Actually it's a leftist form of anarchism, but there's no "rule" there to speak of. I've also been influenced by agorism, though, and I take sort of a middle ground between the two

As for Ron Paul:
- I don't like his pro-life stance. And his proposal to jurisdiction-strip the SCOTUS is boneheaded, it might result on killing the check of judicial review and we'd all be screwed.
- The gold standard (any standard really) is a step on the right direction, but he's not yet understood the evils of the money monopoly.
- He opposes the War on Drugs. Good. I support that position fully.
- He's pro-gun and takes a hardliner stance on the Bill of Rights. Good.
- He's a non-interventionist. Good.
Overall I like the guy, but I can't support someone that would eliminate judicial review (his infamous "We the People Act") to save a bunch of fetuses. A bunch of babies, even all the babies in the world, are not worth a single one of my rights.