toldailytopic: Liberal vs. Conservative. Where and why do you stand?

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The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
No. Are you not familiar with the concept of circular logic?
Of course I am. But I'm not guilty of it.

What? This is some strange doublespeak now. The crux of everything you have been saying is that the state should be outlawing deviant sexual behaviour - now you say the state should not be involved in it?
Not at all. Maybe you should learn to read what's there, instead of what isn't.

What was this: "How is this not common sense? Deviant and perverted behavior should not be legal." supposed to mean then?
Exactly what it reads.

Well, I can see that privacy apparently means nothing to you - so of course it means nothing to you. You don't appear to be interested in people's privacy.
Not very bright are you?

What is wrong with my application of the terms deviant and perverted?
Quite a lot.

Are you misusing terms to smear others? You just decree in a line that specific 'perverted' behaviour is somehow detrimental to society without bothering to citate or reason it and expect me to just agree with it?
Logic is my reason. Not my fault if you are illogical.

Sure. In a literal sense. That said, if you believe accidently viewing it on television or stumbling across it on the internet is amongst having it 'shoved in your face', then no.
How can you have such an accidental viewing if people aren't putting it out there, where the public can access it that easily? I.e. making it public [the opposite of private].

No, I'm wondering how far you might literally go in attempting to protect people from themselves. If people's lifestyles can be such a strain on society that they need to be protected from themselves - then how and when do you draw the line. I don't personally believe homosexuality is a danger, or burden or actually anything to do with you or I in anyway at all.
It's not about protecting them from themselves, it's about protecting the rest of society from them.

This is just white noise to me. What do you declare is a crime against civilization itself exactly?
I don't declare anything. It's not up to me to decide what is and what is not a crime.

Have you ever taken a class on basic ethics? We don't state that death is a good thing because it will hit everyone. We do not declare that many forms of diseases are good things because they might be quite prevalant.
What does that have to do with anything?

In addition, your claim that nature has endorsed behaviour in itself isn't even backed up. Instances of homosexuality, promiscuity are all noted in nature. This is no reason to declare that we all ought to engnage in them ourselves, but again there it is.

Homosexuality cannot naturally produce life. That is what I mean, you insipid twit.

So update me then. What am I getting wrong about liberty?

That is the only point you took issue with? The fact I called your morality 'self-declared' absolute, or relevant? Because, and I repeat - it is from where I am sitting. I'm glad you don't feel the need to query the totalitarian aspect.
If it is not self-declared then it is not totalitarian, imbecile.:dunce::duh:

And it changed, as it was incompatible with your constitution. Keep in mind the founding fathers also endorsed slavery.
I don't endorse the constitution.

Censorship. Would you censor specific sexual literature? Suggestive media that deals with banned behaviour?
If the behavior is banned, why would suggestive media about it not be?

I thought your ethos was to be in the business of protecting people from themselves? What does a consenting homosexual couple have to do with you? What might an unmarried couple with no desire to tie the knot have to do with you (if they're fornicating)?
It has nothing to do with protecting people from themselves. And I never said it did.

Yes you have. You have repeatedly declared that certain sexual deviancy ought to be outlawed as they are apparently crimes that go beyond offense (whatever that means).
I'm not the one who declared it, nor am I the the one who set it.

This is a relevant comment... really.
Did I say it was?

Frivolous semantics. Let me go through the definitions.

Perversion means a distorted, tactless interest in a particular topic. It is considered as (2) says to be a distortion of what is a satisfactory interest in a given subject. However, there are many perversions out there that are harmless and should not be prohibited.
If they are harmless they are not perversions.

This is pretty much what I said - so what is your problem?
You said it was behavior the ran opposite of socially accepted norms. That is not the same thing.

Deviant behaviour is departure from conformity in society. The single definition you've provided for it merely phrases it in a different way.
The definition I gave says nothing about conforming to society.

And as I said above - I wouldn't ban people from having sexual fetishes, or specific sexual interests.
Neither would I.

Except my 'progressive mind' is actually far more interested in equal rights and personal liberty far more than in sexual perversion. And please, don't tell me that progressive only have one meaning - because it does not.
No, you're interested in special rights and personal [read: relative] morality.

And the word "progressive" does only have one meaning. What you apply it to is where the difference lies.

Now excuse me whilst I put Dream Theater on and you mull over that point.
What do they have to do with anything?

So what is then?
abnormal=not normal.

Did I really have to explain that to you?

I did: I am well aware, sir, of issues surrounding a culture of free sex and the many sexually transmitted diseases that could come of it. I am well aware of the social implications and problems that arise from it. You do not need me to sit here and go through all of the issues.
Then, if you are smarter than I give you credit, you should have the answer to the question you originally asked me.

No. I'm going to hold to my point that privacy is important.
If they could keep it private I wouldn't know about it.

Grow up. Insulting people is what 10 year olds do.
Are you going to cry now?

But you also didn't answer my question. Would you censor specific media dealing with sexual 'perversions'?
I answered that above.

What does that have to do with anything?


New member
Lighthouse said:
Of course I am. But I'm not guilty of it.
Newman asks: "Okaaay... then why do you think deviancy and perversions should be illegal?"

You reply: "Because they are perverted and deviant."

You then went on to state that it was simply common sense to see this (which is nothing more than a veiled appeal to incredulity).

Not at all. Maybe you should learn to read what's there, instead of what isn't.
I am not tracking-back and posting out everything you said, my response, your response etc. If you can't remain consistent, that's not my problem.

Not very bright are you?
Obviously, I'm completely clueless. Got anything else?

Quite a lot.
Such as? Simply saying "quite a lot" is not substantive. What is wrong with my application of the terms 'deviant' and perverted' beyond that?

Logic is my reason. Not my fault if you are illogical.
Or, back in the real world - an absence of logic appears to be your state of affairs. You just make claims without bothering to say anything further.

How can you have such an accidental viewing if people aren't putting it out there, where the public can access it that easily? I.e. making it public [the opposite of private].
Because we live in a pluralistic society. It is not necessarily possible, all of the time to completely contain all things. Also to wit, pornographic media-sharing centres exist for.. well, 'enthusiasts' of the genre. You are free to ignore them, censor your google search, complain to google when the censoring doesn't work properly, and finally find another search engine provider or get a safetynet filter for your own internet - but surely you can't be so sensitive and ridiculous as to insist any questionable and possibly offensive material accidently viewed through a misclick ought to be prohibited?

It is a fact also on this point, that I may view religious groups preaching damnation and insisting upon converts whilst claiming moral superiority. I may constantly hear things I don't like, hold in contempt or would rather look away from - but my disagreement is not reason enough for its prohibitation.

It's not about protecting them from themselves, it's about protecting the rest of society from them.
Society doesn't need protecting from them. You would do well to note the liberal scandinavian nations and their tolerance. In fact, check this link and see for yourself.

The country setting the best example in the world, by that website is also the best for homosexual rights. Your claims are simply at complete variance with reality.

I don't declare anything. It's not up to me to decide what is and what is not a crime.
You are here, are you not - declaring that sexual perversions ought to be criminalised - and you are here saying so not from a position as declaring them sinful, but as dangers to the greater good of society?

Right? If not, who do you think should decide what is and is not a crime?

What does that have to do with anything?
Do you even casually follow the flow of this discussion? You earlier argued the naturalistic fallacy. I responded by referring to it as bogus by use of simple analogies and a query as to whether you've been to basic ethics.

Homosexuality cannot naturally produce life. That is what I mean, you insipid twit.
So why didn't you directly clarify so when I referred to homosexuality in nature? Anyway, the point is still the same. It does not matter that homosexuality cannot produce life in and of itself. It says nothing as to whether we should permit it or not.

And could you elaborate about some of the things out of the 'everything' I am misunderstanding about liberty?

If it is not self-declared then it is not totalitarian, imbecile.
What? This sentence does not make any sense. Do you even know what totalitarian means and what I meant by self-declared? I suspect neither.

I don't endorse the constitution.
That is obvious to everyone here. You are a totalitarian with far more in common with the Mullahs of Saudi Arabia and Iran as I said.

The fact now that you've just admitted this though essentially will completely invalidate any references you can now ever make to the forefathers.

If the behavior is banned, why would suggestive media about it not be?
Well, now I know that's affirmative. So you would censor media. Presumably you would think such media would be immoral, right?

It has nothing to do with protecting people from themselves. And I never said it did.
Okay. What does a consenting homosexual couple have to do with you? What might an unmarried couple with no desire to tie the knot have to do with you (if they're fornicating)?

I'm not the one who declared it, nor am I the the one who set it.
So who did?

If they are harmless they are not perversions.
Great!! I'm glad to see you see internet furry groups, foot fetishes amongst other bizarre things as harmless.

You said it was behavior the ran opposite of socially accepted norms. That is not the same thing.
What is the great literal difference between a departure of normal societial behaviour and in opposition of normal societal behaviour? It can be, and is often both.

Your reliance on semantics is amusing though.

The definition I gave says nothing about conforming to society.
No, the definition describes behaviour that is non-conformist or, as you're semantically challenged - a departure from socially acceptable or standard behaviour. Both can be applicable.

Neither would I.
Perhaps I would be to rash to consider you capable of endorsing thought-crime. Do you endorse any thought-crime? What of anti-Christian or anti-religious literature, media and critics in your ideal society?

No, you're interested in special rights and personal [read: relative] morality.
I am interested in equal rights. Morality also, by definition cannot be personal. It is always communual.

What do they have to do with anything?
They're Progressive Metal.

abnormal=not normal.

Did I really have to explain that to you?
No, because we've got lost in translation on this point. Tracking back, I originally described deviance as meaning abnormalities (unstated - within society). It was a vague description which I employed for how atheists describe deviance.

Then, if you are smarter than I give you credit, you should have the answer to the question you originally asked me.
More track-backing. I'm pretty sure though that you would outright ban fornication though.

If they could keep it private I wouldn't know about it.
I sometimes debate with conservative Muslims over Sharia Law. I generally ask them about apostates, homosexuals, etc and general human right issues that plague basically all hypothetical theocratic systems ever conceived. I am met often with the most ridiculous justifications and silly responses that break every logical fallacy in the book. One of these responses is that it is perfectly acceptable to execute apostates. They will be safe so long as no-one finds out. This is literally akin to stating that one may murder, or rape someone so long as you are not caught.

Now I find the same retort from you. Are you so demanding that the definition of privacy to you means complete isolation? That homosexuals should be silent in their lives, concealing their partnerships for fear of offending sensitive souls of their existence or "damaging society". Are you demanding that all fornicators should take careful note in society not to drop that they are having sexual intercourse outside of marriage? What masochists do you take everyone else for? You are literally insisting to be protected mentally from the thought that other people somewhere, might be having fun.

And that's the crux of it, almost.

Are you going to cry now?
Why would I? This is an internet forum. Although I would inquire whether or not this place does have rules against random insulting of others.

I answered that above.
Yes, you have now.

The Horn

Knight,you say you want "limited" government but you don't want certain sexual behavior to be legal? How the heck is this"limited" government".
You don't want abortion to be legal. So you expect the government to enforce the law if abortion becomes illegal again in America?
How the heck will it do this? You fail to realize that while abortion was TECHNICALLY illegal in most of the US before Roe v Wade, the law was almost never enforced,and entirely selectively.
Only an infinitessimally tiny fraction of those individuals who performed abortions were ever prosecuted. Why? There was no way to enforce the law.
So what will the government do in order to really enforce the law if abortion becomes illegal again? Will they appoint a force of thousands and thousands of anti-abortion agents to scour every corner of the uS 24/7 to make sure that no abortions are taking place?
Will they put up blockades at every border and airport in order to examine every woman of childbearing age for pregnancy?
How will they find out where all the back-alley abortionists are?
And how will they stop the poorest women from trying to abort themselves? Put up surveillance camers in every home to make sure this isn't happening? And arrest and prosecute these women?
Will the government make contraceptives illegal again? And if it does,how will it stop a black market in contraceptives from operating,which is inevitable if the government is stupid enough to make contraceptives illegal again.
And remember,if abortion becomes illegal again, and also contraceptives,not only will it not end,it will skyrocket !!!
And if you don't like what certain people do in private,do you want the government to put up surveillance cameras in every home and everywhere else and arrest,prosecute and imprison any one caught in the act?
Some freedom. Some limited government. This sounds more like Orwell's 1984 to me than the "free" America conservatives claim to want. With freedom like this,who needs tyranny?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Newman asks: "Okaaay... then why do you think deviancy and perversions should be illegal?"

You reply: "Because they are perverted and deviant."

You then went on to state that it was simply common sense to see this (which is nothing more than a veiled appeal to incredulity).
Only because you clearly have no idea what perversion and deviance are. You label things that are not as though they were. It's sad, really. Especially in light of the fact that you call yourself progressive.

I am not tracking-back and posting out everything you said, my response, your response etc. If you can't remain consistent, that's not my problem.
Your assumptions make you less and less worthy of attention as this goes on.

Obviously, I'm completely clueless. Got anything else?
I'm glad you finally see it.

Such as? Simply saying "quite a lot" is not substantive. What is wrong with my application of the terms 'deviant' and perverted' beyond that?
See above, vis a vis, your labeling of the rather mundane as perverted and deviant.

Or, back in the real world - an absence of logic appears to be your state of affairs. You just make claims without bothering to say anything further.
According to recent [just last month] tests my logic is well above average.

Because we live in a pluralistic society. It is not necessarily possible, all of the time to completely contain all things. Also to wit, pornographic media-sharing centres exist for.. well, 'enthusiasts' of the genre. You are free to ignore them, censor your google search, complain to google when the censoring doesn't work properly, and finally find another search engine provider or get a safetynet filter for your own internet - but surely you can't be so sensitive and ridiculous as to insist any questionable and possibly offensive material accidently viewed through a misclick ought to be prohibited?
Bottom line, that stuff certainly should not be that easy to access, if it is allowed to exist at all.

It is a fact also on this point, that I may view religious groups preaching damnation and insisting upon converts whilst claiming moral superiority. I may constantly hear things I don't like, hold in contempt or would rather look away from - but my disagreement is not reason enough for its prohibitation.
You willingly come to TOL, so I don't want to hear it.

"prohibitation" is not a word.

Society doesn't need protecting from them. You would do well to note the liberal scandinavian nations and their tolerance. In fact, check this link and see for yourself.

The country setting the best example in the world, by that website is also the best for homosexual rights. Your claims are simply at complete variance with reality.
You wouldn't know the best example if he opened the sky and blew a trumpet outside your window.

You are here, are you not - declaring that sexual perversions ought to be criminalised - and you are here saying so not from a position as declaring them sinful, but as dangers to the greater good of society?

Right? If not, who do you think should decide what is and is not a crime?
No one should decide. A crime is a crime, period.

Do you even casually follow the flow of this discussion? You earlier argued the naturalistic fallacy. I responded by referring to it as bogus by use of simple analogies and a query as to whether you've been to basic ethics.
Still has no relevance that I can see. You would suck as an attorney.

So why didn't you directly clarify so when I referred to homosexuality in nature? Anyway, the point is still the same. It does not matter that homosexuality cannot produce life in and of itself. It says nothing as to whether we should permit it or not.

And could you elaborate about some of the things out of the 'everything' I am misunderstanding about liberty?
I don't have that kind of time.

What? This sentence does not make any sense. Do you even know what totalitarian means and what I meant by self-declared? I suspect neither.
Remember those tests I mentioned earlier? My language skills are also well above average.

Maybe you just need to stop making assumptions.

That is obvious to everyone here. You are a totalitarian with far more in common with the Mullahs of Saudi Arabia and Iran as I said.

The fact now that you've just admitted this though essentially will completely invalidate any references you can now ever make to the forefathers.
Really? So now I can't mention that anyone I largely disagree with was right about one thing or another? That's a weak place to stand.

Well, now I know that's affirmative. So you would censor media. Presumably you would think such media would be immoral, right?
Seeing as how it is already censored I don't know why you're whining.

Okay. What does a consenting homosexual couple have to do with you? What might an unmarried couple with no desire to tie the knot have to do with you (if they're fornicating)?
Depends on who they are.

So who did?
I just realized yo have yet to ask yourself this question regarding who declared what was perverted and deviant according to your definitions.

Great!! I'm glad to see you see internet furry groups, foot fetishes amongst other bizarre things as harmless.
Why would they be otherwise?

What is the great literal difference between a departure of normal societial behaviour and in opposition of normal societal behaviour? It can be, and is often both.
"Societal" is your problem here. Society dies not define "normal."

Your reliance on semantics is amusing though.

No, the definition describes behaviour that is non-conformist or, as you're semantically challenged - a departure from socially acceptable or standard behaviour. Both can be applicable.
Again, "socially" is the problem here.

Perhaps I would be to rash to consider you capable of endorsing thought-crime. Do you endorse any thought-crime? What of anti-Christian or anti-religious literature, media and critics in your ideal society?
People are, and should be, free to think whatever they want.

I am interested in equal rights. Morality also, by definition cannot be personal. It is always communual.
Morality is absolute.

They're Progressive Metal.

No, because we've got lost in translation on this point. Tracking back, I originally described deviance as meaning abnormalities (unstated - within society). It was a vague description which I employed for how atheists describe deviance.
And, as usual, you're wrong, as all atheists are on this subject.

More track-backing. I'm pretty sure though that you would outright ban fornication though.
People caught fornicating should be made to marry. What did I tell you about assumptions.

I sometimes debate with conservative Muslims over Sharia Law. I generally ask them about apostates, homosexuals, etc and general human right issues that plague basically all hypothetical theocratic systems ever conceived. I am met often with the most ridiculous justifications and silly responses that break every logical fallacy in the book. One of these responses is that it is perfectly acceptable to execute apostates. They will be safe so long as no-one finds out. This is literally akin to stating that one may murder, or rape someone so long as you are not caught.
I never said it made it okay. I am merely pointing out that one cannot be punished for a crime if they are never caught. That is common sense, or at least I thought it was.

Now I find the same retort from you. Are you so demanding that the definition of privacy to you means complete isolation? That homosexuals should be silent in their lives, concealing their partnerships for fear of offending sensitive souls of their existence or "damaging society". Are you demanding that all fornicators should take careful note in society not to drop that they are having sexual intercourse outside of marriage? What masochists do you take everyone else for? You are literally insisting to be protected mentally from the thought that other people somewhere, might be having fun.
I am merely stating that if they could do such a thing then I would know nothing about it. I am also stating that they are incapable of doing such a thing. I am not suggesting that they should do it.

And it is sad that your only definition of fun is sex.

And that's the crux of it, almost.
You've already made it clear that you choose to wrong direction at the crossroad.

Why would I? This is an internet forum. Although I would inquire whether or not this place does have rules against random insulting of others.
It has rules against insulting people without cause.

The fact that both Bush administrations had close ties to gay prostitution should concern you.
Are you assuming I am a Republican?


New member
Lighthouse said:
Only because you clearly have no idea what perversion and deviance are. You label things that are not as though they were. It's sad, really. Especially in light of the fact that you call yourself progressive.
Except we've been through that definition game you pulled and basically it was nothing more than glorified semantics.

Still waiting on a good reason as to why sexual perversions per se ought to be forbidden.

Your assumptions make you less and less worthy of attention as this goes on.
And yet you still respond. It's funny how irony works isn't it?

See above, vis a vis, your labeling of the rather mundane as perverted and deviant.
Are you talking about when I referred to my taste in music as deviant? It remains so. What if my music taste happened to be the Norwegian Anti-Christian Black Metal scene that resulted in many church burnings? Would that be deviant?

According to recent [just last month] tests my logic is well above average.
And yet you still pull appeals to incredulity, circular logic and the naturalistic fallacy.

Bottom line, that stuff certainly should not be that easy to access, if it is allowed to exist at all.
Why not? If you accidently stumble on it, just close it. Just like if a popup gets through my filters, I close it. Just like how when a song was not what I expected, I delete it or close the youtube page.

You willingly come to TOL, so I don't want to hear it.
I never said I was outright offended by religious evangelism. It was an example, an attempt to try and get you to understand at how other people may or could be offended by what you and others preach.

yawn emote
Is that it? Is that all you can muster? Your main argument in this entire 'dialogue' is to claim that homosexuality, fornication, adultery and general sexual perversion is a damage to society so much to the point that it ought to be outright forbidden. I post a link, which effectively demolishes the claim, showing some of the most successful nations in the world according to many criterias - and all you can do is basically /yawn?

That sir, is ridiculous. It does show however that you have no argument.

You wouldn't know the best example if he opened the sky and blew a trumpet outside your window.
Neither would you, for all you've done is ignore the link I gave. It is just another example of your outright dismissal and refusal to explain why.


No one should decide. A crime is a crime, period.
This sentence makes no sense. Certainly the only objective sense of morality you can have (as pseudo as it may be) is that interwined with a rejection of sin (which you presumably adhere to from God). I don't see how you can coherently declare crimes as inherent and an aspect of nature themselves.

Still has no relevance that I can see. You would suck as an attorney.
That is because you clearly, and still have no understanding of what the naturalistic fallacy actually is and how you've committed it.

I will repeat myself: Anyway, the point is still the same. It does not matter that homosexuality cannot produce life in and of itself. It says nothing as to whether we should permit it or not

If you can't respond civilly, or in fact even at all then why is it you expect to be taken seriously? All you have done in this response primarily is to insult me or nitpick over semantics or my spelling. Do you even understand what this conversation is about anymore?

I don't have that kind of time.
Yet you still reply. Ironic. I'll take this as a concession, nonetheless.

Remember those tests I mentioned earlier? My language skills are also well above average.
So what do you think I meant by 'self-declared' and what do you think 'totalitarian' means then, linguistic man?

Maybe you just need to stop making assumptions.
The irony is breathtaking.

Again, is this all you can muster? I state that you are a totalitarian with far more in common with the Mullahs of Saudi Arabia and Iran as I said. Is this not even slightly disagreeable to you? I mean, I presume you hold Islam in contempt. I presume you would rather the United States assault it and undermine Islam as oppose to tolerate it or endorse it - and yet when I (and I maintain rightly) compare you to a Mullah you have nothing to say?

Really? So now I can't mention that anyone I largely disagree with was right about one thing or another? That's a weak place to stand.
No, it means that any claim you could make about the forefathers being on your side or your ideas being agreeable to them would be bogus.

Seeing as how it is already censored I don't know why you're whining.
Media is censored, and to some shame. But it is not censored to your insistence. I will ask in general, other than pornographic and sexually deviant media what else would you censor? What other forms are too harmful for society?

Depends on who they are.
This is a non-answer. If it depends on who the homosexual couple, or the unmarried couple are then your nonsense claim of them being an inherent offense to society at all times is invalidated.

I just realized yo have yet to ask yourself this question regarding who declared what was perverted and deviant according to your definitions.
'Perversion' and 'deviancy' have real little meaning to me. Religious groups often decree perverted by what they believe to be a sin and society declares it often based on taboos.

Why would they be otherwise?
They're not harmful. I'm just amused to note that although you see pornography as a great issue worthy of an outright ban, you don't see the internet furry groups (with some of their explicit art) as any issue at all.

"Societal" is your problem here. Society dies not define "normal."
Pragmatically, it does. Society and cultures within it (in multicultural societies) are often responsible for believing certain actions and behaviours taboo and abnormal.

Of course, since you're a budding fascist - the government in your instance would decree what is and is not acceptable behaviour, thus enforcing taboos. So I can see why you're hung up on this point.

Again, "socially" is the problem here.
Why so? Do you imagine some external force decreeing what is or is not abnormal?

People are, and should be, free to think whatever they want.
Okay then. So no censoring of anti-religious, anti-christian, anti-theistic literature then.

Morality is absolute.
I know this is what you believe. However, coherently and the only known application of morality is through communual agreement between groups of people on what ought to be done and what ought not be done.

An example of a different meaning of progressive.

And, as usual, you're wrong, as all atheists are on this subject.
And no citation or reason provided, as usual.

People caught fornicating should be made to marry. What did I tell you about assumptions.
Okay why should they? Why should an unmarried couple fornicating be told they must tie the knot? You've already conceded that their fornication may not actually effect you - so why tell them how they must behave?

I never said it made it okay. I am merely pointing out that one cannot be punished for a crime if they are never caught. That is common sense, or at least I thought it was.
You used in the exact same way Sharia Law proponents use it. You don't have a right, and you know as well as I do that it is in itself impossible to be cotton-wooled from the actions of others.

I am merely stating that if they could do such a thing then I would know nothing about it. I am also stating that they are incapable of doing such a thing. I am not suggesting that they should do it.
Excellent!! So what's the problem?

And it is sad that your only definition of fun is sex.
It isn't. What did you tell me about those assumptions, sir?

The irony as usual is flawless.

It has rules against insulting people without cause.
Okay then. Well just arbitrarily calling people 'morons' in parts of a reply is hardly a reasonable cause is it?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
The fact that the story got killed immediately should tell you something...

That it won't be talked about decades later?

Back to the topic. Rush hit the nail on the head. Again. I think he is also talking about chrysostom in the bold part.

El Rushbo on the Tea Party said:
But they're also fed up with the same old same old from the Republican Party. They are not Republicans. They are conservatives, and they have very specific objectives: Smaller government, lower taxes, property rights, liberty, freedom, so forth and so on. And they are people who have become exhausted with the notion that a Republican is substantially different from a Democrat just because of the label. These are people who look at what people say, stand for, and claim they're going to do, because a lot of Republicans have claimed to be conservative during campaigns, and they've gotten to Washington, and they throw it away and they cast it aside.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Economic Left/Right: -3.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.28

I am a left leaning libertarian. That is about right. I consider my self to be more left because that is where I see Jesus to be, more concerned about the health and welfare of others and not concerned about "stuff".

Nick M neg-reped me for this post accusing me of blaspheme. Seriously? What do do you folks think?


New member
Are you assuming I am a Republican?

Not necessarily yourself, but some on this forum undoubtedly are, such as Nick M perhaps, who gave me neg rep for my last post on this issue. His one-word comment was "retardation", which is a word that represents him rather well. Based on his reaction, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he voted for Bush, and his reaction is simply his defense mechanism at work.

The fact that the story got killed immediately should tell you something...

That it won't be talked about decades later?

Granite is correct. The Jeff Gannon story wasn't decades ago Nick, it was 5 years ago. The story got airplay in the major media for a few days back in 2005, and then it was quickly and quietly suppressed. You really should investigate the Bush years more closely, Nick. I have, and I can assure you that the Jeff Gannon story was just the tip of the iceberg. There was a whole lot more there than the superficial appearance indicated.
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The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Except we've been through that definition game you pulled and basically it was nothing more than glorified semantics.

Still waiting on a good reason as to why sexual perversions per se ought to be forbidden.
As I said, the problem is that you consider things to be perversions when they are not. So you assume I support making things illegal when I do not. And this conversation is going nowhere until you understand the difference between perversion and mere difference.

And yet you still respond. It's funny how irony works isn't it?

I didn't say you had reached the point where you were no longer worthy of attention. But this clenched it. Good bye.

Okay then. Well just arbitrarily calling people 'morons' in parts of a reply is hardly a reasonable cause is it?
I have to respond to this.

If I have cause to call you a moron I am not doing it arbitrarily. And I have plenty of cause.


Not necessarily yourself, but some on this forum undoubtedly are, such as Nick M perhaps, who gave me neg rep for my last post on this issue. His one-word comment was "retardation", which is a word that represents him rather well. Based on his reaction, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he voted for Bush, and his reaction is simply his defense mechanism at work.
I can promise you Nick M is not a Republican.

And I'll admit I voted for Bush. Back when I was unaware of just how deviated he was from God. I was wrong.


New member
As I said, the problem is that you consider things to be perversions when they are not.
Actually, I consider whether or not someone else thinks something to be 'perverted' as irrelevant. I don't support the banning of anything based on 'perversion' - where as you seem to.

So you assume I support making things illegal when I do not. And this conversation is going nowhere until you understand the difference between perversion and mere difference.
The definitions you gave for perversion (which presumably you agree with) were meaningless:

Your definitions said:
per·ver·ted [per-vurt-id]

1. Pathology . changed to or being of an unnatural or abnormal kind: a perverted interest in death.
2. turned from what is right; wicked; misguided; distorted.
3. affected with or caused by perversion.
#1 is almost circular. The question then becomes what is unnatural, abnormal (and why abnormal?) and then of course, the other obvious question becomes to ask why they should be forbidden on these grounds.
#2 There's no reason to believe that anything you have described as sexual perversion matches that.
#3 is circular.

I didn't say you had reached the point where you were no longer worthy of attention. But this clenched it. Good bye.
You're very sensitive.

I have to respond to this.

If I have cause to call you a moron I am not doing it arbitrarily. And I have plenty of cause.

Like what? You disagree with what I say? Just calling people names in your responses demonstrates your intellectual cowardice and your childish nature in discussions.


New member
I can promise you Nick M is not a Republican.

It's too bad Nick is apparently unable to speak for himself on that issue.

And I'll admit I voted for Bush. Back when I was unaware of just how deviated he was from God. I was wrong.

I voted for GHW Bush back in 1988 due to residual goodwill for Ronald Reagan. I later came to realize that goodwill was misplaced. When father Bush started talking "New World Order", I started to realize that Christian conservatives were being played for suckers by voting Re-Publican, so I voted 3rd party in '92, and I have voted 3rd party ever since.

(Pssst. Nick. Bush, like his daddy, was a globalist, a sell-out on God and national sovereignty.



New member
Lighthouse, SCon, and others think that allowing people to sin without political/legal/criminal consequences is wrong. Therefore, God is wrong because he does the same. God does not provide immediate punishment for sins, and even if he did, that would be an even better case for the libertarian perspective. But he doesn't. He allows people to go on in their sin.

Lighthouse and SCon want to, essentially, go over God's head and punish people for sinning before God does. Unchristian. Ungodly. Unrealistic. Illogical.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Bush is a liberal? When did that happen?
Nick, I thought you were smarter than this.

As to when exactly it happened I do not know. But it was before he was President.

I voted for GHW Bush back in 1988 due to residual goodwill for Ronald Reagan. I later came to realize that goodwill was misplaced. When father Bush started talking "New World Order", I started to realize that Christian conservatives were being played for suckers by voting Re-Publican, so I voted 3rd party in '92, and I have voted 3rd party ever since.
I wasn't old enough to vote back then. And I have actually only voted in presidential elections twice. The last time I voted for Alan Keyes.
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