Did he wear sandles at all?
Did he have long hair and blue eyes?:rain:
Did Calvin wear sandals and robes?
Did he wear sandles at all?
You didn't anwser the question.Did he have long hair and blue eyes?:rain:
Do you think clothes make the man, or what he believes in?Did Calvin wear sandals and robes?
And who do you think He is, and why?It think C.S. Lewis said it best: Jesus is either Lord, liar, or lunatic.
And who do you think He is, and why?
How many Lord's are there?Jesus is the Christ. The only begotton son of the one and only God. God (his father) elevated him to Lord of all creation. He is the only mediator between God and mankind.
God (his father) elevated him to Lord of all creation.
He is the only mediator between God and mankind.
Come on now... I want to hear your answer.
:thumb:∅2L84U;2216672 said:Jesus is God manifest in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16), who was born of a virgin (Matthew 1:23) (Luke 1:34), and was found in the appearance of a man (Philippians 2:8), in a body prepared for Him (Hebrews 10:5), in the likeness of sinful flesh, yet without sin (Romans 8:3), and is the exact representation of the nature of God (Hebrews 1:3).
No.Did He wear sandals trillions of years ago? Does He still wear sandals?
Thank you.∅2L84U;2216691 said:Being the same is not necessarily doing the same.
You know I'm OV.Some proof text the verse, so I was hoping he would qualify it as you have done.
We know this.It is about constancy of character and attributes, not absolute, Platonic strong immutability in every way (the incarnation is a radical change; God is personal and changes in some ways, but not in other ways).
Well, we know he doesn't like labels, but he has already confessed to believing as the MAD/OV crowd does in an open future and God knowing only what can be known, yet salvation being secure and eternal.While you are investigating MAD, would you consider investigating Open Theism in the same detail and 'open' mind (or have you 'settled' your opinion already, no pun intended)?
Jesus might have been a man who existed a couple thousand years ago. The Bible says he did, science (more history really, but you know), has yet to prove that he existed. We don't have any first-hand documents, other than possibly the Bible, documenting his actions or even his existence.
OK big boy, here goes.
Jesus is the King of Israel. And I don't mean that S***hole over there in the middle east.
He was the Old Covenant King of Israel and rejected because he was not a man.
He was the New Covenant King of Israel and rejected because he was a man.
He is the Churches (spiritual Israel) King and they reject him because He does not have a physical body.
He just can't make anyone happy, can he?
He is the Messiah, the Son of God, the only Salvation, and the only way to the Father.
When Jesus speaks in Revelation 3:21, he tells us the he will be seated with his Father. Is that two persons ? No the Father and Jesus are one (John 10:30) because the Father lives in Jesus. There is one God, one savior, one Father, one LORD, one throne, one King of Kings and Lord of lords...Jesus/Yeshua/Yehoshua.
Jesus is everything: He is God, savior, mediator, propitiation for sin, advocate, and comforter. Soon, he will be our rescuer, King and ruler.