toldailytopic: Judge not! Some say Christians shouldn't judge, what say you?

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New member
Sure we do. We know by what people say.

No, you don't.

Your own Bible says that it is not your place to speculate about other people's salvation.

But the legalist fundies enjoy playing God too much to let small things like their own Bible (for extra lulz, they think it's divinely revealed word for word) get in the way of their "righteous judging" and generally meddling in other people's business.


Prima facie,

Your job is unethical.
Your slanderous ways are unethical.
Your self-righteousness is unethical.
Your willful ignorance is unethical.
Your authoritarianism is unethical.
Your support of evil (apartheid, repression, fascism, slavery, theocracy and genocide) is unethical.

You'd end far sooner if you listed the things you did that WEREN'T unethical. That'd be a short list indeed.

Opinion noted, and once again filed under "g".



New member
Judge rightly!


when you tell someone that they are going to hell

that is judging
that is wrong

I think there's a right and wrong way to tell someone they're going to hell. Telling someone "you're going to hell" is wrong. Telling someone "Christ has interceded for you and made a way for you to go to heaven" is right. But more on judgment below...

This is the difference between saying "You lied. Lying is bad." and "You are the sort of person who lies."
In the former instance, we are stating that an individual action is immoral.
In the latter, we are stating that a PERSON is immoral, that everything which makes them who they are is flawed, degenerate, etc.

We are called to do the former, in love, acknowledging that while the action is immoral, the person who did the action has the capacity to, with God's help, rise above the tendency to commit immoral actions.

This seems like the best understanding in terms of application. At the same time, I think if our first instinct as Christians is to make quick judgments about character/lifestyle/actions in others, we're completely missing the point of "judging rightly." I'd go so far as to say we shouldn't judge at all in this case.

Jesus said:

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:30-31)

If we do this, rightly judging will come naturally. We should treat everyone with the love of Christ in us. Furthermore, there is a high possibility that if your life included all of the same circumstances and events of someone else's, you would be in the same stage of life as them. Judging is external. Unfortunately that's all we have to work with. And thankfully God sees what's internal. But love supersedes what we see on the outside and has the potential to let others see Christ in us/let Christ in.

We as Christians are the closest thing to Jesus some people will ever see. That's scary.



The Dark Knight
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and you telling me that I am going to hell will get me to change my ways?
It isn't your ways that are the problem. It's your rejection of Christ, and what He did to save you now. You reject that salvation is now; that's the problem.

Yep, they might just act like the Pharisees did when Jesus told them they were children of the devil. They might want to kill him.

People who don't want to hear the truth say things like:
Actually they tend to get more defensive than that.

did you get that from Paul?
and Jesus
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.
-Luke 6:45

Your own Bible says that it is not your place to speculate about other people's salvation.
I'd like to know that too.


New member
Jeez man, give people time to answers your questions.

I try not to be judgemental; but it is the nature of human beings to judge.

Should we judge on a Christian standard? No, there is much to be said for the morales religion instils within it's followers; but there is also much to loath.


New member
I personally judge a lot, though typically the verdicts are "none of my business", or "someone else's problem".


Jeez man, give people time to answers your questions.

I try not to be judgemental; but it is the nature of human beings to judge.

Should we judge on a Christian standard? No, there is much to be said for the morales religion instils within it's followers; but there is also much to loath.

I was worried about you rTb; with the attack on Prince Charles the other night by Brit hooligans, I thought that you had been detained by those unarmed London Bobbies and made to sit at a chalkboard writing "I have been a very bad boy" over and over.

But alas and alack, you're here.

So tell us what it is about Christian doctrine that you looooooooathe so much?

Let me guess: not being able to do your own "thing" without condemnation?

You do realize that atheists and Christians have a different definition of "freedom" don't you?
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