toldailytopic: Is Islam a peaceful religion?

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Don't mean to hijack the topic but here's a question.
How would you deal with or approach an Islamic family that moved in next door to you?
My wife & I had to endure less than ideal neighbors for many years and in the fall of 2009 a Hindu family from India moved in. I know, an apples and oranges comparison there but they've been great neighbors.
I'm not sure how I would approach an Islamic household. Any thoughts?

Our neighbors are Muslim and they are very good, better than most white trash.

Dogs are dirty, so that is a no no, as is pork, alcohol, etc. (avoid offending).

I would befriend and love them. They believe in 'Jesus', so an interest in Jesus would be a great starting point. I do not always practice what I preach, but bashing Muhammad and the Koran would not be a good starting place.

There are books and articles that would give principles for sharing with a Muslim.


I identify as a Christian
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Some people who have Islamic beliefs may be good neighbors--But the religion itself is far from peaceful.

I had a Muslim living next door. He wasn't practicing. He was a very polite neighbor from the Sudan. Maybe the politeness may have more to do with culture than religion.


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Yes, it can be. And like virtually every other religion on the planet it can be and has been perverted and hijacked.


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The Bible cannot be used to justify terrorism, but the Koran can be used this way (faithful to original intent).

What part of the Qur'an was originally intended to justify terrorism?

It should also be remembered that there is a Koranic principle that the later revelations trump the earlier ones.

Doesn't that apply to the Bible as well? Aspects of the Hebrew Bible are overturned for newer revelations?

The fact that most Muslims are not living consistent with Muhammad or the Koran should not be a defense for a supposedly peaceful religion. Christians have always been mandated to peace, consistent with their founder and holy book (opposite to Islam who are now living inconsistent with founder/book, except the radical terrorists who are probably going to far even by Koranic standards; Christians who kill in the name of Christianity are likely not true evangelical Christians and are living contrary to their faith, not consistent with it).

The Qur'an is unique because it is a series of revelations over Muhammad's life - the revelations are also reactions to the issues the community was facing so it deals with practical, everyday matters as well as spiritual. Yes, Christians are called to peace but there are similar calls to peace in the Qur'an. And it's not as though God did not command violence: the Hebrew Bible is filled with it.

If they were truly peaceful, there would be much more outcry from Muslims around the world against terrorism. The reality is that few condemn it and continue to say U.S., Israel/Jew, Christian is the evil enemy. Christians rightfully condemn any supposed Christian who kills, uses terrorism, kills abortionists, etc.

There is plenty of outcry against terrorism and none of the Muslims I know have ever said that the US or Jews or Christians were the enemy. I don't know if that is fair.


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toldailytopic: Is Islam a peaceful religion?

Muslims are at war all over the world, gee wiz, I'm going to have to go with no freaking way. Muhammad was a mystic who went up into the hills and went into ecstasies, he actually thought he was possessed by a jin (from the word we get genie).

Ever wonder who the virgins in Muslim paradise are going to be? They are the jins. Now I do like the idea of spending eternity with a palace of gals that look like Barbara Eden but there are real problems with the Koran as inspired script. First of all the only confirmation we have for Muhammad was the destruction of his enemies.

Hmmmmm, I wonder how modern Islamics get confirmation that Allah is with them. :idunno:


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an antiChrist, obviously, is anyone or any institution that denys that Jesus is the savior

This cannot be Truth. Isn't Satan an Antichrist or the Antichrist? Wasn't Peter called Satan and Peter sure seemed to have believed that Jesus was the savior.

Peter did not deny that Jesus was the savior yet he was discerned by Jesus to be Satan (an aspect of the Antichrist or was Peter an actual Antichrist).

Hey wait a minute.

Peter actually did deny Jesus . . . . three times. Then according to you he must be an Antichrist and imagine he determined the tenants of what passes for Christianity among the very great majority of aspiring Christians (i.e. all who are called to Christianity) every where on earth, up to now.

Is it any wonder that many are called to Christianity and these many are misled by many false prophets who came in Jesus' name and only few (do not err and) are chosen.

These threads sure do bring out Truth relevant to other areas.

By the way, it can hardly be denied that Islam is a violent religion which attracts naturally violently inclined followers.

Indeed Islam do attract people who are at home with routine violent approaches to solving the needs of their way of life. For this is the essential nature of the religion.

Violently incline people do not contain and limit their violence to those out side Islam. Inevitably they turn their violent tendencies on other Muslims.

Then, if left on their own, at the end of the day, among Muslims, only the most violent people and the most meek, survives.

Theirs is a natural appraoch to purging out all tolerant and peaceful people from their midst.

Even among your closest friends who are Muslims, and who may all seem most peace loving there is deceit. They on their own and among themselves, delight in the violent appraoch of cutting off your hand if you steel, or converting you at the point of the sword or through deceptions. These are prescribed tenants of their religion.

They are so proud about how this essentially violent appraoch (which is used in Muslim countries) control the very often, far less violent act of steeling.

Look at the Muslim countries . . . . violence begets violence.

In my country Muslims are a small minority component of our population. However close by we have a family of blood related Muslims who are split in the center. They both hold the Koran as their source for God's guidance, however they have found themselves into two sects. One is more extremist and more violently incline than the other.

When the more peace loving ones seek to have their Muslim pray meeting within the confines of their own home, the other set who are closely related inevitably arrives, to undermined and stop the peace loving bunch from having their pray meeting. Simply because the more radical and violent ones are not prepared to have any one have a Muslim pray meeting that does not conform to the their way of doing it. With confidence, they assume the Islam prescribed right to bully their peaceful counterpart. Fact is both sides claim that they are being guided by the letter of the Koran.

In one case that I witnessed, the arrival of these set of radical religious Muslim quietly changed what was to be a simple Muslim pray meeting to simply a social gathering of relative. Only because the peace loving ones sough to keep the peace by not exercising their otherwise prescriptive right in their own home. I have actually witnessed this event as a non-Muslim invited guest.
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Islam is inherently peaceful, and if you talk to the vast majority of Muslims you would find them to be very respectful and peaceful people.

You know I'm sure you are an expert, and I have no doubt that you, personally, have talked to "the vast majority" of Muslims.


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Islam is most certainly not, and has never been, a peaceful religion.

The day will come...

For it is written, [As] I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.


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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for April 8th, 2011 10:33 AM

toldailytopic: Is Islam a peaceful religion?

Of the three major religions, that refer to the Bible as a Holy Book, and God, as one God, Islam is the only religion that goes on the offense towards unbelievers. The Koran their most sacred book, commands the killing of "infidels" Jews, and Christians, under certain circumstances.

It also has the most commands for the death penalty for its own disobediant adherents.

The Bible commands the death penalty for believing Jews, for the breaking of certain commands. However the death penalty was rarely used by Jews against other Jews throughout history and even today. Jesus being the foremost exception, and Saul against Steven another one.

Islam regularly, for centuries have executed their own and dismembered their own, and others living under their rule.

During the initial conquering of the "land," the Jews were commanded to attack and kill the inhabitants of the land of Canaan.

Christians are not commanded, in the New Testament, to kill the unbelievers, nor conquer their lands. The Churches, sometimes have killed others, through Crusades, and Inquisitions. However, they were actually only commanded to preach, and teach, and make disciples.

Jews seldom proselytyze anyone these days. Nor are they commanded to reconquer the land. The prophets foretold that they would be driven out of the land and in the last days that God would regather them back into it.

Christianity and Judaism are both on the defense these days. Islam as a whole, is on the offense, through bloodshed, throughout the world today.

Despite its bloody founder, and history of bloodshed and conquest, and despite its Holy Books commands, their are some peaceful Muslims.

I don't think that Muslims in America can be compared to Muslims living in countries ruled under Sharia Law. Here, for the most part, it is a very peaceful religion, because its adherents are able to be protected by our laws. In the middle east it is only a peaceful religion, as long as you submit to it.

The dead offer very little resistance, and are very peaceful and orderly.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for April 8th, 2011 10:33 AM

toldailytopic: Is Islam a peaceful religion?

Of the three major religions, that refer to the Bible as a Holy Book, and God, as one God, Islam is the only religion that goes on the offense towards unbelievers. The Koran their most sacred book, commands the killing of "infidels" Jews, and Christians, under certain circumstances.

It also has the most commands for the death penalty for its own disobediant adherents.

The Bible commands the death penalty for believing Jews, for the breaking of certain commands. However the death penalty was rarely used by Jews against other Jews throughout history and even today. Jesus being the foremost exception, and Saul against Steven another one.

Islam regularly, for centuries have executed their own and dismembered their own, and others living under their rule.

During the initial conquering of the "land," the Jews were commanded to attack and kill the inhabitants of the land of Canaan.

Christians are not commanded, in the New Testament, to kill the unbelievers, nor conquer their lands. The Churches, sometimes have killed others, through Crusades, and Inquisitions. However, they were actually only commanded to preach, and teach, and make disciples.

Jews seldom proselytyze anyone these days. Nor are they commanded to reconquer the land. The prophets foretold that they would be driven out of the land and in the last days that God would regather them back into it.

Christianity and Judaism are both on the defense these days. Islam as a whole, is on the offense, through bloodshed, throughout the world today.

Despite its bloody founder, and history of bloodshed and conquest, and despite its Holy Books commands, their are some peaceful Muslims.

I don't think that Muslims in America can be compared to Muslims living in countries ruled under Sharia Law. Here, for the most part, it is a very peaceful religion, because its adherents are able to be protected by our laws. In the middle east it is only a peaceful religion, as long as you submit to it.

The dead offer very little resistance, and are very peaceful and orderly.

You present an interesting perspective. Thanks


New member
The Catholic Church, contrary to distorted histories so called has never advocated FORCING peple to convert

The Catholic rulers (kings/queens) may have insisted on those of their kingdom converting but the Church itself nevr taught they shold be forced. And if someone didn't want to convert to ctholicism, he was exiled or chose to leave, not murdered

What?! Yeah right. Ever heard of the Papal Inquisitions? Beginning in the 12th century, Pope Gregory IX ordered heretics to be captured and burned if they did not repent. He mandated they be tried before a church court. The Dominican and Franciscan Orders of monks were given this duty. The only thing they couldn't do was actually kill the convicted. They would interrogate and convict them and then turn them over the the secular power who would kill them. These spread all over Europe - it wasn't an isolated thing. And the Spanish Inquisition, which everyone attributes to Isabella and Ferdinand, was given special status by the Pope. Also, during the Reformation the Catholic Church was incredibly heavy handed towards non-Catholics. The Roman Inquisition was an updated version of the Papal Inquisitions - one victim of these, although he escaped the death sentence, was Galileo. This didn't end until 1858. The Inquisitions and their procedures were stopped by secular powers. Not religious ones.
So...I'm not sure that's exactly right.


Hall of Fame
In a country such as the United States where religious freedom is allowed, I believe it is a peaceful religion.

However, like ANY religion, when in an environment that does not condone freedom of and from religion, it is lethal.

Sort of like the Catholics and Malleus Maleficarum ...


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Well, until recent years, Jews were far better off living in Muslim lands than in Christian ones.


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Whatever the condition of the world now, history paints a different picture. Muslims have historically tolerated religious minorities such as Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians more frequently than the nations of Christian Europe did. For anyone who thinks that Christianity does not advocate war against unbelievers, look at the Northern Crusades as well as the Crusades in the Middle East. Look at the Americas, and Africa. It's just a natural conclusion to say that conquering non-believers is justified, because they are unsaved and sinful. Granted, it's not an inevitable conclusion for everyone- there will always be tolerant Christians and Muslims, however, it's not an illogical conclusion altogether for either faith.


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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for April 8th, 2011 10:33 AM

toldailytopic: Is Islam a peaceful religion?

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Calling islam generally peaceful seems more and more to be just a politically correct thing for spineless liberals to say to avoid confronting muslim freaks. imho of course
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