stupid is as stupid does
I don't care much for stupid but "Know-it-alls" who never admit to error and never apologize but always blame someone else?...Whyyyyyy jeepers! They do fry my potatoes!
stupid is as stupid does
stupid is as stupid does
what about their friends?
I don't care much for stupid but "Know-it-alls" who never admit to error and never apologize but always blame someone else?...Whyyyyyy jeepers! They do fry my potatoes!
let's not get her mad
If they are specious attention seekers then one is morally obligated to hate them.
Are you begging for reps with this kind of post or just seeking attention?
I'm quite old you know. Sometimes attention from others lets me know I'm still alive.
Thank you so much!:cloud9:
to quote the bible
love your enemies
Or, "shake the dust from your sandals..."?
Or, "shake the dust from your sandals..."?
Make of that what you will, but there's a time and place for true, genuine hatred.
love your moderators
...or, keep your sandals on!
are you going to have another mad day?