toldailytopic: If you could be elected President what four things would top your agen


New member
1) impeach congress for treason against the United States of America and the Constitution.
This includes all current and former members of congress, since there isn't a statute of limitations on treason.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 14th, 2012 09:47 AM

toldailytopic: If you could be elected President what four things would top your agenda?

Well, let's see.

How about outlawing right-wing Christians?

Just kidding.....

No, first of all, end all subsidies to the oil companies, and instead subsidize clean green energy. Set tough standards for pollution including CO2, so that car companies and energy companies would need to convert soon.

Second, repeal Reaganomics and austerity. Spend money on more infrastructure projects and teachers, etc. Return taxes to the Clinton levels, plus additional taxes on the wealthy.

End all current wars and make sure we do not enter another war unless we or our close allies are directly attacked. Lower defense spending at least by half.

Continue health care reform until we have single payer like Canada's or Europe's systems.

I guess that's four for a good start. I didn't even get to fair trade and fair wages, or limit the influence of money in politics and elections.


New member
I would require that all transactions be carried out through subdermal implants, in the forehead or the hand. The former would be an awkward choice when you scan your purchases, but those are your choices. I don't make the rules (other than that one).

This Charming Manc

Well-known member

1. I would let Vegas cowboy keep his guns, but take all the ammo of him and everyone else.
2. I'd give Nick M more socialised medicine that he could ever take.
3. I'd improve the state education system and make TSF learn something.
4. Id make a by law enforcing people to alter Chrys posts when its funny.

oh yeah id have to fake a birth certificate as well.


New member
1) impeach congress for treason against the United States of America and the Constitution.
This includes all current and former members of congress, since there isn't a statute of limitations on treason.

You know...Treason is the one word I can't believe I have not heard anywhere near enough. And "on charges of" is a statement I can't even fathom why we have not seen take place either. Everything the Bible said about good being called bad and bad being called good has happened. And is getting way worse than I ever imagined when I was young. This isn't the Country I was proud of. And when one of our boys or girls in the Military stands up (finally), they get booted out for doing the very thing WE hire them to do, defend us, AND THE CONSTITUTION "from ALL enemies, foreign, AND DOMESTIC". And brothers and sisters...there are a LOT of domestic enemies in our "midst". It's like our government has turned into an evil click which no longer stands for the people, but against the people, AND against their beliefs, and the Constitution WE AGREED UPON, backed by the Founders who compiled it from all the lessons they learned FROM THE BIBLE. THAT is why Moses is on the Supreme Court building, IN THE MIDDLE. And why what Moses is holding, IS WRITTEN IN HEBREW! Aaaaaah, but lessons are to be learned, and they are all in front of us now. Throw out His Laws...and you get thrown out. Before the Messiah return, the Spirit of Elijah has come, TO RESTORE ALL THINGS.

May Yahuweh's Will BE DONE! "Here on Earth, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!"
Awmane (properly spelled for pronunciation)

But oh yes friend, accountability is here, the chaff is being set apart from the wheat, and oh yes, the Wheat will bear it's fruits! Praise be to Yah for Yahu'Shua the Messiah, The King of Kings is coming to rule!

By the way, I hear a lot of the word "Congress", apparently people are not realizing that there are TWO pieces of that. The House has been doing it's job (for the most part). But it is Harry Rieds SENATE that has been killing off any chances of any righteousness getting even on the table. So many Bills have been blown off that could have had us in a better finacial and social position, but it is all due to the abominable and their puppetmaster the DEVIL that righteousness has not prevailed...AND...It is all OUR faults for allowing tolerance OF the abominable and thinking that Yahuweh would not turn His face away from us accepting, that which HE said is PUTRED to HIM. Look up "abominable" and see what we have done. Yahuweh said in Scripture that if we do not rid ourselves of these things, in the lands wherein He gives to us, not only will they "become pricks in your sides, but what I thought to do to them, I WILL DO TO YOU ALSO!"


Not under the Law of Yahuweh?
Oh how I beg to differ! We are sure under the curses. And if that don't say nothing to y'all. Well, then it will have to get worse, until you all do.

Someone asked something about does God want to create children with birth defects? No...that is all our is part of "the diseases of the Gentiles...AND THE ONES TO COME." But like He said in Jeremiah 6...Oh well, I ain't going to say that for the hundredth time, read it yourselves, and weep. If you don't weep, your "hearts have grown cold." All who break Yahuweh's Law are responsible for all the conditions in this world. And for Abba Yah having to shake not only the Earth this time, but also the Heavens. Apparently we didn't get it the first time.
Stand up for Our Father who is in Heaven!
Or sit down and keep drinking the poisons.


New member
By the way, I hear a lot of the word "Congress", apparently people are not realizing that there are TWO pieces of that. The House has been doing it's job (for the most part). But it is Harry Rieds SENATE that has been killing off any chances of any righteousness getting even on the table.
The constitution was set up so the House would be elected through popular elections and represent the will of the people, while the Senate would be appointed by the States and represent the States.

What seems to be forgotten is that each member of the House and Senate are to be Legislators, which are people that WRITE and pass laws. Congress has gotten very good at passing laws, but have no part in writing the overwhelming majority of the laws that pass. That duty of Congress has been granted as a gift to the lawyers of the corporations that pay for the congressmen's election campaigns.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
1. Abolish the legislature
2. Enforce God's laws which give people liberty by punishing the wicked
3. Regulate the courts to do what is just, punish them accordingly if they do wrong
4. Replace Stripes caning with flogging.

The Horn

1. Provide more help to the poor from the government,including poor pregnant women, which would automatically decrease the number of abortions greatly (so much for those of you here who think I want to encourage abortion ).

2. Improve our education system by building more state-of-the art
public schools with up-to-date equipment and rneovat existing ones, attract more high-quality people to public teaching by increasing teacher pay .
Make much more financial available to those who want to go to college, graduate school , or medical or law school . Greatly increase government support for the arts oin order to among other things, prevent symphony orchestras and opera companies from going under, because the arts help the economy and business to flourish .

3. Abolish the death penalty, period . Find alternate means of punishement for non-violent offenders and reserve the prisons for dangerous violent ones , thus greatly decreasing the prison population . Reduce penalties for possessing and using drugs

4. Keep the government out the our bedrooms , preserve the rights and equality of all Americans regardless of gender or sexual orinetation.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 14th, 2012 09:47 AM

toldailytopic: If you could be elected President what four things would top your agenda?

Most pressing issues that need fixing first--there are other things on my list but these need to be fixed first.

1. Repeal the 16th and 17th amendments. The federal income tax is destructive to the US ecomomy. It invades privacy and squashes the creation of jobs. The seventeenth amendment reduced the power of state legislatures and gave national government too much power.

2. Restore limited Government. The government is supposed to be of the people by the people and for the people. A government that does not listen to its voting public is a dictatorship.

3. Protection of life and liberty from conception to natural death. Part of this plan would be to make abortion and euthanasia illegal.

4. Restore the strength, morale and efficiency of the US military. Restore its supply line and toss out the perverts. The Military is a fighting machine, not a lab for social engineering!


New member
The constitution was set up so the House would be elected through popular elections and represent the will of the people, while the Senate would be appointed by the States and represent the States.

What seems to be forgotten is that each member of the House and Senate are to be Legislators, which are people that WRITE and pass laws. Congress has gotten very good at passing laws, but have no part in writing the overwhelming majority of the laws that pass. That duty of Congress has been granted as a gift to the lawyers of the corporations that pay for the congressmen's election campaigns.

Ya...that too! That's where for the most part comes in. At least we don't hear "we'll have to pass it to see what's in it" out of the House (yet). Yep, the Senate is the part that get's it passed...but we can't even get them to read the Bills, let alone pass them. And the Ryan plan that went up to the Senate first, was a good plan. Now, if we can't get the Senate to read the Bills, how would you suppose we get the House to write them? One things for sure, if it was mandatory that the House writes, and the Senate reads...the Bills would be much shorter and easier for average Joe to understand. I don't think the lawyers that put them together even understand what they are doing, other than supplanting this land with the liberal garbage they learned in school that is intended by the Devil to bring us down. Professors seem to be listed under the Puppet master. Puppets who train puppets, like Pinochio's with their own little puppets they can forge after themselves. Not teaching truth, but teaching what is on their own agenda's. Like the goons that think this Country wasn't Founded to be within the guidelines of The God of the Bible.


New member
Hall of Fame
1. Take a step toward fixing the economy by getting rid of the trade deficit, fining companies who do business overseas and ship their products back in here while greatly lowering the taxes on the companies that create them here instead and also fixing out of control regulations that make it more beneficial for them to do business right here.

2. Create legislation that protects the unborn.

3. Get rid of waste by combining and cleaning out many overbloated agencies and redundancies within the government and by ending lobbying.

4. Create legislation that allows for the recall of government agents that do not do the will of the people according to the constitution of the US.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
1. Provide more help to the poor from the government,including poor pregnant women, which would automatically decrease the number of abortions greatly (so much for those of you here who think I want to encourage abortion ).

Because welfare and the billions and billions that social services have spent have done such a fine job. You are slowly replacing Red77 as the biggest retard on the site.


New member
Hall of Fame
Start hitting some of those nuke buttons.
