toldailytopic: Is it wrong to be rich? Is it wrong to desire to be rich?

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New member
Nothing skewed in the slightest. Please read Apologia pauperum by Bonaventure. You would also benefit from reading his Disputed Questions of Evangelical Perfection. Both have recently been translated into English.
Don't care in the slightest. I have found that most are not defenders of the faith (the gospel) but defenders of a particular ideology (denominations). I follow Christ, not an ideology. I will let no man limit the liberty to which I have been called.

Dark Radiance

New member
No you are merely justifying your own interests by attempting to conjoin it with Christ. You merely follow what you think Christ is rather than actually knowing who he is.


New member
No you are merely justifying your own interests by attempting to conjoin it with Christ. You merely follow what you think Christ is rather than actually knowing who he is.
I am in no position to justify myself and nether are you. Ether we have been justified or we have not. Justification comes from God in the sufficient sacrifice of His Son. No additions or subtractions.


New member
Being rich does not save, being poor does not save. Love God, love neighbor: that saves.
Loving God and loving your neighbor does not save any more than being rich or poor. We love God and love our neighbor because we are saved and do so regardless of our wealth or lack thereof.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
Is it wrong to be rich?
No. Job was rich and God restored his wealth and increased it. The kings of Israel were rich as well. Abraham...there are a number of men whom God blessed with it.

Is it wrong to desire to be rich?
It's wrong to desire to possess wealth for the sake of wealth. That's coveting, after a fashion, and making possessions your master.

I found this bit about wealth by Charles H. Spurgeon...

Dangers of Wealth
By Charles Haddon Spurgeon

O, it is noble to see a man lifted up into the high places of wealth and position, made to wear a crown and scarlet robe, and yet for all that walking humbly with his God and fulfilling his duty without a flaw, even as those do who have not such high things to try them. I read this week of a vessel at sea which was overtaken by a storm, and a mountainous wave, a very alp of water, went right over it, putting out the engine fires at once, and sweeping away the wheel and the steering house, so that the vessel lay like a log in the trough of the sea.

Now many a man has been like that, a great mass of wealth and prosperity has come upon him, put out the fires of his former zeal, taken away all the steerage of his soul, and he has lain like a log tossed up and down between the waves of worldliness and pride, and has become a total wreck.


One Eyed Jack

New member
Is it wrong to be rich?


Is it wrong to desire to be rich?

Depends on why you want to be rich and how you intend on going about getting there. If you're willing to work hard and/or innovate, then no. If you're going to rob, cheat, or steal, then yes.

In any case, what's really wrong is loving money more than loving God.
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