toldailytopic: Is polygamy wrong?


New member
I'm curious about the criteria for marriage. Should both bride and groom be virgins? Once a man has taken a wife he is no longer a virgin.
The case for widows and widowers would, of course, be different.
The criteria in the Bible shows that the woman is to be a virgin, but doesn't put that restriction on the man since the man can have multiple wives. Exceptions are made for remarrying.

In God's eyes, marriage is not the result of a civil ceremony, but is the result of a man lying with a woman.

1 Corinthians 6:16
What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.​



New member
The criteria in the Bible shows that the woman is to be a virgin, but doesn't put that restriction on the man since the man can have multiple wives. Exceptions are made for remarrying.

In God's eyes, marriage is not the result of a civil ceremony, but is the result of a man lying with a woman.

1 Corinthians 6:16
What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.​

Only two can become one flesh.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes, but we are told to consent to things that are only moral in the eyes of God (having six wives, a same gender lover, sex with a dolphin, or procreating with your sister aren't).

And no one is preventing you from applying your *religious* rules to YOURSELF.

Allowing immoral people to "do their own thing" doesn't work in society. To make things worse, when you legislate in favor of immoral people "doing their own thing", REALLY BAD things happen to innocent people ( as shown in my link below).

I'm not the one that wrote the 1972 "gay agenda"

This is the only thing left in your rant that is am willing to respond to ASC.

You seem to assume that because there are gays associated with an act or petition that it represent all gays and everyone who against homosexuality being outlawed.

Movements that want to move ahead with their legislative agenda meet and organize in order to do just that. The 1972 "gay agenda" meeting was just that. Most of the goals on the platform have already been met ( legally diddling 8 year old boys isn't one of them YET).

That is as accurate as claiming every Christian is responsible for the burning of innocent women, that all prolifers advocate murdering abortion doctors and that all Christians are walking mini-me's of Fred Phelps.

First of all democrat and Al Gore supporter Fred Phelps isn't a Christian, he HATES everyone, including soldiers that die fighting for our freedoms (that you take for granted).

More importantly the doctrine of Christianity and atheism are at total ends of the spectrum. Because so-called Christians murdered innocent women, doesn't mean they were following the doctrine of Christianity (they weren't).

Atheistic homosexuals (excuse me for being redundant), have no doctrine of their own, other than what they borrow from Christian dogma. The Libertarian ideology of "It's MY body and I can do with it as I damn well please!" rules their moral relativist mindset when it comes to their own special interest (in this case homosexuality).

In short, proud sinners who HATE God and His Laws, might speak softly against other sins (such as child molestation), but who are they to speak out against another sinner when they themselves are doing the same thing?

I have always advocated that child molesters receive the death penalty, regardless of whether the person in question is heterosexual or homosexual.

As you will see in the link below, you're sorely needed in Sweden.

What I am not willing to buy into is the STUPIDITY of claiming that every single gay person on the planet are child molesters.

Refer to my above "Who am I to question you if we're both doing your own thing" comment.

Now ... outside of your religion, can you come up with even one reason why two DISEASE-FREE, CONSENTING ADULTS should be charged with a capital offense for having a sexual relationship?

While capital punishment for moral degenerates hasn't been discussed in this thread by me (so I don't know why you're implying so), there would be cases where it should be imposed: spreading deadly infectous diseases through CONSENTUAL sex or through "CONSENTUAL" blood donation (i.e. lying on your screening application).

Or, in this case


Well-known member
Might as well add in Deuteronomy 17:17 (KJV).

:doh: Then I hope you don't have more that one piece of gold or silver!

Perhaps you misunderstand what God meant by multiplying, since God claims to have given David his wives and would have given him more (2Sa 12:8).

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes, but we are told to consent to things that are only moral in the eyes of God (having six wives, a same gender lover, sex with a dolphin, or procreating with your sister aren't).

Allowing immoral people to "do their own thing" doesn't work in society. To make things worse, when you legislate in favor of immoral people "doing their own thing", REALLY BAD things happen to innocent people ( as shown in my link below).

I'm not the one that wrote the 1972 "gay agenda"

Movements that want to move ahead with their legislative agenda meet and organize in order to do just that. The 1972 "gay agenda" meeting was just that. Most of the goals on the platform have already been met ( legally diddling 8 year old boys isn't one of them YET).

First of all democrat and Al Gore supporter Fred Phelps isn't a Christian, he HATES everyone, including soldiers that die fighting for our freedoms (that you take for granted).

More importantly the doctrine of Christianity and atheism are at total ends of the spectrum. Because so-called Christians murdered innocent women, doesn't mean they were following the doctrine of Christianity (they weren't).

Atheistic homosexuals (excuse me for being redundant), have no doctrine of their own, other than what they borrow from Christian dogma. The Libertarian ideology of "It's MY body and I can do with it as I damn well please!" rules their moral relativist mindset when it comes to their own special interest (in this case homosexuality).

In short, proud sinners who HATE God and His Laws, might speak softly against other sins (such as child molestation), but who are they to speak out against another sinner when they themselves are doing the same thing?

As you will see in the link below, you're sorely needed in Sweden.

Refer to my above "Who am I to question you if we're both doing your own thing" comment.

While capital punishment for moral degenerates hasn't been discussed in this thread by me (so I don't know why you're implying so), there would be cases where it should be imposed: spreading deadly infectous diseases through CONSENTUAL sex or through "CONSENTUAL" blood donation (i.e. lying on your screening application).

Or, in this case
What does ANY of this rant have to do with polygamy?




New member
Way to go elo!!!


When our male masters have retaken their proper authority over us, females, will we have a choice in the matter of polygamy? What if a woman doesn't wish to be part of a packed bed scenario? Will she have the right to get out of the deal?

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
When our male masters have retaken their proper authority over us, females, will we have a choice in the matter of polygamy?
Biblically . . . no.

What if a woman doesn't wish to be part of a packed bed scenario? Will she have the right to get out of the deal?
Didn't she know what she was getting into from the start?

Biblically . . . no . . . except for the pauline exceptions in the pastoral epistles.


Well-known member
When our male masters have retaken their proper authority over us, females, will we have a choice in the matter of polygamy?

Don't know what "male masters" have to do with it. You already have a choice.

What if a woman doesn't wish to be part of a packed bed scenario?

I doubt many Christian polygamists would allow a packed bed scenario. More likely each wife and the husband would all have their own room and schedule sleeping arrangements. Other non-religous polygamists may pack a bed. In any case, polygamy should only be voluntary.

Will she have the right to get out of the deal?

I would hope so.


Hall of Fame
Yes, but we are told to consent to things that are only moral in the eyes of God (having six wives, a same gender lover, sex with a dolphin, or procreating with your sister aren't).

And no one is telling you not to apply your moral convictions to YOURSELF.

Allowing immoral people to "do their own thing" doesn't work in society. To make things worse, when you legislate in favor of immoral people "doing their own thing", REALLY BAD things happen to innocent people ( as shown in my link below).

You cannot legislate morality ... you can, however, legislate criminal behavior. I have as yet heard anyone arguing against keeping child molestation, rape, murder, theft, etc. illegal.

I'm not the one that wrote the 1972 "gay agenda"

Movements that want to move ahead with their legislative agenda meet and organize in order to do just that. The 1972 "gay agenda" meeting was just that. Most of the goals on the platform have already been met ( legally diddling 8 year old boys isn't one of them YET).

So because their are *some* gays that wish to move ahead with a legislative agenda that is evil, you believe ALL should be penalized?

You do realize there are certain religious individuals who also want evil legislation passed that would execute homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators as well, correct?

Still yet, most of us shrug it off for what it is ... the minority of religious fanatics gone mad.

First of all democrat and Al Gore supporter Fred Phelps isn't a Christian, he HATES everyone, including soldiers that die fighting for our freedoms (that you take for granted).

Actually he IS a Christian. Just because you consider him an embarrassment, there is reason to deny what group he identifies himself with. He is the pastor heading the Westboro Baptist Church based in Topeka, KS. I am not sure why you are so harsh on old Fred ... you and he are rather similar.

What's rather ironic is that individuals such as yourself have no problem accusing non believers of endorsing beliefs that do not apply ... sort of like your intentional LIE that I take the soldiers dying for our freedoms for granted. I am not the person, Mr. Selective Morality, who wishes to impose their religion on others and thus do away with freedom of and from religion.

More importantly the doctrine of Christianity and atheism are at total ends of the spectrum. Because so-called Christians murdered innocent women, doesn't mean they were following the doctrine of Christianity (they weren't).

It means they were INFLUENCED by their religious beliefs ... deny it all you like.

Atheistic homosexuals (excuse me for being redundant),

No ... I won't ... nor will I let it pass that excluded Christian homosexuals.

have no doctrine of their own, other than what they borrow from Christian dogma.

:yawn: There is good reason to not murder, rape, torture, beat or molest other human beings. Furthermore, we only have the claim of Christians that their morals and their book were inspired from a superior deity ... one that has never been proven to exist, btw.

The Libertarian ideology of "It's MY body and I can do with it as I damn well please!" rules their moral relativist mindset when it comes to their own special interest (in this case homosexuality).

Unless they are causing physical harm to another human being without their consent, feel free to show how this is wrong.

In short, proud sinners

There is no such thing as *sinners* or *sin*. Sin is a religious transgression.

who HATE God and His Laws,

:yawn: It's impossible to hate someone or something that one does not believe exists.

might speak softly against other sins (such as child molestation), but who are they to speak out against another sinner when they themselves are doing the same thing?

Easy answer: Child molestation is not a *sin* ... it is a CRIMINAL ACT. I can very easily speak out against Christians and non Christians alike who violate a child or commit rape or murder. Why ... because I do NOT do that and have no reason to condone it. It harmful, causes permanent damage and in the case of murder, ends a life.

As you will see in the link below, you're sorely needed in Sweden.

Refer to my above "Who am I to question you if we're both doing your own thing" comment.

Rational people realize that "doing your own thing" suggest consenting adults ... not children.

While capital punishment for moral degenerates hasn't been discussed in this thread by me (so I don't know why you're implying so), there would be cases where it should be imposed:

It doesn't take long to know the type of zealot who wishes to impose their religion on others, especially when it comes to matters of consensual sex. To put it bluntly, you are the elephant in the room.

spreading deadly infectous diseases through CONSENTUAL sex or through "CONSENTUAL" blood donation (i.e. lying on your screening application).

When have I ever stated that someone who lies and knowingly spreads an infectious disease shouldn't be punished and charged with attempted murder? Better yet, IF they knowing give tainted blood and cause the death of another human being, they should be tried for murder.

That also goes for individuals who have conditions that cause great harm, illness or death such as HPV, herpes, syphilis and Hep C. It is completely reasonable for individuals who KNOW they are infected to inform anyone they sleep with that they will be at risk. I agree that to do otherwise is criminal. Of course, this too goes back to CONSENT. To not inform someone that they may be at risk is taking away the person's CONSENT.

That link has nothing to do with MY opinions or views and does not apply to me.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
And no one is telling you not to apply your moral convictions to YOURSELF.

You cannot legislate morality ... you can, however, legislate criminal behavior. I have as yet heard anyone arguing against keeping child molestation, rape, murder, theft, etc. illegal.

So because their are *some* gays that wish to move ahead with a legislative agenda that is evil, you believe ALL should be penalized?

You do realize there are certain religious individuals who also want evil legislation passed that would execute homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators as well, correct?

Still yet, most of us shrug it off for what it is ... the minority of religious fanatics gone mad.

Actually he IS a Christian. Just because you consider him an embarrassment, there is reason to deny what group he identifies himself with. He is the pastor heading the Westboro Baptist Church based in Topeka, KS. I am not sure why you are so harsh on old Fred ... you and he are rather similar.

What's rather ironic is that individuals such as yourself have no problem accusing non believers of endorsing beliefs that do not apply ... sort of like your intentional LIE that I take the soldiers dying for our freedoms for granted. I am not the person, Mr. Selective Morality, who wishes to impose their religion on others and thus do away with freedom of and from religion.

It means they were INFLUENCED by their religious beliefs ... deny it all you like.

No ... I won't ... nor will I let it pass that excluded Christian homosexuals.

:yawn: There is good reason to not murder, rape, torture, beat or molest other human beings. Furthermore, we only have the claim of Christians that their morals and their book were inspired from a superior deity ... one that has never been proven to exist, btw.

Unless they are causing physical harm to another human being without their consent, feel free to show how this is wrong.

There is no such thing as *sinners* or *sin*. Sin is a religious transgression.

:yawn: It's impossible to hate someone or something that one does not believe exists.

Easy answer: Child molestation is not a *sin* ... it is a CRIMINAL ACT. I can very easily speak out against Christians and non Christians alike who violate a child or commit rape or murder. Why ... because I do NOT do that and have no reason to condone it. It harmful, causes permanent damage and in the case of murder, ends a life.

Rational people realize that "doing your own thing" suggest consenting adults ... not children.

It doesn't take long to know the type of zealot who wishes to impose their religion on others, especially when it comes to matters of consensual sex. To put it bluntly, you are the elephant in the room.

When have I ever stated that someone who lies and knowingly spreads an infectious disease shouldn't be punished and charged with attempted murder? Better yet, IF they knowing give tainted blood and cause the death of another human being, they should be tried for murder.

That also goes for individuals who have conditions that cause great harm, illness or death such as HPV, herpes, syphilis and Hep C. It is completely reasonable for individuals who KNOW they are infected to inform anyone they sleep with that they will be at risk. I agree that to do otherwise is criminal. Of course, this too goes back to CONSENT. To not inform someone that they may be at risk is taking away the person's CONSENT.

That link has nothing to do with MY opinions or views and does not apply to me.
[You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Rusha again.]

Now leave the :troll: alone.


What does ANY of this rant have to do with polygamy?



It all started with Rusha's quote (post #12):

"As long as it's between consenting adults (absolutely no children or teens), then I don't see it as something that should be prohibited."

I pointed several other actions that happen when "consenting adults" are allowed to "do their own thing" (incest, sex with Flipper, adultery, not to mention what happens in a certain atheistic country when "consenting adults" i.e. homosexuals, are given the power to run the government), but it appears Rusha doesn't want to talk about them.

Returning to the topic at hand: polygamy; there are reasons God allowed it in OT times, as shown in this link:

Give me your honest open minded atheistic view (careful aCW, your tongue will bleed if you bite it that hard to keep you from laughing), on what's take on it is.


It all started with Rusha's quote (post #12):

"As long as it's between consenting adults (absolutely no children or teens), then I don't see it as something that should be prohibited."

I pointed several other actions that happen when "consenting adults" are allowed to "do their own thing" (incest, sex with Flipper, adultery, not to mention what happens in a certain atheistic country when "consenting adults" i.e. homosexuals, are given the power to run the government), but it appears Rusha doesn't want to talk about them.

Returning to the topic at hand: polygamy; there are reasons God allowed it in OT times, as shown in this link:

Give me your honest open minded atheistic view (careful aCW, your tongue will bleed if you bite it that hard to keep you from laughing), on what's take on it is.

Looks to me like the only one here that wants to talk about incest and "sex with Flipper" is you. Why is that?


Active member
no i don't......however i think just like when one is a part of an open-relationship one needs to select wisely(i.e. zero tolerance for jealousy)ones partner(s). They should also FULLY understand EXACTLY what kind of relationship they are entering into so they are without excuse if things go south.

These types of relationships require a MUCH higher level of trust, honesty, and compromise than that of a traditional relationship IMO to function properly.


Hall of Fame
toldailytopic: Is polygamy wrong?

As long as it's between consenting adults (absolutely no children or teens), then I don't see it as something that should be prohibited.

However, on a personal note, the opinion I have expressed with my daughter and son is that the act is demeaning to the person who has chosen to be part of their partner's harem.

The *it* was in regards to polygamy.

What does ANY of this rant have to do with polygamy?



It all started with Rusha's quote (post #12):

"As long as it's between consenting adults (absolutely no children or teens), then I don't see it as something that should be prohibited."

Of course, ASC uses this as an excuse to go off topic and into one of his well known and expected tangents.

I pointed several other actions that happen when "consenting adults" are allowed to "do their own thing" (incest, sex with Flipper, adultery, not to mention what happens in a certain atheistic country when "consenting adults" i.e. homosexuals, are given the power to run the government), but it appears Rusha doesn't want to talk about them.

Rusha answered the topic. However, should you decide you want to further discuss your fascination with *Flipper* feel free to start your own thread.

Returning to the topic at hand: polygamy; there are reasons God allowed it in OT times, as shown in this link:

Whoopy, nice to know. As I told you previously, feel free to apply your religious standards to yourself.

Give me your honest open mind

FINALLY ... an honest half-statement. WTG!


Well-known member
These types of relationships require a MUCH higher level of trust, honesty, and compromise than that of a traditional relationship IMO to function properly.

Marriage, whatever form it takes, requires trust, honesty and compromise. I generally disagree that one form of marriage requires a "MUCH higher level" of trust and honesty, but perhaps you meant something specific. :idunno: