What have you heard? :noid:I hope only if the planets aren't already inhabited.
6. Have kmo enrolled immediately in moon program. lain:
Number five is classified.
What have you heard? :noid:I hope only if the planets aren't already inhabited.
The TheologyOnline.com TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 14th, 2012 09:47 AM
toldailytopic: If you could be elected President what four things would top your agenda?
3. The ancient practices of Jedi to be taught at schools
1) impeach congress for treason against the United States of America and the Constitution.
This includes all current and former members of congress, since there isn't a statute of limitations on treason.
What have you heard? :noid:
6. Have kmo enrolled immediately in moon program. lain:
Number five is classified.
The constitution was set up so the House would be elected through popular elections and represent the will of the people, while the Senate would be appointed by the States and represent the States.By the way, I hear a lot of the word "Congress", apparently people are not realizing that there are TWO pieces of that. The House has been doing it's job (for the most part). But it is Harry Rieds SENATE that has been killing off any chances of any righteousness getting even on the table.
The TheologyOnline.com TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 14th, 2012 09:47 AM
toldailytopic: If you could be elected President what four things would top your agenda?
The constitution was set up so the House would be elected through popular elections and represent the will of the people, while the Senate would be appointed by the States and represent the States.
What seems to be forgotten is that each member of the House and Senate are to be Legislators, which are people that WRITE and pass laws. Congress has gotten very good at passing laws, but have no part in writing the overwhelming majority of the laws that pass. That duty of Congress has been granted as a gift to the lawyers of the corporations that pay for the congressmen's election campaigns.
1. Provide more help to the poor from the government,including poor pregnant women, which would automatically decrease the number of abortions greatly (so much for those of you here who think I want to encourage abortion ).
Because welfare and the billions and billions that social services have spent have done such a fine job. You are slowly replacing Red77 as the biggest retard on the site.
What? I am not in the running?