That explains why the Bahamas is a cesspool and the Philipines is a bastion of freedom.
Its because their guns and bullets are not big enough. I agree with you that taking up arms is pointless if you dont have the nessicary arms to truly lay down the smack. The way you bring the USA to its knees militarily is to develop an effective anti air craft beam weapon that can knock down an F-22 form 20 miles away with pattern recogntion software so your not painting yourself with radar and it would have to be light truck mounted. Small mech suits would be effective against swat teams and a few tactical nukes to send a message you would only need 50 or so people to make a difference, its all about the technology.
Weapons are effective means as long as you can come in chronicles of ridic style and just stomp your enemys into the dirt in time to be home for dinner.