only change form(s) in the transition between realms and dimensions, while awareness continues, conditioned by the laws of mind.


I enjoy pondering the reality of our transitioning with awareness between realms and dimensions. You see, I believe God can do this with perfect ease ... and since we are made after his image and likeness then I suspect that we, at least, have some ability to experience this as well. Yet, I think we only experience it when God permits it.

I believe I have many dreams that are from my own conscious thoughts ... but I have learned how to tell if a dream is from God rather than of me.

The most unusual experience I've ever had was an open-eyed vision. Your comment above really brought this experience to my mind.
I believe I have shared it with you before ... but will take a moment to share it on this thread. I enjoying remembering it.

I was sitting in church listening to our soloist sing a lovely song about our Lord Jesus ... and was earnestly praying that the LORD would manifest some sort of miracle that our church could see ... an experience that would set us all on fire so that we would never be the same again... so that we would know that he is real, alive, and among us.

Suddenly, I no longer saw the inside of our sanctuary but rather saw a vision. I still heard the soloist's song ... but now I was looking at a dark place. The experience reminds me of the feeling one might get when they are asked to peer into a page of art work and focus in such a way that the flat picture suddenly becomes a three dimensional image of something else... That feeling of a change in perspective... a feeling of sudden discovery or revelation ... that feeling of a transition between realms and dimensions, while awareness continues.

While the scene I now saw was like the dark black backdrop of a stage set ... yet there was plenty of light everywhere too. The atmosphere was sort of like an old fashioned movie projector's light shining upon the floating dusty particles permeating the air in a dark room. One got the feeling that light just existed within the scene rather than coming from a single outside source.

Upon this super-natural stage was a single woman dancing on an invisible floor. She was dancing to the song I was hearing. She cast no shadow ... but rather light lit upon her from all angles and she actually reflected light around her ... rather than casting a shadow of any sort.

She was a work of gray in that her hair was dark, her skin was pale, her dress was of gray flowing flannel. Whether she wore shoes ... I'm not sure. If she wore any, they must have been like small unnoticeable simple slippers. She danced until the song ended, and then the vision disappeared.

I looked first toward my husband wondering if he would be staring at me ... wondering if he had seen something weird happening to me... wondering if I had been asleep and had somehow embarrassed us... but he wasn't even looking my way. I just sat there pondering what had just happened in those few short minutes.

I've just accepted that God answered my prayer that day, but it was just for me ... and not the entire church. How blessed I am to have had such a gift from God. Now, I know God hears my prayers ... I know he can impart special visions to people when he wishes. I know the difference between a dream and a vision. I know that somehow there must be saints in heaven who are allowed to hear praises to our LORD through my ears.


NDE's? I don't trust them as they do not as a rule conform to biblical doctrine. Psychological factors and biochemical responses to physical stress seem to be indicated, and if I recall correctly it was Norman Geisler who said that even demons may be involved in seeking to deceive those in the near death experience


Well-known member
I just took time to follow your shared link. There I read NDE's of Jewish people. I saw a number of similar descriptions through out them. They were interesting - thanks.


Eclectic Theosophist


NDE's? I don't trust them as they do not as a rule conform to biblical doctrine. Psychological factors and biochemical responses to physical stress seem to be indicated, and if I recall correctly it was Norman Geisler who said that even demons may be involved in seeking to deceive those in the near death experience

Research into the consitency of NDE's and reports of the Afterlife may change your mind. As far as what is 'biblical doctrine', such is open to debate and 'intepretation'. In general the Spiritualist doctrine of soul consciousness continuing and the doctrine of eternal progression is consistent with many NDE's and OBE's (out of body experiences). Souls gravitate to those realms that are consonant to their own spiritual level or development, - universal laws of consciousness govern and determine conditions and states of awareness. The mind itself is the 'experiencer' and also correlates with the law of attraction, as far as what is 'experienced', furthermore conditioned by the law of karma.

A 'demon' being involved may likely be a biased religious assumption, unless such can be proved in any particular case. - quite a few things happen in the cosmos apart from the manipulation of 'demons'.

NDE's and the Afterlife



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Hall of Fame
I'm very much on the fence.

I do believe in an afterlife. However, the sensations of an NDE can be recreated in a scientific setting. Maybe science has simply gotten closer to grasping or duplicating what actually happens when we die.

On a slightly related tangent I absolutely believe in out of body experiences.