toldailytopic: Man made global warming crisis: is the hoax finally dead for good?

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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for December 8th, 2009 10:11 AM

toldailytopic: Man made global warming crisis: is the hoax finally dead for good?

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Not yet.

There are still too many government grants to be had. Scientists whose livelihoods depend on this scam will be reluctant to speak up.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
And when we look at the average mass of all measured glaciers across the world . . guess what we find? They are virtually ALL retreating.

So you won't answer the question. Who would have thunk it...

You just don't get it. The data is grossly incomplete. That is the point.

And carbon dioxide is shown to not be a good green house gas. If the earth is warming, it isn't from us. The fact that we have been cooling since 1998, when you use accurate data, not climategate data, you don't have an ounce to stand on.

Wow Pat Robertson. The man who endorsed faggot lover Rudy Guilliani for Presidnt. There is a solid endorsement.

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Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame

Posted on Aug. 18, 2008

By Joseph D’Aleo

12 Facts about Global Climate Change That You Won’t Read in the Popular Press

1 Temperatures have been cooling since 2002, even as carbon dioxide has continued to rise.
2 Carbon dioxide is a trace gas and by itself will produce little warming. Also, as CO2 increases, the incremental warming is less, as the effect is logarithmic so the more CO2, the less warming it produces.

3 CO2 has been totally uncorrelated with temperature over the last decade, and significantly negative since 2002.

4 CO2 is not a pollutant, but a naturally occurring gas. Together with chlorophyll and sunlight, it is an essential ingredient in photosynthesis and is, accordingly, plant food.

5 Reconstruction of paleoclimatological CO2 concentrations demonstrates that carbon dioxide concentration today is near its lowest level since the Cambrian Era some 550 million years ago, when there was almost 20 times as much CO2 in the atmosphere as there is today without causing a “runaway greenhouse effect.”

6 Temperature changes lead, not lag, CO2 changes on all time scales. The oceans may play a key role, emitting carbon dioxide when they warm as carbonated beverages lose fizz as they warm and absorbing it as they cool.

7 Most of the warming in the climate models comes from the assumption that water vapor and precipitation increase as temperatures warm, a strong positive feedback. Water vapor is a far more important greenhouse gas than CO2. However, that assumption has been shown in observations and peerreviewed research to be wrong, and in fact water vapor and precipitation act as a negative feedback that reduces any small greenhouse warming from carbon dioxide.

8 Indeed, greenhouse models show the warming should be greatest at mid to high atmosphere levels in the tropics. But balloon and satellite observations show cooling there. The greenhouse signature or DNA does not match reality, and the greenhouse models thus must greatly overstate the warming – and in a court of law would have to be acquitted of any role in global warming

9 The sun has both direct and indirect effects on our climate. Solar activity changes on cycles of 11 years and longer. When the sun is more active it is brighter and a little hotter. More important though are the indirect effects. Ultraviolet radiation increases much more than the brightness and causes increased ozone production, which generates heat in the high atmosphere that works its way down, affecting the weather. Also, an active sun diffuses cosmic rays, which play an important role in nucleation of low clouds, resulting in fewer clouds. In all these ways the sun warms the planet more when it is active. An active sun in the 1930s and again near the end of the last century helped produce the observed warming periods. The current solar cycle is the longest in over 100 years, an unmistakable sign of a cooling sun that historical patterns suggest will stay so for decades.

10 The multidecadal cycles in the ocean correlate extremely well with the solar cycles and global temperatures. These are 60 to 70 year cycles that relate to natural variations in the largescale circulations. Warm oceans correlate with warm global temperatures. The Pacific started cooling in the late 1990s and it accelerated in the last year, and the Atlantic has cooled from its peak in 2004. This supports the observed global land temperature cooling, which is strongly correlated with ocean heat content. Newly deployed N.O.A.A. buoys confirm global ocean cooling.

11 Warmer ocean cycles are periods with diminished Arctic ice cover. When the oceans were warm in the 1930s to the 1950s, Arctic ice diminished and Greenland warmed. The recent ocean warming, especially in the 1980s to the early 2000s, is similar to what took place 70 years ago and the Arctic ice has reacted much the same way, with diminished summer ice extent.

12 Antarctic ice has been increasing and the extent last year was the greatest in the satellitemonitoring era. We are running ahead of last year’s record pace.

What will it take for the media to let go of their biases and begin doing their job, reporting the truth?


New member
Wow Pat Robertson. The man who endorsed faggot lover Rudy Guilliani for Presidnt. There is a solid endorsement.

Yeah, Pat Robertson has been an idiot for a long time, and his endorsement of the global warming scam proves it. He still has followers, unfortunately.


Supreme Goombah of the Goombahs

You can label me a denier all you like - the fact of the matter is that I haven't denied climate change at all. I've checked out the pro-man-made climate change sites as well - i've studied the statistical tweaking that both the pro and the anti sides apply to the data.

I've studied both sides and looked at the data - and guess what, mankind is not the driver of the current overall warming trend rather that trend is just the planet doing what the planet does.

You keep bleating at others to look at the science yet your hysterical name calling and assorted histrionics show that you are probably perfectly aware that the actual evidence is against mankind being the cause of the global warming.

Do I think we should take measures to mitigate the detrimental effect we have on the environment? Yes I do. Do I think that we should make this our main priority, no I do not - I no more worship gaia than I do mammon.

So I challenge you alate - I was perfectly willing to trawl both the pro and anti camps and examine the evidence - are you prepared to be scientific enough to do the same?



Well-known member
You can label me a denier all you like - the fact of the matter is that I haven't denied climate change at all. I've checked out the pro-man-made climate change sites as well - i've studied the statistical tweaking that both the pro and the anti sides apply to the data.
How about looking at the actual scientific reports rather than just websites? Have you read the IPCC documents? How about the most recent nature papers?

I've studied both sides and looked at the data - and guess what, mankind is not the driver of the current overall warming trend rather that trend is just the planet doing what the planet does.
If it isn't mankind what is it? Be specific now, since we can study and quantify the factors that influence climate.

You keep bleating at others to look at the science yet your hysterical name calling and assorted histrionics show that you are probably perfectly aware that the actual evidence is against mankind being the cause of the global warming.
Bleating? Hystrionic? Hysterical name calling? . . . . Sir. I do not believe you are actually reading my posts, you are reading your own emotional bias to them.

Denialism is simply a factual statement, you deny scientific consensus on this and likely other issues. It isn't "name calling".

Do I think we should take measures to mitigate the detrimental effect we have on the environment? Yes I do. Do I think that we should make this our main priority, no I do not - I no more worship gaia than I do mammon.
I look at it this way. Humankind has been given this planet as a home and to sustain us, we are not being good stewards if we let greed be the primary determiner of what we do.

So I challenge you alate - I was perfectly willing to trawl both the pro and anti camps and examine the evidence - are you prepared to be scientific enough to do the same?

The "anti" camps are not scientific at all as far as I can tell. They cherry pick data to show their point, while the "other side" sites will generally acknowledge points that disagree with their interpretation, but show them in the context of the entire climate picture.


Well-known member
The most significant thing I've heard out of Copenhagen so far has been the statement of the facts regarding China having a need to see the US take global warming seriously and conversely the US having a need to see China do the same.


Well-known member
So you won't answer the question. Who would have thunk it...
Its like counting the number of rivers and creeks on earth. Is it not more important to pay attention to the major ones than count every tiny rivulet? 110 Glaciers have disappeared [ur;=]from glacier national park alone.[/url]

You just don't get it. The data is grossly incomplete. That is the point.
How is it grossly incomplete . . .because they didn't measure EVERY glacier on the face of the earth? so you're going to pretend that magically all the glaciers that haven't been measured are increasing? Or that we should weigh pure number of glaciers increasing vs. decreasing rather than a total mass balance of ice and snow?

And carbon dioxide is shown to not be a good green house gas. If the earth is warming, it isn't from us. The fact that we have been cooling since 1998, when you use accurate data, not climategate data, you don't have an ounce to stand on.
We've known CO2 was a greenhouse gas since the 1800s, don't you think they would have figured out if it wasn't by now? It doesn't have as high of forcing as water vapor, but its certainly enough (along with methane and NOx to account for the warming we have)


New member
Hall of Fame
The most significant thing I've heard out of Copenhagen so far has been the statement of the facts regarding China having a need to see the US take global warming seriously and conversely the US having a need to see China do the same.

I think we both need to do some. And, from what I have seen, China is taking this issue more seriously than us.


Well-known member
See for yourself:

Related, some of The Extreme Ice Survey is amazing to see. (see time-lapse video & photography).

James Balog used to be a climate change skeptic. In the video at this link, he explains the project and adds some size-references to the photos/videos to give an idea of how massive these glaciers are and how vast their recession has been... Difficult to tell from the pictures alone.

Not expecting any converts, but I think interesting to see either way.

Nathon Detroit

Related, some of The Extreme Ice Survey is amazing to see. (see time-lapse video & photography).
I don't think anyone doubts that the climate changes. The question is... does man have anything to do with it?

Case in point...
Have you seen the headline...

Giant iceberg heading for Australia
A giant iceberg double the size of Sydney Harbour is on a slow but steady collision course with Australia, scientists have said.

And on the radio this morning the typical comments were being made about global warming causing things like this.

But, with stories like this there is almost always a line such as as the line in this story...

"Dr Young said an iceberg the size of B17B had not been seen so far north since the days when 19th century clipper ships plied the trade route between Britain and Australia. "

Well gee... if there was a bigger iceberg in the 19th century floating towards Australia color me skeptical that this iceberg is caused by man made global warming. I wonder what the biggest iceberg to ever float by Australia and when it occurred? :think:

I have no doubt that the climate goes through cyclical changes of warming and cooling. Forcing all of us to drive a Prius isn't going to change that.


Well-known member
I don't think anyone doubts that the climate changes. The question is... does man have anything to do with it?

Well, I did specifically say "Not expecting any converts, but I think interesting to see either way."

I think James Balog's video here is very interesting to see.

One of the things he mentions specifically is that much of the general public still does dispute global warming... Man-made or otherwise.

It's been a little while since I've seen a "It's cold in Denver ... There's no global warming!!" here at TOL, but I know it's not an unpopular sentiment.


Well-known member
I don't think anyone doubts that the climate changes. The question is... does man have anything to do with it?

I have no doubt that the climate goes through cyclical changes of warming and cooling. Forcing all of us to drive a Prius isn't going to change that.

What then is causing those cyclical changes? The temperature of the planet as a whole is increased by:

Solar input - more sunspot activity can mean more heat input, sunspot activity has not changed significantly since the "warming trend" began.

Changes in the earth's orbit and tilt - Milkanovitch Cycles - Too slow to change to be responsible for the current warming

The greenhouse effect - the natural force that keeps solar radiation from escaping into space - it is re-radiated to the surface. We do see a rapid increase in greenhouse gases, which we know is the result of human activity.

So if it's a "natural cycle" you'll have to come up with something else that would increase the earth's temperature. Saying "natural cycle" and not naming it, is saying "I don't know" since I just eliminated all of the known natural cycles and sources of heat. Where's it coming from then? invisible lasers?

Lastly large Icebergs do break off of glaciers even during cold climates. But we can be certain that during the 18th and 19th centuries there was no northwest passage and well . . . there is now.

Nathon Detroit

So if it's a "natural cycle" you'll have to come up with something else that would increase the earth's temperature. Saying "natural cycle" and not naming it, is saying "I don't know" since I just eliminated all of the known natural cycles and sources of heat. Where's it coming from then? invisible lasers?
Who says the earth is getting warmer?? Many scientists say just the opposite.


Well-known member
Who says the earth is getting warmer?? Many scientists say just the opposite.
"Many scientists" amounts to "botanist and broadcaster Prof David Bellamy " Wait while I get excited about this amazing scientific revelation . . . . :plain:

You also just said you didn't doubt the world was getting warmer . . . .

And later in the article you linked
He has been criticised repeatedly by the scientific community for his views. Prof William Reville, who writes in this newspaper, said changes in the sun had affected global temperatures in the past, but the correlation between the sun and climate ended in the 1970s while global warming continued.



Supreme Goombah of the Goombahs

Couple of points.

1) the various websites link to the relevant 'peer-reviewed' articles - as you would know if you bothered investigating.

2) In terms of climate-science I think we have good reason to believe that the 'peer-review' process is tainted quite badly (Which is actually what I feel is the most damaging bit to science as a whole)

3) Consensus is not part of the scientific process, rather it is generally part of the political process.

Here is one article that you can look at which is dealing with ice cores.

What does it tell us - wow, our current warming trend is simply business as usual.

So to reiterate my position for those who may believe Alate's unscientific name-calling and labelling.

1) I totally accept that while there has been a recent downward trend overall we are experiencing an upward trend of temperatures.

2) This upward trend is simply the planet doing what the planet does - when we actually look at the evidence this can be plainly seen.

3) CO2 rises in the atmosphere in reaction to temperatures rising, not the other way round. Again this can be plainly seen from the evidence.

4) The upward rise in temperatures will indeed cause changes - and preparing for those changes is what we should be spending money on - not 'dealing with' a gas that has very little, if anything to do with the upward rise in temperatures.

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